Thursday, January 12, 2012

Epiphanies and Accolades


The trainer did not come to the office yesterday. He has assured us that he will be here next Wednesday. I have to admit I was pretty bummed, but I understand. I would have really liked to pick his brain to find out what I can do to really burn the fat belly that still plagues me. I think arm exercises are easy enough, and obviously, if I do sit ups, but I want to know what he thinks might be a good plan for me. I am a net junkie when it comes to finding exercise, but it still would be nice to talk to a certified trainer to see what he thinks. Until then, I will just power forward and try to stay the course.

My webinar that I thought was this evening is actually not until the 25th. This is sort of a relief since it means tonight I am going to do some extra working out while Bobby does homework.

Two fantastic weight loss milestones yesterday. I noted Ken’s shorts on the side of the bed. I held them up to myself, wondering how much more I had to go in order to get in his shorts (yeah, I worded it that way for a reason, kids). I noted that it seemed pretty close. So I took the plunge and put them on. When I buttoned them, with a bit of room to spare, I almost burst into tears. YAY!!!!!! I opted to wear them on my walk since I wanted to show the boys and Ken when he got home.

As I set out, one of our neighbors, a nice lady I don’t really talk to but I am sure we have exchanged friendly smiles and waves over the years, stopped her car near me as she was heading out. She took the time to tell me I looked great and congratulated me on my weight loss. I was so flattered. Sure, it is one thing when people you know notice, but this is just some random lady! I was so thankful for her kind words. It certainly put a spring in my step.

Bobby gets it. He told me he could tell I was shrinking. He also was thrilled when I pointed out that I was in Daddy’s pants. Words of encouragement and excitement from your child are so rewarding. I loved it when he snipped at Ken telling him he should be more excited for me. Man, I love that kid.

Speaking of Bobby getting things, I know this is minor in the grand scheme of things, but it hit me odd. As I was reading to them last night, the book pointed out that llamas are on their own once they turn 6 months old. Bobby pipes up and says, “Wow, that means I would be out on my own now!” It was such great logic and realization and it just screamed how much my baby is a thinking little person.

Dax’s frienemy, Tristan, is really derailing Dax’s self-confidence. I wish I knew how to boost it. Aside from his recent Veruca Salt tirades, he is such an awesome kid. He is smart, clever, funny and loving. I love his feisty despite how frustrating it can be. I just wish he would use his powers for good. I don’t think it is productive to tell him over and over that he rocks since it starts to lose all meaning. Then again, I think I am going about this wrong. Epiphany time. Dax is a lot like me (Ken, take note. I am saying a nice thing about myself by comparing myself to the kid I just talked up). I need to treat his self-esteem like I would want it treated. Hmm…I may be on to something. New strategies blooming. Stay tuned, folks. I am on a mission. Bolt saved Penny, but Mom is going to save Dax, and at the same time, maybe even save Mom a bit.

I have this strange desire to go to the beach right now. Maybe I need to pack a picnic dinner and we can go down to the beach tonight. I want to stick my feet in the sand.

Holy crap! It just occurred to me that I am not wearing ANY black today. Not even shoes! This may be too perky for even me.

I am kind of bummed our Disneyland passes are done. It would be interesting to go now that I am smaller. I like the idea of the restraints fitting me better. We can go back next year. By then I hope to fit in the Matterhorn and not be worried about falling out like that one fat lady did.

Meditation fascinates me. I don’t know that I could do it, but I wish I could. I am twitchy. I can’t sit still. Ever. It’s funny, even Dax told me the other day how he can’t sit still. So the idea of sitting still and pretty much only paying attention to my breathing sounds like torture. However, perhaps I really need to look into it. I wonder if it would help my twitch. When I do the pseudo yoga on the Wii, I know you have to kind of do this, and I do pretty damn well. So maybe if I did some real yoga, it is something that I could use for this calming routine. I noticed a Yoga place in Old Torrance. I could easily walk there and do a class and then walk back. I wonder how much it costs. I will need to look into that.

I also have considered this Zumba stuff. Dancing around sounds like fun. I don’t know if I have the stamina to handle that yet, but I suppose it doesn’t hurt.

How is it that when I am looking up Yoga on Netflix, and they say one Yoga title isn’t available, so they suggest another title, that the DVD they recommend is That 70’s Show?

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