Monday, June 23, 2014

kids in the sand


Our household population isn’t stable.

Ittles and One10 are both ailing and truly I wonder if we won’t be down two more critters this year. Ittles has had epic dripping issues and her back legs seem weak. She is currently in the cage because she seems too weak to use the hutch, which is super sad. One10 also seems to have a leaky behind and her breath smells horrid. I am guessing my little old ladies may not be around for too much longer.

Saturday was certainly an active day. Registration took up most of it. My folks hung out with the boys at Steve, which allowed them to swim all day. It was a perfect day for it, really. It was a shame I was inside all day. LOL! That being said, registration flew by. There were not gobs of people, but steady enough that we had quite a few sign ups, which is great! Nicole and Jerry came to help, which meant Nicole and I gabbed all day long. I actually felt a little bad since I think I inadvertently ignored the rest of my soccer family!

We got home with plenty of time to recover before people came over for games night. Aaron, Jenn, Chris, Kathy, Jerry and Nicole all came. I made spaghetti and after dinner we played this game that was a combo of Pictionary and Cards Against Humanity. It was hysterical. I did realize just how bad at drawing I am, but that is ok. We all drank and laughed and had a really fun night.

One of the perks of having people come over to Steve to socialize is that I am more inclined to keep my house nice at all times.

Thankfully we were able to sleep in on Sunday. Not only was I recovering from the day, but my cramps decided to kick in full time. It was awful.

Dax had a party he was invited to. It turned out to be at some private beach near Portuguese Bend. Fancy! We couldn’t even drive down. They had to come up to the entrance to pick us up. We went down to the beach to make sure he was ok and then Ken, Bobby and I went to lunch.

We went to El Indio since my beloved childhood Mexican joint is for sale. It is no Don Jose’s, but it is my childhood so I wanted to be able to go and enjoy. It was fun being able to chit chat with the one kid instead of both. I felt like I could really allow Bobby some of his own time.

We didn’t head back to get Dax until close to 5. He spent a while in the ocean and played with his classmates. He seemed to have a blast. We had been invited to stay, but to be perfectly honest, I didn’t warm up to this crowd as quickly as I have with some of the other parents I have met. I had shut down quite a bit, feeling off and not particularly social. I used my crutches and spent time burying the boys so I wouldn’t have to make small talk.

I had a mini discussion with Bobby about feeling shy there and he didn’t believe me. He said I was much too friendly and nice to everyone to be shy or uncomfortable. I guess it’s a good thing that I can fool the kid. Perhaps I also fooled the grownups.

We are supposed to go to this movie premier tonight. I don’t know any details, so I don’t know if Ken got an email about it or anything. I of course forgot to make arrangements with my mom. I am hoping they can stay overnight. I was planning on calling out sick tomorrow and then take the boys to Mulligans for the day. We shall see. If my mom can’t watch them, maybe Katie can.

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