Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA Sucks!!!!!


I tested the boundaries of my stress yesterday in a very short time span and came out ok. Don’t get me wrong, my nerves were a bit fried, but I managed to not kill anyone, and for the most part, didn’t yell at anyone.

Ken sent me a text at 1 asking me if I could run over and get the kids. No problem! I had 15 minutes to get 10 minutes away. I gathered my stuff and ran out the door. So far so good.

Traffic lights decided to challenge me. Every single one opted to go ahead and stop me. I was getting a little freaked, but I knew I would make it.

Of course, I didn’t know lanes would be closed on several streets due to some kind of street work that started yesterday. Ok, no worries, it will be all good.

I got to Figerora and Torrance when I watched a cop wiz by in front of the ready to go traffic. What then followed was a funeral procession that lasted 3 light cycles. It took another light cycle to let the traffic start to sort out.

I made it a half a block before being stuck by an idiot truck driver turning left onto Torrance without enough room to get his ass end out of the way of west bound traffic.

The profanities I was screaming must have been heard by Ken all the way at the DMV, which is where he was stuck and why he couldn’t get the boys. Then again, he might have heard them simply because of the string of texts I was sending him, giving him a play by play of all of this driving drama.

I arrived at the school as the bell was ringing. Mind you, I still wasn’t parked. At this time, parking was nonexistent. Hell, it would have been easier to park at home and run to the school.

My only saving grace, well, one of a handful really, was that the school was in a hint of chaos due to the fire alarm having gone off. There was some workers there fixing a drinking fountain. Somehow they produced some steam that in turn set off the fire alarm, which forced all the classes out of their rooms and also made for some craziness since it happened at the end of the school day.

I ran up, and Dax was just excited about the fire alarm, and had not noticed my late arrival. Even Mrs. Fasheh assured me it was ok, especially since she had just opened the gate a minute before. I rushed the chatty Dax up to Bobby’s class, where he did look a little concerned, but happy when I came in sight.

They were then treated to the giant fire truck that pulled up, which we walked up towards for them to ooh and awe over. It gave me a chance to breathe. LOL!

My work day had also left me mentally exhausted, which may have made the mad rush to retrieve my kids worse. I did try to keep it all in check. It didn’t help when we got home and I managed to trip over the Wii balance board not once, not twice, but three times before I opted to put it away. I then figured that my walk wasn’t going to happen, so I opted to do some yoga. I pulled out the board again, and got started.

The problem is, one cannot really concentrate on exercise when your kids are not exactly self-sufficient on their homework yet. I had done maybe 2 routines and set down the remote somewhere when I had to sharpen a pencil and explain a math problem. I neglected to note where I set down the remote, and never managed to find it again. Ken found it later, which of course made me laugh.

I did do a kick ass Bowflex session, and did a tiny speed walk around the block while at my folks. I love the fact that I was practically speed walking, all the while talking to my mom and the boys and not winded in the least. YAY!

Ken did a workout frankly I am jealous of. He took Dax’s scooter and scooted from home to Del Amo and Hawthorne Blvd. The boys and I picked him up on the way home. I had to tease him, saying no fair that he got to derail my walking and still managed to get in an intense cardio. I think he just is trying to keep me from catching him on weight. LOL!

The trainer is finally coming today at 11:30 to go over some things for me to do. I am jazzed, nervous and excited. I just hope it is stuff that I have available to me. I am going to show him my weights and tell him what I do so far. I think I need to do some gut exercises. I bet he can show me some good ones. I am tired of this evil plateau. Yet it is strange, things are fitting better, but my numbers don’t go down. I know I am not gaining enough muscle to counter loss of fat, so perhaps things are just shifting odd.

I want two bear cubs on the inside of my right wrist. I found a cute cartoon style. I am tempted to ask Chris to draw me one.

I am thinking of piercing this weekend, depending on Murietta plans.

I have been working on the stuff for Greg yesterday. Stephanie’s friend told me that really, the best way to drum up traffic using social media is in fact to get the facebook page stronger and to blog on the site itself. These are things I already assumed, but now to just do so. I think if Greg makes me an administrator of the FB site, I might be able to post like a crazy woman. It might help google searches find us quicker. I hope so!

Ken got me an insert for my Keurig so that I can brew my tea bags the Keruig way. I do have to cut the bags, but it is minor, and it is awesome. He also got me another cup, which makes it so much easier for me to brew a double cup. And he brought me cashews! It was this awesome care package. Woo hoo!

I was tempted to not post today in support the anti-SOPA stuff. But my guess is my little voice on my little blog isn’t enough. So count yourselves lucky my few readers.

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