Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Babe!


Happy anniversary, Ken! Holy crap, it’s been 9 years?!?!?

I was beyond swamped yesterday with reports, and I was a little bummed I was unable to write anything. Not that I had anything to say. I just needed a break about 50 times!

Last night we went to dinner with Papa Brenan. He took us out to Benihana’s, which is always nice. The boys enjoyed the show the cook did. I was impressed with him since he seemed a little more kid friendly than most do. Either that or the times in the past I didn’t go with kids and they didn’t need to be kid friendly.

I was pleased with both Bobby and Dax actually tried and enjoyed some of the chicken. They didn’t want to touch much else, and we had planned ahead and brought the PB&H backup. Both were super wired, which seems to be the norm lately. This was even after running at my folks for an hour and change, and the 15 minutes they ran around in front of the restaurant while we waited for Ken and Papa Brenan to arrive. We only had one minor fussy butt moment when Dax was annoyed that there was no milk, only lemonade. Plus, the lemonade had ice, so he was quite distraught. When I removed the ice, it was all good.

Unfortunately, their energy levels were a little exhausting for me. Plus, it did result in a full glass of lemonade all over my left side, and sherbet and peanut butter on my right side. I was very sticky when I left. All in all, it was a good night, even with the mess factor.

Lucky for me, Dax fell asleep with no incidents so when Ken and Bobby returned from dropping Papa Brenan off it was pretty smooth sailing. Still, I got to bed way later than I should of. I am a zombie again this morning.

I have promised to take the boys to MacDonalds this weekend. I wonder if they will mind if we go to the BK playground instead. Much better food.

A couple of news stories irking me this morning. Let’s get the obvious one out of the way. The crazy ass brother who decapitated his 5 year old sister in front of the cop. Wow, just no freaking words. I found out this morning that they buried the sister with the brother! Look, I understand that they may not have the money, but I would think the public would be more than happy to help them bury their 5 year old in her own coffin so she wouldn’t have to share space with the monster that put her there. This whole story had me wigged out. This poor little girl, hearing her sister being stabbed, getting killed on her birthday. The girl who survived having to sit by her dead sister while her little sister was in the arms of her brother, being brutally attacked. The officers arriving on scene to not only discover the gruesome scene, but the poor officer that had to witness the act of a man decapitating a 5 year old. This is truly the stuff of nightmares. There isn’t much for me to say, but it is something that messes with my head a bit.

Tammy told me this morning about the NFL player that had been stopped for running a red light on his way to his mother in law’s death bed. I was appalled at this entire thing. Look, I understand the officer had every right to issue a ticket, but dude, unless you were arresting the guy, don’t you think you could issue a citation AFTER he says goodbye to his MIL? I am glad the wife (who’s mother was dying) made it to her mother’s side before she passed. And I have to say, I am impressed that the two of them accepted the apology of the cop. But that cop should not be a cop. The whole point of a police officer is to protect and to serve. This officer’s actions did neither. When the player ran the light, his hazards were on, and he was even waved through by traffic. He never pulled the “don’t you know who I am” card, and explained that he was more than willing to accept the ticket. Yet this officer seemed to take great pleasure in keeping him from a loved one dying. I could never be a cop. It is dangerous. They deal with crazy people a lot. I would imagine they are more cautious than the average person. And in many cases, they are desensitized to a lot of the awful they deal with. But maybe they need some of that sensitivity back. You are a cop to help people. Wouldn’t this be a perfect example of how a police officer could have helped this family? Sure, give them a ticket, but can you wait 10 minutes? Did they really look like they were trouble? Crying folks, running into a hospital, even after a nurse came out to explain the situation? We let people go for far worse offenses. Don’t even get me started on how many murder suspects were let go only to kill again. Hell, the brother who decapitated that 5 year old was already an ex-con and had numerous domestic violence charges. But this man, as far as I can tell a decent citizen, was being detained? I would like to hope it wasn’t racially motivated. But it seems to me, that if you are going to profile based on appearance, do you think a family in an Escalade is trouble??? I know we make mistakes. I don’t want to say this guy should lose everything. I am saying that he needs to think long and hard as to why he is a cop. He needs to know why he chose this profession and if it is just to give people crap, he chose the wrong job. If it truly was to help his community and keep people safe, then he should get some more training to make sure he is able to do this. He may have had a bad day. Hell, Christian Bale went off for 7 minutes or so on a guy on the set of Terminator and it was recorded so the whole world has heard his rant. Cops are on tape every minute they are on duty. With dash cams and other recording devices everywhere (I am sure Rodney King is happy about this), you have assume if you are an asshole, someone else will see it. So perhaps you should be a little more careful on what you do in public. Yes, a great deal of the people you will encounter are bad guys. But our system is innocent until proven guilty. Don’t assume the whole world is out to kill. Sometimes people make mistakes. Yes, they should pay for them, but sometimes we can delay it a bit.

I have a report to do this morning which will probably drive me a smidge crazy. I also have a meeting this afternoon that will annoy me. On top of that, it is my boss’s birthday, so lord knows the suck ups will be in full force. Don’t get me wrong, I will do my fair share. My intentions of wishing him a happy birthday when he comes in will take place. The cake and other stuff will be done by people with significantly browner noses.

Sigh. I finished the evil report. I even had to redo parts. But it is done, and it matches. YAY!


Brandy said...

The cop quit his job, I read today....

Brandy said...

Happy Anniversary!