Monday, June 28, 2010

Haircuts and Movies-the real deal!


It was an eventful weekend. I am wiped out.

Friday evening after going to my folks’ house, we went over to Fantastic Sam’s where I chopped off my hair. Ok, I didn’t but they did. LOL! The boys were amused with me getting my hair washed, and they enjoyed some of the cutting process, but what they really enjoyed was the fact that I put their clone costumes on their tiger and monkey, and then they found a little friend there and they all played Star Wars. Oh well, right? Whatever keeps them happy.

My hair is short. It is shorter than I think I planned, but I am glad that when she suggested a length when pointing to my shoulder that I indicated that was too short, since it would have been even shorter. This is not to say it doesn’t look good. I am pleased with this cut, this being the first time having it this length while in layers. It isn’t my normal undercut bob. It is more flippy and full. Plus, even when it is messy, it seems to work. I am able to pull it back in a pony tail, and headbands will probably be my best friend when I am doing things like cleaning. I went in the pool on Sunday, and wow, so much nicer for that. It will be a good summer cut and I am pleased.

We went to the mall after the hair cut and we had some dinner. I had hoped that Hot Topic would have some clearance shorts for Ken since I had a coupon for an additional 50% off clearance, and $20 in mall cards. We were out of luck. It was all for the best since both boys were kind of whiny.

Ken and I watched “This Is It” that night. It was the 1 year anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death, and we had wanted to see it anyway, so it seemed appropriate. Wow. Just wow! I am a casual fan of his work, and enjoy a handful of his songs. I knew he could dance and I knew he was a dedicated performer, but to see this, you gain new found respect for how much all of it meant to him. Here he was, only a couple months (and sometimes only a matter of days and weeks) before his untimely death at 50, and I was shocked and impressed with how great he was. His dancing was amazing. His voice sounded quite good. The whole show looked like it would have been incredible. Of course, you could say that someone else came up with the show ideas, but when you watch this footage, you see that Michael was very hands on, and if anything, he was the one behind everything.

The most interesting thing I noted was how he worked with music. He would be talking with the musicians and be trying to explain how a certain song should go. He didn’t have sheet music in front of him. He didn’t have a recording to refer to. He has his body. If anyone has ever seen Happy Feet, Mumble, the main penguin couldn’t sing a heart song. He could only dance a heart song. It was as though the only way he could explain that a song was correct was when his soul would make his feet go. Michael seemed very similar. When he would listen to a song, he couldn’t help but dance. It was the blood flowing though his body that would compel him to be the music. I had new found appreciation for how much he was in tune with every note, every beat, every tone that would come out of his musicians. As cliché as it sounds, he really was one with his music.

Saturday was productive. Stephanie had to cancel her visit, which was for the best only because I would have hated her to come into a recently sick house when I wasn’t sure if the germs had dissipated yet. I did feel bad when I told Dax the night before. He told me he was excited Sabrina was coming over. I broke the news to him that she wouldn’t make it and he was so upset. He was sobbing, so I ended up telling him maybe she would after all, and this was the only thing that cheered him.

Ken went to see a movie with Aaron, which gave me time to clean house. I redid the kitchen since our toaster on the circuit it was on kept blowing the fuse. This movement inspired a full scrub down. Then, Ken took down this board that resided above our sink that covered up about a third of our window there. We had mentioned taking it down before, but just never had. The previous owners sure did do some stupid ass shit in our house. Once that was gone, holy crap, the kitchen glowed. It was awesome. So much more light was able to shine in and it looked so open. Love it!

So of course now that my kitchen was happy making, I needed a house to match. I went to work, cleaning up and doing some laundry in the process. I scrubbed, I swept, I organized. I made the place happy for me. The boys played and frolicked as I worked on all of this. They did go in the pool while I worked on laundry. Dax never went in, but my little fish, Bobby, was in his element. I finally took a break and sat down by the pool with a magazine, armed with my camera and a soda, and hung out with the kids as they played. Ken got home not long after this and we hung out.

