Tuesday, May 26, 2009

still sick


I am fuzzy this morning. I am not sure if that is medication talking or just the lack of sleep. In all fairness, I got 6 and a half hours of sleep, so this is pretty standard. However, the night before, I had less. Plus, this annoying sick just doesn’t want to leave me alone. The pills I had been taking to decongest seem to have done just the opposite. My nose has been stuffy all weekend long. I didn’t take any pills Sunday or yesterday, and took two this morning. I wanted to give myself a break off of them, but I wanted to breathe at work. I wonder if that is why I am fuzzy. My coughing has fits of bad, and then nothing for a while, so this is a good thing.

Jenni was here on Sunday, which was awesome! She got to the house early afternoon, and we hung out back, watching the kids play in the pool while we visited. My folks got there around 3, and we had lots of good food. Ken and I had made skewers with chicken, bell peppers and onion. We had picked up some of the best corn on the cob I have ever had on Saturday at the So Fresh Market. I also made some brownie bites. It was good all around.

Twitter: The TV Series? Are you kidding me?

I can’t focus.

My nose keeps leaking. Eeewww!

Today was supposed to be a busy day, being that I was supposed to have reports to work on. Ok, in all fairness, it was a 50/50 shot on this. Close was Friday, and that means on Mondays they run the close reports. Well, with yesterday being a holiday, nothing was done. There was a chance that people would have done the reports anyway. They did not. This really isn’t a big deal since normally I would then just do the reports tomorrow. The problem? I have a furlough day tomorrow and my plan was to take the boys to the zoo! Sure, I could just take Thursday off instead, but Ken is actually going to go with us now tomorrow (we are just going a couple hours later than I had originally planned) and on Thursday he would not be able to. Do I tell them that I am out tomorrow? Do I just do the reports on Thursday when I return? Do I make my back up do them? I just don’t know yet. I will have to play it by ear and see how I feel. Who knows, maybe I need to tell him that I will take Friday off instead. Or some day next week? Maybe Monday? I could check with Ken to see when he would best be able to go with us to the zoo in the morning. I just saw that the zoo has Sesame Street people there on Sunday. Of course, that would be just straight up crazy to go that day. Too bad it isn’t on a week day. I suppose if I do work tomorrow, I can take my time in figuring out the best alternate day.

No cold meds before work anymore.

We caught up on House this weekend, which was great. Damn, that show rocks. In fact, we are caught up on all the shows that had their season finales this last couple weeks. The only shows we are not caught up on are things like Family Guy and Simpsons, which are easier to watch with the kids or not in any order. We were watching a Family Guy yesterday and Bobby had never really watched before. Brian says something and Bobby looks at me all shocked and says, “Mom, the dog just talked? What the heck?” It was awesome.

It was nice going out with Jenni Sunday night. She helped with the bedtime rituals for the boys (Bobby asked Auntie Jenni to read him a bedtime story) and lucky for me, Dax fell asleep with me reading, so Ken didn’t have to worry too much (of course, Jenni and I got back in the midst of Dax’s first night terror, which sucked). We went to TGI Fridays and had a couple of drinks, an appetizer and desert. I wasn’t as impressed with the place as I had been in the past. Then again, I wasn’t eating dinner, and being that both Jenni and I were exhausted and not feeling well, drinking till we needed a cab was not something that was super appealing. But it was still cool to get out. We got to chat face to face, which just doesn’t happen much when you live 400 miles apart. LOL! After Fridays, I showed her Ken and my dream block and the house we had looked at. I showed her my work and we just drove around a bit, talking.

When we got back, she had some quizzes to do online, so we hung out, Ken included, for a couple hours, all of us on our respective computers. It was fun. Ken was able to help Jenni on her computer questions. We all got to bed around 1.

Ken was awesome and got up with our early risers and kept them in Bobby’s room, watching a movie on his laptop, allowing Jenni and I to get a couple extra hours of sleep. Once Jenni and I got up, Ken went back to bed for a couple hours. It worked out well.

Saturday was productive. Our So Fresh Market visit and grocery store visit was great! At the So Fresh Market, Radio Disney had this kids thing that for $5, the boys could do these crafts like decorating an apron or a rice krispie treat, they got a t-shirt, and each got these little baking sets that included little rolling pins, pot holders, place mats, cup cake tins, measuring spoons, cookie cutters and a spatula. Plus, they get stuff all year long now. Not bad!

Bobby was acting odd again, which made me worried. He complained about being tired, and we got him a smoothie and he perked up. Not sure if he was really just tired or just not wanting to be there, but he gets all lethargic, pissy, and almost seems to sleep while walking. He did the same thing at the fire demonstration. Both times, water or even a little cookie perked him up. Of course, this made us wonder if it was diabetes since Daniel, his cousin, has it. It could just be, he was tired. It could be dehydration. We don’t know, but we are keeping an eye on it. It seems to happen after a lot of activity, which makes sense on it just being tired. He ate good breakfast before, but maybe not the right stuff. We will watch, and I think I will email Holly to see if she can give me some insight on what to look for. Other than the two small instances, he was fine. Then again, he also seems to want lots of milk at night and water if that isn’t available. It this stalling for time or a serious health issue? This morning, he came out and about broke down in tears asking for a cup of milk in bed. Mind you, he didn’t even give me a chance to answer before the breakdown. So I don’t know what that was about.

Ok, I just talked to Tammy as my sounding board, and she thinks that it totally makes sense to work tomorrow and then take a different day off like Friday or Monday. I am waiting on talking to Ken and then I will see what his days are like (I would imagine his session is coming to an end, so it is possible that he might have a day with no classes soon. We will see. The boss just came in, and I didn’t tell him anything. I will wait.

It isn’t good that people keep pointing out how bad I sound with this sick.

Isn’t it going to suck if I end up coming in tomorrow and the report didn’t run right and won’t be ready until Thursday?

Ok, Supervisor guy here who runs the close is going to be gone a couple of days because his dad is dying. I think that makes my decision for me. I should be here tomorrow. I can take off next Monday or something.

Because of the lack of reports, I find my day to be dragging. Dammit!

Stupid California. Stupid prop 8.

I am super annoyed at Bristol Palin, but I just don’t have it in me to write about her today. Perhaps I will formulate some thoughts on the topic and write it up later this week.

I now am working tomorrow and have changed my furlough to the 12th of June. This means I get a 4 day weekend for my birthday! Woo Hoo!

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