Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Ok, this morning has been annoying. The net wasn’t working at home, so I was unable to do anything on the computer. On the way in, lights were not working. When I get here, the net is acting odd, including gmail which doesn’t seem to be working. This does not bode well for our hero.

Yesterday was one of those random days in which I spent only maybe an hour with Bobby. He went to work with Ken, and didn’t go with Dax and I to my parents’ house. So when they got home, it was almost 6, and since they go to bed around 7, it was odd to have so little time with him.

Dax and I didn’t stay at my parents’ house very long, either. We went, and I tried to do Wii and found myself coughing up nasties and stopped. My mom was working late, and around 4:30, it was really only me, Dax and my dad. I am not suggesting that I was bored, but Dax seemed a little bit. All three of us just wandered around the house, Dax exploring, while my dad and I watched. So I opted to go home.

I scrubbed the hell out of the kitchen in order to combat the hippie ants. I call them hippies because they are not acting like the normal military style ants we get this time of year. There wasn’t as many steady marching streams. When you saw a lot of ants, it looked more like they were gathered for Woodstock, all in a big crowd, kind of swaying with their little ant music. I am pretty sure I heard the faint sounds of Jimi Hendrix. To further prove this, there were several all going after what I originally thought was a piece of bread. It wasn’t bread. It was a piece of foam. The ants were so stoned, they thought couch foam was bread. Tell me these are not hippie ants!

In one of those fun sitcom moments, I had dinner ready on the table about 3 seconds before Ken and Bobby pulled into the driveway. I seemed to only be missing the cute little apron. Oh, and also I was lacking in children who wolfed down my dinner. Instead, they only picked at it. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do, right?

The boys still are captivated by the movie Shark Boy and Lava Girl, so I am glad I chose that for the evening. It meant no fights, happy children, and I had a few moments to chit chat with Ken and time to finish some chores. At this point, the house won’t need as much cleaning come weekend time, so I am way relieved.

Ken may be going to see Star Trek this evening. I had told him he should go and see it since he is such a Trek fan. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see it, too, but I am pretty sure I can wait. Honestly, movies at the theatre hardly interest me anymore. I like being able to pause movies. I like being in my jammies. I like being able to have a rum and coke while watching. I LOVE being able to grab my computer at any point to be able to look up some random actor that I need to know what I know them from.

I need some free time. I have my Paul Reiser book, Babyhood, which is cute and a fast read, but I need to finish it as I just borrowed my mom’s copy of Catcher in the Rye. Sure, I have read it before, but it has been ages. I took one of those silly Facebook quizzes on what literary character are you and I am Holden. Also, semi recently, there was a joke about Catcher in the Rye that Ken didn’t catch on a show since he had not read the book before. So I wanted to be re-versed in the story so that I can determine if Ken should actually read it. Look, I know he SHOULD read it, but let’s face it, he has less time than me to read. And he reads slow. Ok, not slow, just slower than me. He has stacks of magazines by the bed that he is behind on. The only reason he was able to read the last two Harry Potter books was that he read them to Dax. I can’t do that anymore since the last time I read a real book to Dax, I kept crying, which is hard to explain to a 2 year old. Any way, if memory serves, Ken will truly enjoy the book, and I think it would have been an excellent book for him to have read when he was younger. So we will see. If I get a bit of time, I will be enjoying the classic soon.

Ken wasn’t thrilled about the book. He read the first page and was annoyed at the run on sentence that was the opening sentence. He didn’t understand how it was a classic. In all fairness, he is right. Many “classics” are crap. Hello, did anyone actually enjoy the Great Gatsby? Lord of the Flies, although interesting, wears on you a bit if you read it more than once. I am an avid fan of Harry Potter, and yet my mom, who is all smart and shit, couldn’t even get through the first book! For all I know, my children will hate the books, yet to some degree, these are my own personal classics. It is so funny how certain books can inspire people to read them over and over and yet some just make you want to scoop out your eyes with a spoon.

Top Gun Day? Really?

I am worried that I am going to need to scrub Bobby tonight. Ken is taking him to work with him, which is normally fine except that he is going to be exposed to the Bumblies, which are this crazy family, and then he is going to the evil Ralphs. What if the other dimension sucks him in like in Poltergeist??? I am worried.

Ok, I am feeling weird and skaky, so I wanted to put this down somewhere in case something does happen to me. It is probably nothing, but you never know. Ok, no, you pretty much know it is nothing, but in a hypochondriac’s world, we never know.

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