Tuesday, January 31, 2012

blonde ambition


Ordinarily I would not be able to write today due to reports being furiously done. Sadly, we once again had some kind of technical difficulty resulting in me now having everything on hold.

My hair is getting lighter thanks to another hair treatment that we did last night. The blend is significantly better, but I would like to see most of the bottom lighter and closer to the shade of my top portion. I am still not 100% sure of whether or not I like it, but I am ok with rockin it for a while.

It appears that I have broken through my plateau. I lost 4 pounds, bringing me closer to breaking the 250 mark. I am very excited about this and am hoping that with some pushing on my end that it will happen shortly.

The one nice thing about having a husband who likes Lego is that he has gobs of certain kinds of Lego for the boys to use. I recently found an old Bionicle when I was cleaning, which thrilled the boys. Sadly, I only found one guy. Well, that was ok. Ken had an entire bag of parts to make several robot dudes. Last night, the boys played for a long ass time, building guys and having a good ole time.

Ken is concerned about the weight lifting I am doing. Based on what Judd, Aaron’s trainer, says, I should be doing less weight, more reps. So far, I feel good when I do my work-out in the gym. I don’t feel it is ‘easy’, and the soreness I get is the good soreness. Ken is going to show my paperwork to Judd to see what he says. I also am hoping Judd can possibly suggest some good things for my gut. Although, really, I think I need to do some kind of sit ups at home for that. Sometimes we know the answer, but we look for something else.

Dax has his dentist appt today. I had thought it was a couple weeks ago, but we were wrong. So today my poor baby gets his first shots in his gums. Thankfully, Dr. Weston is awesome, and it shouldn’t hurt too bad. However, what Dr. Weston doesn’t know yet is how strong and opinionated Mr. Dax is.

It just occurred to me that there is a citizen of the month assembly today, and Dax has been doing really well. I hope he doesn’t get it and miss the assembly!!

I wish I could have one or more of my critters with me at work. There is something incredibly satisfying about having a pup at your feet or a cat on your desk while you work with excel.

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