Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No more sick!


The good news is that Dax wasn’t throwing up all day. He was clearly sick, though. A fever of probably 100+ (we could only get an armpit temp since he wasn’t keen on any other kind) and poo issues. Poor kid was beat. When I got home he looked at me, all miserable and says, “Hi Mom. I am not feeling very well.” My poor darlin.

Ken and Bobby went to do the errands they couldn’t do since the car didn’t want to start. They used my car to jump it. I stayed with Dax, who just laid on the couch, looking spent. We watched movies and cartoons all day. Every 40 minutes or so was a bathroom break, and I kept him drinking Gatorade and Caprisun during the day.

I tried to nap during his zoned out periods, but every time I fell asleep, he would ask me for something. At least I did get to just zone out.

Ken and Bobby returned and Ken headed out to work on the garage. Dax finally fell asleep, so I went out to help Ken in the garage. We made tremendous progress on the first pass at it. In fact we found this one thing in there that we were not sure what it was called. I think it is referred to as a “floor”, but since I had only heard about this in stories, I always assumed it was a mythical creature.

We have a large pile of garbage now, which will be put into the cans over the next few days. We also have electronic trash which will need to be carted down to one of the disposal places. Ken is planning on working on more organization today. A lot, of course, is Lego, but he took much of that out since it will be going to Camp VIP where the Lego gets sorted down into less containers. In fact, some of today, Bobby gets to help take apart Lego. He likes this task, so this is very helpful.

He went to sleep last night ok. He did wake up around 11:30 from coughing. He seems to have a bad cough along with the fever and ick. Hopefully he is back to his normal self this morning. He never ate anything last night. I think maybe one small piece of chicken. I wasn’t forcing the issue. He will eat when he is ready.

I found out yesterday that hot dog vomit is Ken’s weakness.

I am all kinds of annoyed. I posted my parents’ bed up on Craigslist and got no bites the first round. Then I reposted it on Saturday and was all excited when I got two responses. The one guy offered to spend $50 more if I took down the ad right then. I had no problem with this only because it wasn’t like we were in a hurry to sell and I could always repost it.

After some emails back and forth, he said he would get his PA to send me a cashier’s check for the $450 and then he would have someone pick up the bed. He said he was getting it for his brother who lost everything in a fire. At first I told him to send the money to the PO box. He didn’t like this and asked for my address instead. I ended up giving him this, but was not feeling good about it anymore.

This morning, he sends me an email telling me he accidently sent $2100 because his PA wrote out a check for a bunch of furniture and sent it all to me instead of multiple checks to all the people. He then told me to just go ahead and cash it and send him the difference. Um, yeah, not in a million fucking years buddy. So I googled his name.

Turns out, this dude has done this scam before. I found someone who posted a similar exchange with this guy. I emailed him back and told him I would return the check and would only accept an exact amount. I am sure I won’t hear from him. I decided to also look up the other chick who sent me a response. The number she listed is also a scam number and several people posted about her. So much for selling the bed quickly.

I had never really looked much on Etsy before. Holy crap, there is a lot of wonderful stuff up there! I could get lost for hours!

The ants are back. They have been circling for a while. I have found them in the bathroom, the living room, and even on our bed. Yeah, that wasn’t cool to find a random trail of ants across our bedspread when there was nothing there for them. This morning they had hit the mother load in the form of the kitchen. Dishes had not been done what with Dax being sick and we had the garage stuff. They pounced on this opportunity. I tried to do some quick killing this morning, but gave up since it would take too long to make it better. I know Ken will handle it this morning, so it will be ok, but it annoys me that they are there.

I am really liking this tanned look on me. It makes my makeup look better.

I have been playing with my iGoogle and enjoying that I was able to make my own theme. I know, I am strange, but it makes me happy.

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