Thursday, October 2, 2014

the busy thursday


I don’t know how, but somehow the foul and mysterious odor is back in my car.

I am supposed to be putting together a financial report for tonight’s meeting. Of course, the online system isn’t working. Sigh. Luckily I have time, but it annoys me when I need to use something and it doesn’t work. It seems to be the story of this week. The idea of calling out and going to the school tomorrow to help out is sounding more and more appealing.

The boys finished homework in a reasonable amount of time yesterday so I sent them out to go in the pool since we are taking it down this weekend. You would have thought they had to hike 1000 miles to get to the pool and that it contained a radioactive sludge and was filled with man eating monsters. Dax was excited, but the whole process turned them into sniveling little whiny butts. The pool was too dirty, the dogs were too dirty, my goodness their reaction to dirt was nuts. It was especially odd when I had literally just had a conversation with them about how I was glad they were not little girls since it meant I didn’t have to deal with some of the prissy that comes with little girls. Turns out, dirt all of the sudden offends my boys. Sigh.

It was entertaining later when they started asking me how long I had known Ken and were in awe of the amount of time.  They also were impressed with how long I have been living with him. They are easily impressed.

I took time yesterday to watch Parenthood which came back for its final season. I anticipate lots of tears, so I am making sure I am properly hydrated while watching.

We also watched the Family Guy/Simpsons crossover special. Holy crap, that was funny. We also watched the first episode of the 26th season of Simpsons. We don’t watch it regularly anymore, but clearly that is a mistake since for being on this many years, it is still fantastic.

It is the beginning of my very long and over full day. I am hopeful that I can keep up.
An amusing observation; smoking pot and then watching pharmaceutical commercials will really make said ads quite artsy.

The boys have been more and more excited about me playing Card Wars. I don’t tend to play a lot of games on the iPad, and although I do still play my dragon game, it is far more passive. Card Wars is quite entertaining, and they are getting a kick out of mom playing an actual video game that they play. It also is a nice way to pass the time when they are working on homework.

So I am thinking that I will have Ken take the boys to practice and then I will meet them up at the school. I can walk up there and then hitch a ride with them to the board meeting. I will need to pack sandwiches since I don’t know what the food at the meeting is, and I don’t want to assume there will still be food since we are showing up so late.

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