Friday, May 15, 2009



Damn! I thought I was doing pretty good last month when my period was practically non existent. My IUD seemed to be leaning towards the brochure claims that I might not have periods. Instead, this month, I am about a week early. And crampy. Hopefully it is still short lived and something a little Advil will take care of.

I am feeling groovy this morning, but I wonder if that has anything to do with the numerous peace signs I have on my shirt.

No work out this afternoon. We need to go out to Anaheim to get sets for a birthday party Ken is doing on Sunday. Since my mom will get several hours with the boys tomorrow, I figure she won’t miss one hour today. Besides, with this cough still holding strong, I see no point in trying to do the Wii.

Bobby was still cranky when I picked them up yesterday. He smacked Dax in the face when Dax told him he had peed (which was Dax truly being all proud). He then proceeded to sit on Dax later on with a couch cushion, keeping Dax from being able to yell out. That time looked like play gone wrong, but either way. Bobby was all kinds of off. He was weepy and sensitive, despite my numerous efforts to keep him cheery. The good news is he got to sleep just fine, so hopefully a full night of sleep will help his demeanor this morning.

Ok, Ralph just announced they are in the process of a remake of 1993’s Cliffhanger. Why?

I think I want the new Green Day album.

Bacon vodka? Are you kidding me? Eeeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!!!

When did the watch become the standard in marking someone’s time spent at a company? Is it showing you that time flies? Or are watches just the right level of nice without being too personal?

I ordered shoes through Avon and they have yet to come. I wonder if she even placed the order.

Dax put a whole sheet of stickers on his wall last night. I should probably be annoyed, but I actually think it is pretty cool. He has plain white walls, and that seems lame. So I think I need to start presenting him with a sticker every time he tells me he has to pee. Good reward. And then he can put those on his wall. I have some awesome Pixar stickers already, so that will be fun. He seems motivated to pee now, especially since Grammie gave him some superman underwear. He thinks they are the best thing ever, so his reward so far on the peeing thing has been that he gets to wear his undies. Sunday I think I will let him run around in his underwear all day and see what happens.

I must have forgotten to take my vitamin last night. The water I am drinking is making me a little woozy. I notice when I drink too much water without making sure I have enough vitamins in my system I have issues. Not a big deal. It just means I need to not drink all of it so quick.

Since the boss was gone yesterday, and it is Friday, there is a fear that layoffs will happen today. He has a high average of times where when he is out on a Thursday, there is a personnel change either the day before or after. We also have not lost anymore folks so there is speculation. So today should be nice and nerve wracking.

I would imagine it is an odd conversation to over hear a grown man on the phone saying, “Dax might have Plex and Foofa, but I am not sure.” If you are a parent, it would make total sense, but if you aren’t?

It looks like we might not be going out to Anaheim afterall. Ken is at Target and managed to get 9 out of the 15 sets needed. He is hitting up one more Target, which means that it will be taken care of. Cool! Although to some degree I had kind of already prepped in my mind to go. So we will see what the evening brings us.

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