Monday, November 17, 2014

Soccer star


Countdown to travel!

The Hoedown on Friday was fun. I was pleased that the boys didn’t spend the entire night stuck to my side. I watched them play tag and run around with a group of kids, mostly made up of soccer teams they have been on, which was really cool to see. I hope these kids all stay friends and that they make up the group of people the boys spend much of their time with. It is a rare treat to watch them all together.

Our game was brutal. I think the final score was 5 to 2. They played hard, but were just outplayed. Even the coach, Dan, from the other side told me it was really a huge victory for his team since it was one of the first that they happened to click so well together. He felt bad we had to feel the wrath of it. I didn’t mind too much, although I was a little concerned about Dax.

That kid gets so involved in the game that his emotions not only come out, they explode out. Plus, he is constantly on the move, being tapped for most free kicks and special plays and more than once in a game he is expected to run down the fastest of players, which he does, but it is exhausting for him.
On the plus side, the AR on our side at the game is one of the Extra coaches. He knows talent when he sees it and made a point to mention to me that number 11 was really good. I proudly declared him mine and he proceeded to tell me that Dax had no business on this field. He said he was way too good for everyone! Look, I know my kid is good, but this really makes a mama bear stand up tall and proud. He pointed out all the things Dax does that other players don’t and insisted that Dax try out for Extra next year. If Bobby isn’t going to play after this year, it may be the perfect time. Then again, we are considering having him one more year in core if just for emotional development.

I got the boys over to their birthday party. I was late, but the boys were still the first ones. I was happy that when Ken and I came back, there were plenty of other kids, and they were kids from their team, which was great. We ended up hanging out at the self-designated Firefoxes table. It was really fun! Lou clearly adores the shit out of the boys. And man, he wants Dax to play the whole game because he has that much faith in him. I was also pleased when he told us that he wants Bobby in the whole game, too! He said Bobby is solid in defense and really knows his position, which I thought was fantastic improvement!

I slept on my neck wrong and am in gobs of pain this morning. I am unhappy about this. I keep trying to stretch it out but I may need to break down and take some Tylenol.

This week looks to be a little chaotic. I have a class tomorrow night and I need to pack for Saturday. I should get some keys to Stephanie, too. I would like to also make the house cleaner than normal so that when we get home on Sunday night I don’t have to worry about it. I am glad I still have Monday off since I am planning on recovering from the whirlwind weekend. The boys are stuck going to school, but I have less sympathy for them since they get Wednesday off, and let’s face it, they’re kids! They can handle it.

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