Friday, August 21, 2009

I am so happy for Friday!


I don’t like the pet store where we were going to display the kittens. When Ken first told me they would display them, I assumed they would be in some kind of giant box that had the FREE KITTENS sign above them and kittens would find homes. Awesome! Not so much, though. Turns out, not only do the kittens need to be at least 8 weeks old (getting past the point of maximum cuteness for adoption purposes if you ask me), they also have to be spayed/neutered, and have their first set of vaccinations. Look, I love my kittens, but I love my family more and that is a lot of money to shell out for that. Plus, the shelter will do all of that for the kittens, and will still display them in a nice place where people won’t be impulse shopping. They will be looking for an animal. Ken told me it was up to me on when we take them since he pointed out I am way more attached. I hate being in charge on this, but I am also grateful he isn’t forcing me into anything that I am not comfortable with. For now, the plan is one more week as the kitten pimp and then we need to start looking into getting them shelter bound so they can get adopted out while they are still little.

I managed to do the cleaning thing yesterday, even if it took place later than planned. When I got home, we actually headed straight to the pet shop, so when we got home, it was almost time to get the boys. We spent the afternoon playing and making pancakes and around 5:30, Ken was online, the boys were playing with Thomas (along with watching it intently) and I was sitting in my chair, trying desperately not to fall asleep. So I decided to take a stand. Ok, not a stand so much as I stood up. I then declared it was time to clean up. So I enlisted the boys’ help and we cleaned their rooms and the living room. It didn’t take too long. They were both quite helpful. Then we got ready for bed. It was perfect!

Of course, what was not perfect was my hurt toe being stepped on by Dax’s cast.

I am still tired this morning. I think I slept better, but truly, I just don’t get enough sleep. I am happy that I will at least get a couple more hours of sleep tomorrow.

Tonight I am taking the boys to my folk’s and then picking up Ken from home and heading to the grocery store. Hopefully all of that goes ok. I am not sure I am up for craziness.

I just trimmed a chunk of bangs. I hope that wasn’t a mistake.

We noted HR was back in town today, which means they are back from the layoff tour of the country. Kind of scary. I don’t think they are doing a performance here today, but you never know. They may just want to get it all over with.

I just put my hair up and I have to say, it looks rockin.

The day is dragging already. Probably because I am not doing anything useful

Ok, started working a bit. Day still dragging.

On an up note, though, we caught Mom cat again! YAY! Ken calls me just now and says all creepy like that he went to check on the kitties and that he thought we caught a possum, but his story was just to freak me out. Sigh. Luckily, the end was that we had mama back. So he is calling to get her an appt to get her spayed so we can drop her off at the farm. Woo!

Jenni just sent me pics of her and Dan. YAY! I love seeing her so happy. It is one of the things that makes me happy, when I see my friends so pleased with something. Jenni actually is glowing she is so happy. YAY!!!

I love my new shoes, but they squeak. It drives me crazy! It is one thing when shoes click, but these creak and squeak. So lame. I am hoping that once I wear them a few times they will do better. I have worn them all of twice, once last Friday and then today (I have fallen deeply in love with the other pair I got and I have been wearing them more). So let’s hope they get better.

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