Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! Why do people suck??????


Something is wrong. I don’t have any black on again today. In fact, not one piece of clothing is black today. People are going to worry.

Another pretty pleasant afternoon for me. Dax and I did some laundry and cleaned up the backyard. Luna was excited that we were out there since within seconds of her being unleashed, she jumped right into the pool. Silly dog swam for a good 20 minutes before getting out for the 3 minute break. After the break, dog was back in. She was a swimming fool.

I am pretty sure Ken was up most of the night. Not only was Dax restless, but Luna felt the need to start whining around 3:15. At 4 I finally got up and let her out. She peed for like 5 minutes straight. My fault, really, since I am sure most of the water consumed was from the pool.

My shirt is a crisp white. I never wear white. Not because I don’t like the color, but because I am sure that I can’t go a day without spilling something that will stain it.

It is meeting week for me. Today at 10 I have one that I am sure will be annoying. Of course, it is always entertaining to watch people in a meeting about procedure. Even though we are the ones coming in to complain, it ends up being the other departments that clash with one another.

Crap. I am having another bout with uber sleepy. I wish I could figure out what to do. I wonder if I should get some vivrin.

Of course, the one day I wear not so comfy shoes and a white shirt is the day I may have to dig in a dumpster. The warehouse guys just came and got me because there is a kitten in there. Kitten looks about 5 months old. No way in to dumpster really, or more specifically, no way out. Ken is in route to help out.

Sure enough, my white shirt is now soiled. Not too bad, though, but it is annoying. On the plus side, Ken jumped into the dumpster and got the kitty and put him in a carrier. I actually have no idea if it is a boy or girl, so for now, it is a boy. LOL! I have him at my desk in the carrier. I have offered some food, but he seems too scared still. I didn’t want to just put him on the floor, so I have him facing me so that he gets used to me and sees I mean no harm. I will keep talking to him today and when I get home I will hopefully be able to transfer him into the giant cage so that he can stretch out and maybe have a little privacy to eat and drink some. He is clearly spooked, but I am not sure if he has aged too much to make him shelter ready yet. Ultimately he will go there, but I want to see if I can get some socializing in first.

Let me tell you, though, when you feel sleepy have someone come and tell you there is a kitten in need and it will wake you right the heck up.

I just slid the whole can in the carrier. I had just tried putting a little in there, but I wanted to push the food closer to him so that he wasn’t as nervous eating if he had to come closer to the door.

Ok, I covered up the carrier so that perhaps that will offer some calming. My one coworker is allergic and I think she is getting nervous that she is going to break out. I highly doubt it, especially since she doesn’t come to my desk and it isn’t like the cat is out and about. Hell, she comes in contact with more dander on my clothing when I am standing at her desk. She is drama, so I just let it go. It is especially amusing, though, since this is the same broad who didn’t want to take down her gobs of flowers despite the allergic reaction another coworker was having to them. Sheesh!

Poor kitty will need to hang out under my desk while I go to my meeting. He should be fine. No one comes in my area, and he has food and privacy. Plus, I will only be gone maybe 90 minutes.

Bobby had interactions with a guinea pig yesterday. Ken sends me a text asking me how I felt about them, to which I replied I was not a fan. This is when Ken had texted me back telling me Bobby had just played with one. Crud. I told him I was ok with a one for him, but I still wasn’t thrilled. I then started to worry that perhaps this text was telling me we now had a new member of the family. Thankfully, this was not the case. Plus, when I asked Bobby about it, although he said it was cool, he wasn’t jumping up and down asking for one. Phew!

Bobby is obsessed with the cats, though. He adores the shit out of Monarch and Ittles. Luckily, both of them seem to be just as smitten with him. They let him carry them all around, dragging them around like rag dolls. It is super cute to watch. I am amazed at the patience these two cats have for this kid. They both love sleeping with him. Monarch has even taken to climbing up on Bobby’s head, to which Bobby will often body slam him over, which is totally happy making for Monarch. It is cool to see Bobby turning into such an animal person.

I fucking hate people. I just got a call from facilities saying that I have to get the cat out of here. So I am going to put him out near my car in the shade with some water and take him home later. I may just leave after my meeting. My facilities guy was awesome, but he wouldn’t tell me who complained. I will find out, and I would place cash money on who I think it is. FUCK THEM. Look, the cat will be fine outside. It is in a shaded area with food and water and lots of ventilation. That is not the point. The point is that whoever complained should have had the common decency to approach me and ask me for the solution instead of complaining to facilities. I am pissed. I am so fucking pissed off right now I can hardly see straight.

Why is everyone so fucking surly today? Look, I am pissed off, but I am still chipper. People, don’t act as if you are the only one in fucking world? I was in a meeting where 2 of the people just acted as if we were out to get them. Then, they bailed on the meeting before it was done (never you mind that our meeting was scheduled weeks ago) to go to a different meeting. They should have said they couldn’t make that one! Now, I just got a note on my desk while I was gone asking me to do some procedure different. Cool, no problem, but I needed one quick clarification. I was chipper when I called, and he is all pissy pants. WHAT THE FUCK????????????? I am not out to get anyone. Don’t jump down my throat when you are having a bad day. So between a-hole chicken shit and the surly triplets, I am pretty annoyed. It is funny, though, it is making me even more chipper. I feel like singing! I am an odd bird, right?

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