Tuesday, June 17, 2014

3 more days of school


Stupid alarm.

I was so dang comfy! That super hard sleep where you feel like you are part of the mattress and not just on top of it. The Zen like state where it is actually hard to move because you are so at peace with the whole room. Yeah. The damn alarm broke that spell.

Oh well. At least I am not exhausted or anything this morning. It would be worse if I had not slept all night or something like that.

Yesterday allowed for quite a bit of housework. The laundry was even completed! My kitchen was clean at some point and now sits in slight disarray due to the lack of cleanup after my pancakes mess, but that should be remedied today. I made the boys go swimming before dinner since everyone knows that pancakes are best after a dip in the pool.

Bobby had light homework. I was annoyed at Mr. Chin for it since it was homework we didn’t finish last week. I had Bobby use one of his homework passes and apparently that didn’t cover a whole night of homework. Yeah. I was not happy, but I don’t think Bobby is failing and a little homework didn’t hurt him yesterday. I figure we don’t have anything else for the week. Well, that’s probably not true. This is the man who assigned homework the same night they had a play.

Bobby’s class picnic is today. I don’t think Ken is going, but really, it is amazing how much help they have in the class. He seems to be a part of a group where the parents are super active. It is nice! And they don’t just stand around. These are hard working parents. I am sure Bobby will have a blast today.

I think I am going to call out sick next Tuesday. Ken and I have plans for a movie premier which will run late. Then I think that Tuesday we can go to maybe the aquarium or even just Mulligans. I have passes to both places. We could just do a family day, which sounds like a wonderful outing.

My patience for idiots at work seems to be waning. I truly can barely handle their lack of thinking or even acknowledgment when something is proven to be a bad idea. I don’t even have the desire to get things fixed or changed. I find myself simply staying out of things and doing things my own way just to keep under the radar. I don’t care if I get ahead, I don’t care about helping to shape the place. It’s their loss because truly I could make something great here.

I really miss Trixie.

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