The day, even though it was hot, it wasn’t quite hot enough for swimming. The wind was cold, and the pool was a chilly 70 degrees. So when Bobby had a time out, the punishment of sitting on the deck for 2 minutes was torture. When he got back in, he continued to whine, saying it was cold now and it was our fault. So we told him to get out of the pool and go sit in the sunshine. He refused, and just continued his pouting. We told him if he continued this, that we would remove him from the pool ourselves and then he wouldn’t be allowed back in for the day. He tested this threat by continuing the complaining and bitching. I got up, and stayed pretty calm through this next 30 minutes. I told him to get out. He freaked and refused. I told him that he was only making it worse. He screamed more. I was seconds away from jumping in the pool with my clothes on just to remove him, when I noticed he had moved close enough to the side of the pool that I snagged him. He kicked, he screamed, and he clearly was challenging Dax’s record for worst tantrum ever. I stripped him down outside, dodging flailing legs and arms. He wouldn’t stand up, nor would he calm down, so I ended up carrying him in the house by his legs. Yes, he was upside down, but he didn’t scream less.

I tossed him in the tub where I hosed him down. He freaked more, and in the process, managed to flop down in the tub where I continued to hose him off. I soaped him, and since he wouldn’t sit still, I squirted him down without really worrying if it hit him in the face at times. I was creepy calm in the whole thing, which probably is what ended up spooking the shit out of Dax. Ken actually tagged in after I had finished hosing him down, telling me that I should spend some nice time with Dax since Bobby’s screams and me being the cause of them, made Dax assume I was hurting his brother.

Dax was fine once I went into the room with him. He was happy and all smiles. I let him take a nice bath, which made him happy, all the while Bobby was in his room.

Bobby lost all his tigers. He lost his radio. He lost all friends from his bed. He even lost his blanket. It also was only 3 o’clock and he was told he had to stay in his room the rest of the day because of this tantrum. He ate dinner in the kitchen so as to not allow him any fun things like Dax or tv. Once Bobby calms down, he is surprisingly rational and insightful. It is when he loses control that it becomes an issue. I recognize he is 5, and there have been a lot of changes in his life lately what with no daycare, a new schedule with Daddy and all the other things that go along with becoming a kindergarten aged kid. He is going to have these episodes, so we just have to know this.

Luckily, I think his tantrum tired him out since both boys crashed pretty hard. Ken and I were able to watch some House and get to bed at a reasonable time. Always a good thing.

Sunday morning was our big treat for the kids. Ok, it was a treat for us, too. I am thinking I was more excited about the new Toy Story than they were. Ken had picked up tickets for the 8:30 am showing the day before, so we were set. They knew we were not going to bowling, but they didn’t know where we were going. The day before, I had planted Woody and Buzz in their beds so that they both felt compelled to bring them along. I even had Bobby wear his Buzz hat. We headed over to the mall and both of them seemed hesitant about the adventure. I was surprised, but I suppose they were hoping for a different surprise.

We were the first ones there, so we got awesome seats. We sat in the theatre and watched as they set up the projectors. Various dots and colors were flashed on the screen so they could get it all ready. At one point, this giant white square on a black background was on the screen, flashing every 5 seconds or so. Ken makes the observation that it feels like he is watching the Matrix. Bobby counters with it feels like he is watching a square. I almost died laughing.

We packed cereal and sandwiches and I had a crying rag at the ready. Dax was frustrated with how many previews there were. Sure, they were mostly fun previews. Well, ok, except for the scary ass Smurfs Movie one. Sheesh. But, Dax really wanted Buzz.

I was most impressed with the fact that Dax wore his glasses the whole time. I was hesitant to do a 3D showing since Dax had a history of being leery of 3D, and to have to wear glasses the whole time might annoy him. Luckily, after having him wear sunglasses a lot, he understood this was important. Plus, the glasses were very comfortable.

