Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I have two blogs? Oh yeah!


Despite this being a boss free day, I have been crazy busy all morning. I tend to have a blog done by 7, with minor updates through the morning. It is 8:40 and I am just starting!

So I had to rush home yesterday at like noon thirty because daycare called me to tell me Dax was in gobs of pain. I don’t know if you can explain how crazy your mind is when you are driving home thinking only the worst.

I got there to find him extremely upset. He was on this giant pillow, crying and just looking miserable. I ran to him and scooped him up where he held on so tight. Poor baby. It was only at this point that I noticed my first born sitting a few feet from me. I had not planned on taking them both home as I was unsure what kind of attention Dax was going to need. But I couldn’t very well leave Bobby behind. So I ushered him over to get his backpack and escorted them both home.

I quickly placed Dax on the chair (breaking my toenail in half in the process) and assessed the situation. He said he hurt, so I grabbed the pain killers and had his dose in his hand within a few seconds. I wondered if he had just been moving around too much, and I figured the meds would get him to settle and maybe even if I was lucky, nap a bit. I ordered Bobby on the couch and got the Steve and Joe trilogy of Blue’s Clues playing on the TV.

It couldn’t have been more then 5 minutes after administering the drugs when Dax is still freaking out and tells me, while holding onto his crotch, that he had to pee. I rushed him into the bathroom where this kid unleashed like 15 gallons of pee. I think he lost like 4 pounds in the sitting.

We headed back out to the living room, and you could see a distinct change in demeanor. I didn’t think the meds would kick in that fast, and it made me wonder if perhaps the pee was actually the source of the pain. Dax, although very potty trained at home, is not as keen on peeing at Maria’s. Hell, he is hesitant anywhere else if he is with someone other than Ken or I. So it seemed that he had been holding it all morning and just did not want to go in his pull up (he would be in undies, but let’s face it, we don’t need a pee mess in his cast). The rest of the day, he was fine, no problems. He hurt a bit before bed, but it was minor. It seems as though I rushed home to help my child go pee.

On the up side, I got to go home. On the down side, I had to keep the two of them in a forced quiet time since I knew they had not napped at Maria’s. They were trying.

When this one order is released in the next 20 minutes my day will be less crazy. I hope.

I am kicking around a couple of topics for a new piece. One was about the burial of the dead. Another is helping people who don’t want help.

A couple days ago, we saw this guy on his hands and knees on the sidewalk when we were heading home from the grocery store. I turned the car around to make sure he wasn’t some guy having a heart attack or something. Nope. Just a crazy homeless guy. He asked us for some ice cream, then asked if he could stay at our house (assuring us he would stay outside). It was sad, really.

Sigh. So daycare just called. He claims to be really itchy now. Not shocking. He moves around a lot, and he sweats even while just sitting, so I would imagine he is in rough shape. I told her to also put him on the toilet to see if peeing helps him. If that doesn’t, she is going to give him the Benedryl we had in his backpack to see if that helps. If not, I may be leaving early again, but this time, I am thinking I will need to take him back to the doc. I don’t know if Ken has plans tomorrow, so he may be able to take him.

Nothing from daycare again, so I wonder if the peeing helped! It is 11:30, so it is possible that since he is going to nap soon that this is where he will get restless. We will see.

I am going to party city tonight to see if they have a good party set for Dax. I am hoping for Bolt, but I doubt it. I need to get him a cake, too. On Friday, Stephanie and Sabrina are coming over and I will have party hats and stuff, and then we are going over to the movies to see Up. I am dropping Bobby off with my folks after the movie (this is his treat) and then maybe back to the house for some cake and ice cream? Don’t know that part yet. But a little play time would be good for Dax, and to let Bobby not have to be a huge part of it. Then again, I am wondering if maybe we do some cake at my folk’s house so Bobby can also participate, then leave him there after the kids eat cake. Hmmmm…..

I am now bored. Why can’t my work be spaced better. Sheesh. I was swamped just like an hour ago. Oh well. I did some Wiki reading. Davy Crockett, Andrew Jackson, Julia Child, Topher Grace and Nast, the cartoonist. I know, super random. I am thinking of looking at the Alamo after lunch and hopefully there is some good reading on the Mental Floss this morning. I get my net access in like 10 minutes, and clearly I am counting down the minutes.

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