Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Talk about a busy day!!!! I have been swamped since 7 this morning!


I am pretty sure I fell asleep in my training yesterday. I woke up when I bit my tongue since I was chewing gum at the time. Not good.

I tried to rest when I got home but I just never was able to get any kind of sleep. Instead, I hung with Dax and the dogs and watched Bolt.

When I got up to make dinner, I asked Dax if he could run get me my cat ears which were on the chair in the living room. I have taken to wearing my cat ears as a headband, which serves two purposes. One, it keeps my hair out of my face, and two, it cracks up the children.

The cat ears I had requested were fuzzy ones, and Dax promptly asked me to make them light up. He had been hoping I had put on the pair I have that light up. So I sent him for those and I put those on. I then put the fuzzy ones on Dax. We decided we were a mama cat and kitten.

I was making French toast and Dax was “helping”. He then started singing, “No Sleep Till Brooklyn”. So I went into the other room and pulled up the song on the computer. He was thrilled. We danced a bit, still wearing cat ears, while I flipped French toast. It was wonderful!

Ken and Bobby got home later than I had hoped. So we let the boys run around out back for a while, and Ken and I played with the dogs. I really needed sleep and should have had the kids go to bed, but I knew that I needed to suck it up.

I got to bed around 9. I think I fell asleep at 9:02. I know that the M*A*S*H episode had the crazy character in it and he was interrogating Charles about Hawkeye being a spy. I must have dozed off at this point.

I did have funky dreams. At one point I was going to some wedding and the nice Oppe’s I met in Ohio were there. I had bumped into them in a Denny’s bathroom. They wanted to know if they could go to the wedding since they knew the person. They didn’t know they were not invited. So I told them it had been canceled because the bride got Chicken Pox. It was a lot of discussion, but they were convinced.

I also had part of a dream in which I lost the boys. They were to walk to school, and I was getting stuff ready for them. Then they were gone. I ran around the neighborhood, looking for them. At one point I was on a bicycle, crying, and some random lady tried to help me find them. I found them, after I went back home and woke up Ken. A friend (I have no idea who it was) was with them the whole time and told me that Bobby had fallen asleep. Sigh. Nothing like a freaky dream. No wonder I am so tired these days!

Once again, I have a swamped day ahead of me. I have yet to finish my one project since about 20 were piled up in front of it yesterday. Plus, I have a meeting at 1 again today, so I only get a partial day. Hopefully I can complete it all before I go home since I hated leaving so much work on my desk yesterday.

Holy crap! This tired is getting frustrating. I feel like I really have zero control. I am nodding off in the middle of everything! I am sitting her, enjoying the radio, laughing my ass off, yet I am fighting the sleep. It is getting more and more difficult. I was also just doing some mundane stuff, but still. I have been getting up as often as possible to get my mind functioning.

I just found out my afternoon meeting is postponed again. It is now next week. It certainly means I am considering going home at noon to once again catch up on sleep.

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