The movie was AMAZING!!!!!! Seriously, I can’t sing its praises enough. It was funny, witty, touching, moving, tear jerking, loving, sweet, beautiful and just plain fun. I was crying from the beginning, but a lot of my tears were from laughing so hard. Pixar can do no wrong. Seriously. There are no bad Pixar films, and this one, well, it may be one of their top 5.

Dax got a little scared when there was this evil monkey with cymbals. He was pretty damn creepy. Thankfully, he was ok with everything else. He laughed a lot and seemed to really enjoy it. Plus, he looked so damn cute, sitting in his seat, rocking the 3D glasses, clutching Woody and munching on his bee cereal. I would have taken a picture, but I think I would have been yelled at.

Ken is dead inside. After the flick, he says to me, “I kept waiting for the crying part, but there was none.” Ass. I worry that his factory settings were jacked up much like Buzz’s. The only difference is Buzz had more emotion when he was reset. Oh, and Buzz spoke Spanish.

I would have enjoyed walking the mall just to let the boys run around, but Ken seemed anxious to leave. We stopped in one store, and then headed out. We went home and the boys played out back.

Note to parents. Even though it seems cute that your kids want to play with Buzz and Woody in the sandbox, it isn’t a good plan unless you want a paralyzed Buzz.

The movie did make me have issues with throwing away toys for a while. My own crazy always did put life in inanimate objects, especially toys, so when you watch them almost get incinerated or get lost at a rest stop (a personal fear of mine since I was a kid was to lose a toy on the side of the road), or just be outgrown, it was all horrifying. The toy soldiers said that they were always the first to be thrown out. I gasped when I saw this since it is so true! I mourned the death of a few dozen I had just recently tossed unceremoniously into the giant trash bag. When I cleaned the boys’ rooms yesterday, I threw away nothing except real trash, and made sure all toys were placed in their homes which were the various toy bins.

I decided to go in the pool with the boys. It was cold, but refreshing. The only problem is that the boys want to rough house more than my body can take. They jump on me, they poke me, they want me to toss them. Ok, that last part is only Bobby, but shoot, the kid is 50 pounds. It isn’t easy to just “toss” him. By the end of a swimming session with the boys, I tend to be battered and bruised. Of course, a lot of that is my own clumsiness. I ran into the filter several times, which doesn’t feel good.

Ken even got in the pool, even though it was way colder than his body likes. It was nice to have the family all together, swimming around. The boys seemed to enjoy the attention.

The afternoon was mellow. The boys played while I continued my cleaning frenzy. I made dinner and brownies. I also busted out the old Electric Company DVD. Virsil had left this collection at our place so I have claimed it as my own. It has 4 discs of the Best Of. Bobby asked what it was so I explained to him that it was a show I used to watch as a kid that I loved. So they asked to watch it. Sure! I put in the first disc, and the boys were memorized. I loved seeing Morgan Freeman rockin a giant afro and Bill Cosby talkin 70’s style. It was awesome on so many levels. I was amused at the psychedelic parts which seemed to have been included to keep the acid dropping parents amused with their school aged children as they learned the difference between the word giggles and the word goggles.

Poor Dax was exhausted. He asked if he could be excused from the dinner table to sit on the recliner. Within a few minutes he was out. I woke him up with the bribe of brownies, but it was hard to get him up. He ate the brownie, then drifted off again. Eventually he gave up trying to stay asleep with our constant attempts to wake him, and he and Bobby went to go play.

I was concerned Dax was going to have a tough time sleeping since when he went to bed, he screamed out for me. I went in and he was clutching Buzz and Woody, looking concerned and told me he was scared. It was hard to make out what he said since he was crying and almost hysterical. He mentioned the movie and being scared. Then he said it was “just noffing”. This is never good. I explained to him that Bolt was there to keep him safe and that the movie was all pretend. That damned monkey really messed with the kid’s head. Thankfully, a glass of milk settled him and he fell asleep.

