Friday, July 9, 2010

Its Friday


I left yesterday. I got home about 12:45, and I slept from then until about 2:30. It was awesome. I know I was beat. I didn’t even notice Monarch sleeping on my chest until I woke up.

Ken and Bobby got home from the movies around the time I picked up Dax. The rest of the afternoon was spent mostly out back. The boys played, Ken and I came up with new ways to entertain ourselves with our fetch games with the dogs. Let’s just say some of it had to do with seeing if we could make the toy into the bucket which was hanging on the playhouse.

We ate dinner out back, which is just so nice. I don’t have to worry about the boys spilling since it is in grass, which the dogs will happily take care of. We had a new meal for us. I made “pepper bellies”. I had not known this was the name of these, nor do I still understand why they are called that. It was really a spur of the moment decision. We had got some chili at Costco that was quite tasty. I was doing inventory last night to figure out what we would eat for dinner when I came across the box of chips we had. The bulk of the chips left was all Fritos. Perfect! I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. I never have been a fan of chili or Fritos, but all of this was yummy! The boys even ate a bowl’s worth. All was right with the universe.

The evening was pleasant. The boys went to bed easily. Luna continued her training of being allowed to wander the house a bit. Lycos has already figured out this is wonderful and tends to just lie down some random place, happy as can be. Luna tends to check stuff out, unless I make the slightest movement and then she is back at my side, assuming that I might leave her. Crazy pup.

We went to bed kind of early. But really, I ended up watching most of M*A*S*H and didn’t get to sleep until Ken changed viewing over to Star Trek, so it allowed me to tune out.

Today should be an awesome day. I get paid. Woo Hoo! I am not a zombie. Woo Hoo! The boss is out today. Woo Hoo! We have a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese today. WOO HOO! All around a good day I would say.

I am wearing one of my new bras today. I have never had one in which the cups are kind of padded. It is odd. I keep going to pat my boob down to verify my phone isn’t ringing and I don’t even feel my phone! It is a comfy bra so far. It also is one of those nude colored bra. I have never owned one of those. I always choose black or white or some pretty color just for the hell of it. This bra should be good for the white shirt I got this week. It is a fun time in my wardrobe.

This is an odd thing. The only things that I am wearing that are black today are my shoes and my earrings. Everything else is all colorful and cheerful. How positive of me. LOL!

I love that my bangs are shortish again.

I get to go to Target tonight!!!

I have rediscovered my Burt’s Bees “Super Shiny” Natural Lip Gloss in Zesty Red. It is a very fun color, especially coupled with my lipstick that I have had for 10 years. Yes, I have a lipstick from 10 years ago. I wish I could find another one in the same shade. Maybe I need to bring it to Target with me tonight.

It is a slow going day, despite it being a good, quiet morning. Maybe that is the problem. It is TOO quiet.

I can’t decide if I like this shirt with these jeans or not. I am afraid it all makes me look bloppy.

I like that Dax still uses the Boppy as his pillow. Although, if I ever had another kid, I might have to buy a new one, as I couldn’t bear to take it from Dax.

Poor Bobby had multiple nightmares last night. One at around 9, he yelled out a bit, but was still asleep. The other happened early this morning. Ken reports to me that he is a little cranky and tired today. Hopefully he cheers up with class and then the afternoon adventures.

I keep getting all jazzed that we are going to Lakewood tonight, thinking of all the nice restaurants we could go to for dinner. Then it hits me. We are eating pizza tonight.

I wonder how my hair would look all curly at this length.

I am a little concerned still that Luna is underweight. Ken thinks I am wrong, but she is a very trim dog. She just weighs like 50+ pounds. Lycos is more barrel shaped, and is overweight for the first time in her life. She still has not lost the pounds gained from her snacking a couple months ago. Plus, she is less active with her age. You can see that she is getting so old. My poor pup. But she is still a sweetie.

Stupid Monarch bolted outside this morning. I didn’t have time to get him, but as I drove off, I noticed him across the street. I may have to kick his ass later.

I have decided I am a nostalgia stalker.

Why doesn’t my boss’s boss come down and say good morning to me? Sometimes I feel like perhaps being all by my lonesome isn’t good for sucking up.

I feel hormonal today. Silly things are setting me off.

My headset at work is mad at me. It won’t work. I wonder what is up with that.

Seriously? People are mocking the Font Comic Sans? There is some huge hate for this font. Who has the time to hate a font? What the hell? I am a fan of Comic Sans (which of course makes me wonder, how am I a fan of a font?), but seriously, it is just a font people? The former coach of LeBron James I guess fired off an angry open letter to the former player of his team saying how he essentially doesn’t need him. The letter was in Comic Sans. There is an actual article on CNN about it. Not the letter, but the font. Are you kidding me people???? I feel the need to write everything in the font now. LOL! Nah, that just wastes too much of my energy.

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