Monday, August 31, 2009

Meeting day


I just went over the list of who is gone. It was depressing. I also took a gander at the org charts. There are not many people left. So I am left sitting here, in a lot of shock.

I cleaned off some mundane things off of Tammy’s desk. Mostly because I needed to see it bare in order to come to terms with it. I considered moving the fax machine so as to just make some drastic change in order to really know it has happened. But in reality, my set up has been perfect for a few years, so I don’t know that it needs to be done.

I did open up the shades. Tammy hated them open, especially in the morning since people could see in but we couldn’t see out. But I decided I like the openness. I want to feel like I can see the outside.

Enough of the depressing.

My weekend was good. Lots of sunshine and pool time. Went to Grammie’s on Saturday where we spent a lot of time in the pool, which felt fantastic being that it was a million and 4 out there. I also made a point of visiting with Grammie. I tend to just hang out with the kids in the pool, but being that Dax wasn’t swimming, I was able to sit inside for a while and let her talk about things that were going on in her life. It was a rough month for her in July having lost both her mother an son within a week or so of each other.

Sunday was cleaning in the morning, and spending all afternoon outside with Bobby in the pool. I managed to tan quite a bit (and a little burn on my tummy) and was very relaxed, something I needed in order to come in this morning.

We watched a couple movies, one of which turned out to be a bad disc so Netflix is sending us a new copy. Kind of a shame, but it isn’t like we won’t watch it when we get it. We were like a third of the way in when it died. Last night, I had turned on Mama Mia mostly as background while Dax was taking his shower with Ken. Turned out, not only was Bobby entranced, so was Dax when he came out. They both danced with all the songs, and seemed to really enjoy it. At the end of the movie, Dax even sang out, “You can dance!” which made me so happy!!

Disney just bought Marvel? Odd.

My neck hurts. I think I either slept on it wrong or messed it up while in the pool. In general, my arm and shoulder on my right side. I am not sure what I did, exactly, but I know it hurts like hell.

I may need to start a private journal sine there are things that I would like to talk about but I unsure if I want to share as a public item. Not that a whole lot of folks are reading this, and not that I wouldn’t tell them all in private, I just don’t know that the dirty details should be here. Opinions?

On Saturday evening, I was reading a story to Bobby before he went to bed. As I got up, I could feel my body ache. So I groaned, which prompted him to ask what was wrong. So I answered, “Mommy is getting old.” Without missing a beat, he says to me, “Mommy, can we go to the mommy store to get a new mommy since you are old?” Dude, can we say cold?

I love how much more he communicates and how fun his ideas are. Especially when he prefaces them with, “I have an idea!” Granted, some ideas are better than others (when he and my mom discovered a dead lizard at Grammie’s, he suggested we cook it and eat it), but every one just tickles me so.

Dax continues to amaze me. Yesterday when they were playing in their giant boxes (courtesy of the FLL since the tournament kits are now in our house), Dax has broke a little of it. He then announces his box is ruined. No joke, he used the word ruined. I was pretty impressed. Of course, I would have been impressed if he spit in a box.

I have a list of new accounts, so I think I will dive into those. I figure I have to kill like 4 hours since it is only 7 and the meeting is at 11.

Ok, I know I shouldn’t complain being that it has been a really mild summer, but I have to say, this hot can stop. Seriously. This is unacceptable. I just walked out to the warehouse for a call and it is 8:30 and already 75 degrees out. Yesterday, even though I spent all afternoon in the pool, I was sweating within minutes of getting out. Uncool.

My new accounts are actually not bad. Gee, could that be because Tammy did her fucking job!!! Sorry, still a little upset. I had to change her voice mail and it was tough saying she wasn’t here anymore.

Dang. Just rough. I am getting calls I need to transfer to people and they don’t work here anymore.

I am off to the town hall meeting. It starts in like 20 minutes. I am walking over in a few minutes. Should be interesting to say the least.

Dax has his annual doc visit this afternoon. Poor kid gets shots while in a cast. Not fair if you ask me. On the plus side, he is due back at the leg doc tomorrow morning and they will remove the cast he has probably and if he needs a new one it will hopefully be smaller. We will see. A new one will be nice if only to get his leg clean. It is depressing to see how much smaller his casted leg is already. But I know that he will bounce back quick being that he practically bounces on the cast.

Ok, off I go.

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