I had to watch a M*A*S*H before I could settle into sleep last night. I was a bit restless, probably stemming from all my injuries and the fact that my throat has been sore. Yes, after a flu I have to suffer from a damn cold. Sheesh, like that is fair.

I have a minor project that will earn me an extra $100 this morning, so this is a good thing. We can use the money. I am hesitant to do it today since it is month end and all, so I may do the preliminary work and email them on Wednesday so as not to piss off the poor guy who does close. But then again, if I get them done now, they may be off the close report, so we will see. The boss is out today, so my day is free and breezy. LOL!!!

I am rockin my new hair this morning, so it will be fun to see what people think. I dressed up all nice today, and I feel like a classy 50’s broad. Love it!

If I am going to get anything done today, I should get to it!

Ok, quick note-votes are in and my hair is a hit! Maryann said it was the best cut she has ever seen on me. Woo hoo!

I have done as much as I can do on my project. The system is down. Grrr. I got through about a third of it, and that only took a couple hours, so this is good. I will work on the rest as soon as it comes back up. I have some other things to keep me occupied, though.

The worst thing about today is I am in daydream mode. Specifically because of the funding that my dear friend Maryann is hinting at giving me. I don’t know the exact amount yet, but with each thought, I keep adding to my “to do list”. It is interesting calculating with no real figure. It also is getting me way to giddy with the idea of paying of some things.

Last night I was playing with the laser and Luna and having her spin in circles, all the while using the command “spin”. She was getting to the point where she was not even seeing the laser as she spun around. It was so funny. Poor dog, she does have some intelligence in that blonde head of hers, but her puppy gets the best of her. Like yesterday when she was watching a reflection on the ceiling in the living room. She was fine until she jumped up to get it, at the same time landing on Bobby. Bobby hit the floor hard. Obviously Luna didn’t mean to injure him, but she doesn’t consider that. I have watched her sit and stay for me, with very little training. She is mastering “down” and yet she still gets all goofy. I know it is pup, but I also know the other residents in the house are not as patient with her. In fact, I think only two of us are ok with it; Ittles and I. Ittles thinks Luna is awesome. She has no fear of her and often will hang out in the living room with us when she is out. They touch noses and Ittles has attempted some play. Of course, Luna is too excited, but Ittles cuts her gobs of slack. The human residents don’t know what to do with her. Ken thinks she is an idiot. The boys don’t get that puppy power means crazy. Monarch is all offended, thinking I have replaced him with a pup. Lycos is patient to a point. But over all, she gets annoyed.

Lycos is really showing her age lately. With the addition of Luna, you could see the puppy like energy return to Lycos. The problem is, her body can’t keep up with the spirit. We watched her fall off the ladder to the play house twice yesterday. She never falls. She seems even more stiff than normal. When in the house, she pretty much has the run of it, yet she prefers to just lie on the floor by the front door. Or, if we are up, she will lie by my chair or by Ken near the computer. It is kind of sad to see her so old. She is super affectionate, though, which is sweet.

My throat is killing me. I have not been coughing too much, but this morning I did. I can feel the dull pain that is getting worse by the hour. I chose to not chew gum today just to prevent it from getting worse. Luckily I made some iced tea so I know gum doesn’t go with that. LOL! I may need some hot tea tonight. That always helps. Maybe I will spoil myself and take a nice hot bath and let the steam help things out.

I wonder how much it would cost to take down the wall paper in the hallway and paint it. I want to paint it a pale yellow. I think that will lighten up the hall. Maybe I should finish the bathroom. Of course, I am actually trying to think of a project I can do myself, hence the hallway. It wouldn’t take much furniture moving, and I could do the painting myself. Then maybe we could also finish the new hall closet.

I think I should just hope to patch some things and concentrate my efforts on making the house sellable so that we can move.

I may have to stop texting. I have just shorted “fucks” to “fux”. I am 35 years old, dammit. I can’t be doing that!!!!

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