Wednesday, November 19, 2014

the chaos


The sick is taking hold of our house.

Bobby has been coughing tons and even came home a little early from school. It was especially sucky because I opted to bring Dax home too due to how close to the end of the day it was. He broke down crying in the office, afraid that the reason I was picking them up early was that someone had died. Last time I picked them up early was when Trixie died, so I felt so very bad.

I had a raging headache all day that still lingers now. I am assuming the boys will go to school but Bobby’s cough has not diminished. Dax is now rather congested on top of all of this. I really would like us to be ok for the flight on Saturday.

I had Bobby not practice since I didn’t think that would help his coughing. He instead sat in front of his computer while I made dinner. Ken and Dax did practice. Ken had to run the practice because Lou’s pop was in the hospital. He is ok now, but he gave them quite the scare.

Yesterday I felt very overwhelmed with correspondence.  I felt like I had conversations with so many people, which is something I don’t always do during the day. My plate is rather full these days and I am betting that due to the sick I am a little more stressed from it all. I know that today I would like to get some cleanup on the house done and I would like to finish the laundry, but in so many ways I would just like to take a nap.

Luckily it is a non crazy day. The boss is out (although he is visiting my customer which may mean I will still have to deal with him) and it is a short day for school. Homework should be completed quickly. We also have a fundraiser night, but it is not dinner, just ice cream so it makes for a less complicated schedule all around.

I know that Friday will be a little more chaotic than I like it. Checks will be signed that day and keys will be distributed. Plus, I want to have my hair done. All of this on top of making sure I am packed. Of course, I am pretty much already packed. I put all of the boys’ clothing into the bag already and I have packed my belongings. I even have clothes set out for Saturday. I just need to prep the boys’ backpacks.

I really wish I could win the lottery. I then could quit my job and go help out at the school. I think I would be a good stay at home mom.

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