Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Man, I have been busy this morning


Dax and I went in search of my knit beret at Target yesterday. I was sad to see that it was all sold out. They did still have the cheesy cowboy hats, marked down to $3 now, and I found a light blue knit beret (which Bobby pointed out looked like his blanket when he saw it) for $3 which I did get. I told Ken that I didn’t get the cowboy hat, which he ordered me to go and get today since I had been looking at it for weeks now. So Dax and I are heading to a couple of Targets today to see if perhaps they didn’t sell out of my knit beret and to get a cowboy hat. Plus, I am hopefully picking up some containers for Ken’s Lego.

Until then, I am working as normal. I earned some extra cash this morning by doing a coworker’s accounts and there is some hint that the deal in which I get some big money from my super generous coworker may happen next week. Even she isn’t counting on it since she has been told this and in turn has told me this for some time now.

There is also a company meeting today which should be interesting what with some new departments being possibly announced.

The girl that I think ratted me out about the cat yesterday has been quiet this morning, not even saying good morning to me as she normally does. I think I made it pretty clear that I was pissed at whoever felt the need to tattle on me. I mentioned it to another couple of coworkers and they were shocked that this happened. I wonder if word got back to the perpetrator.

I have been given the inside scoop. The person I think told on me did. She told her supervisor, the cranky ass dude here in my dept. Both of them can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned. Neither of them are to speak to me unless it is work related and even then, I would prefer an email. I am pissed.

Well, talk about a busy morning!

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