Thursday, June 12, 2014



Bobby is the best cheese ever!

He did so amazing in the play last night. He did his lines with another kid who was also playing Swiss Cheese, but I am telling you, that girl had nothing on my boy! You couldn’t even hear her. He was confident and he projected and got all his lines perfect. I was so very proud! It was fantastic!

We got there early, which worked out perfect since we were able to help set up chairs and I got a front row seat. I filmed the performance, which is good since Ken didn’t make it. Although in an interesting set of texts he kept sending me, it was realized he didn’t remember that the play was yesterday.

I am sad to say the Kings did not win the cup on my birthday again, but that’s ok. It just means we have a game on Friday night which will be fun to watch. The only real bummer is that I had wanted to go see Toothless tomorrow night. Then again, that was an impractical idea what with me needing to keep an eye on two critters who will be having surgery tomorrow. Perhaps we can go see a matinee on Saturday or maybe an afternoon showing on Sunday.

I remember when Matt showed me the newspaper 20 years ago. He was all in shock that OJ Simpson’s wife was killed. I remember saying that this wasn’t news nor would anyone care. Clearly Matt knew this was a big deal. He just didn’t know how big a deal it ended up being. I would be one of the people watching the car chase. I was with Jenni and we were baby sitting I think somewhere in the valley. I remember driving around in Brentwood a couple nights after the chase and actually being in front of the yellow taped crime scene with Alyssa and then driving down the road to see where Simpson lived. We were pulled over before driving up his street being scolded by police saying we were bother people. Sure, we can hang out by the blood soaked walk, but don’t go to the house where the murderer lives.

I finished the book Spectacular Now. I liked it, but the ending seemed rushed. I am really proud of myself in terms of how much I read. I also like the idea that my kids know how much I read. I hope that it rubs off on them.

Tonight I really will have my hair blonded. I meant to do it Wednesday, but I got too involved with OITNB.
I need to put Sissy in the kitty condo tonight. We got a cute hutch that Ittles stays in a lot of the time due to her allergies. She comes out, too, but we have to make sure no kibble for the dogs or the other cats is around since even the smallest bit messes with her digestive tract. That being said, Sissy Boo needs to have no food after 11. I figure that will be a good spot for her, especially since it will allow me to get her quickly in the morning when I take them. Plus, she can recover in there when we get them home. I am not sure where Lily will be able to rest. I think she should be ok inside. Luna won’t mess with her, so she will hopefully be able to just chill on the dog bed.

I hate allergies. I don’t think I have ever had them this bad. I have even wondered if it is a cold. That being said, I am pretty positive that my congestion is just the result of shit in the air. My throat does still hurt from time to time, but it isn’t horrible enough to go to the doc.

Honestly, I am quite tempted to leave here early today. If I get out before the boss comes in, I could then go home, clean house, do some soccer paperwork and that way tomorrow I will have a clean home when I head out to the school all day. I know I won’t actually leave, but I can dream, right? Plus, I have plenty of time to do the cleanup I want to do in the time between getting home and going to get the boys so really, I would not be gaining anything out of this.

Ken made me two skirts. We picked up fabric for 5. They had these cute fabrics with elastic already on them in the clearance aisle at JoAnn’s. There were a ton that were super awesome, so Ken told me to pick up the ones I liked and he said it was a simple surge stich and boom, I have new clothing! YAY! I wore one of the skirts yesterday. It is a soft purple leopard print skirt that I love. Today I have on spangles. Hee hee!

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