Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mortal Enemy


So I guess I am a referee now.

Yesterday I took the two training classes that certify me to be a referee in AYSO. I took the online training in the morning, which was pretty much reading a bunch of slides and learning the rules. The class was last night and thankfully taught by this one ref guy who is awesome and fun. This class was put together kind of quickly since many of the divisions, mine in particular, were scrambling for ref points in order to go on to Area Playoffs. Our team will most likely have plenty of points, what with Ken being a referee, but I wanted to just be able to help out if ever needed. One team that was there actually had I think 4 plus the coach taking the training, which was kind of cool to see them all so dedicated to allow their kids to play.

Sadly, one of them was Mega Bitch.

Yeah, this is the mom that for whatever reason I feel like I am in an epic battle with. She volunteers at the school, I volunteer at the school. I determined that she had the upper hand in the school battle so I was ok with being more of the soccer mom and not the PTA mom. Now this bitch is on my turf. I know she is only reffing because her boys play. I actually really like one of her kids. He is a total sweetheart. That being said, I just can’t stand her.

I try to be nice to her, but she scowls at me whenever I do. She is nice to me when there are others around, and I know she is “nice” to other people since I have seen her at the school. Yet for whatever reason, she hates me and in turn, I hate her. It is silly and petty, but I suppose it is kind of fun having a mortal enemy.

She just wishes she was nearly as cool as me.

I am tired this morning since I didn’t get to bed until about 10 last night. I am currently nursing a diet soda, hoping the caffeine kicks in along with it being kind of cold so I don’t get too cozy here at work. I do see a bit of work around me that needs to be done, so hopefully that will get me through the day.

The boys start their sculpting class today. They have desperately wanted to take this afterschool class since last year, but it would have been hell last year since they were on different teams which meant just about every day was a soccer practice. This year, with the class only being on Wednesdays and them having practice on Tuesday and Thursdays, it isn’t so bad. Plus, Wednesday is their early release day, so instead of them getting home early, they will simply stay at the school till normal release time and be at this class. It gives me a whole other hour each week. Yay!

The boys were invited to another birthday party this month, meaning this Saturday and the Saturday after that are party booked. I only have to stay at this week’s, but next week I make take advantage of the couple of hours and maybe I can look into doing a bit of early Christmas shopping for them. Then again, I have earmarked in some catalogs things I want to do for them and realistically I plan on looking for all of the items on Amazon.

I know I should do some housework when I get home but I am seriously considering just taking a nice nap.

When I was a kid I always thought it was odd that dry cleaning places would have a sign talking bragging about the fact that they had a plant on premises thinking that no one cared that they had some kind of fern in their shop.

It has been so nice not needing a fan at night. I have actually been cold enough in the mornings to turn on the heat in the car. Right now I am rockin a sweater. Fall has finally arrived in both temperature and scent. I walked home from the class last night and it was heavenly.

Alright, time to work.

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