Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another day another dollar


I am quite tired this morning. I was having a mini anxiety attack last night. Nothing serious. I think it was just a result of tired and my throat. The boys are just getting over coughs and I can feel my own throat getting sore, which just puts me into the hypochondriac cycle of worrying my throat will close up. I know I got to sleep, but I couldn’t ever get really comfortable. I felt like I was tossing and turning all night. When I finally found a good spot, I heard Luna beating the hell out of her food dish which had apparently been shut into her crate with her. Oops. I didn’t want to move, but it kept me awake.

Yesterday afternoon we made good on the promise of going back to Disneyland. We hit up California Adventure first, going on the California Soaring. Man, I just can’t get over how well done that ride is. We got to sit next to some people that had similar senses of humor as we did, so the one guy was saying some entertaining things, which had us all laughing. I had a blast!

After that ride, we were heading over to Space Mountain when we noticed that the Pixar parade was about to begin. We got a great spot and the boys loved the hell out of that parade. Who am I kidding, I loved the hell out of that parade! It was awesome! All of the Pixar characters the boys loved were there. Buzz of course made them quite pleased, but honestly, the highlight was Lightning McQueen and Mater, full sized cars, driving down the street. Holy crap, that was cool. We had seen them up close before, but I didn’t know they drove! I felt like a little kid watching that.

At Disneyland, there was a section blocked off for “safety concerns”. The Cast Member was not real open about it, so as we rounded the area, we could see what that concern was. Bees! A whole swarm of them near Star Tours. It was pretty interesting, really, since what does Disneyland do in a case like that? Do they have a bee keeper on staff? We didn’t stick around to see, but I am curious as to how often it happens.

Space Mountain was once again, awesome on every level. The boys giggled and laughed the whole time, enjoying every turn and drop it had to offer. Clearly they will love Magic Mountain when they get old enough. Those will be days where Ken can do a dad and boys day and I will go out shopping. LOL!

We got home late, but it was well worth it. Although I am a little frustrated with the boys and some of their whining. Specifically, Dax who doesn’t seem to understand that when he tells you that he is thirsty, that it doesn’t mean he instantly will be handed a drink. 15 seconds after he tells you he is thirsty, he will then follow that up with, “Mom, I am still thirsty”. 45 seconds after that, “Mom, I am thirsty.” 15 seconds, “Mom, I am really thirsty”. 1 minute later, “Mom, but I am thirsty.” I can tell you, it gets a little annoying.

I am quite excited since I found a cool present possibly for Ken’s birthday. I emailed for more info on it this morning and hopefully I will hear back. I am always pleased when I can find a cool present. Mostly with Ken, too, since he is one of those people that really, if there is something he wants, he can just get it. So I have to come up with something he wouldn’t normally get for himself. That being said, Ken, when are you planning on using that nice massage coupon I got you last year for our anniversary?

I still want my bear party. I need to consider a guest list. Of course, I want grownups there, but I also want my boys there, so that means there will be kids from other grownups there, which I am way ok with. I just need to get myself a head count so I know how big a party it is, you know?

Our maintenance, general handy man, guy who pretty much does any odd jobs we need done, guy is retiring at the end of the month. He has been here for 30 years and is eleventy. Super sweet heart guy, too. There is a potluck in his honor tomorrow, so I suppose I should dress nice since I will actually see people.

Transvestite donkey witch in a dress. Holy shit, that is funny. It is how South Park described Sarah Jessica Parker. I think I need to make sure that show is set back up on our Tivo.

I am pretty sure I don’t have anything on tap this weekend, so my big plan is to clean out my closet. I have crap in there in boxes and on the floor, and truly, it is such a mess I can’t find anything. There are some other organizing things that need to be done, such as the garage. Since Saturday is a free day, I am thinking the boys can play out back while we toss stuff. Should be a good day all around. I always feel so accomplished when I clean.

I don’t know if something is wrong with my phone or my boob. I normally always feel the vibrating of my phone long before it starts to ring or notify me in sound that I have a message. Yet the last two days, I have not felt any vibration, and I am all shocked when it beeps. Sometimes I have felt it, but not every time. I don’t know if it is how I placed the phone or what, but it is a little frustrating.

At what point is someone flirting with you? Ok, here is where my question comes from. I have a co worker who I have known professionally for, well, 10 years. I never see him since he is in another building. A couple days ago, we had emailed about something for a customer and there was some silly banter, nothing interesting. I pointed out that I was easily amused, and so this morning, he sent me an email saying good morning, and said that this was for my easily amusement. It was a funny picture and joke, and I laughed and I emailed back good morning and that is about it. I am certainly not suggesting that he and I were flirting, btw. But then again, what is flirting? I tell Ken this all the time that he flirts TONS. The thing is, the flirting I have seen him do are clearly not to get into someone’s pants. It is just the slightly more charming talk to a pretty girl that could also sound like he wants to get some. I know that Ken isn’t trying to sleep with these women, but the way he acts could be misconstrued. With him, it is super funny in a lot of ways (annoying on other days). But so my question remains, why is it that flirting has such negative connotation. Hell, even flirting it up with someone random is one of those ego boosts. When I had the mustang, I remember two separate occasions in which I was hit on while driving. Once was by this bus driver who joked about finding a place to pull over, and another guy near my doctor’s office hit on me. I would like to point out both dudes were black, which was more flattering (Don’t ask, I just thought it was cool when someone thought I was flirt worthy when I am as giant as I am, and black men seem to appreciate curves more). Mind you, I would NEVER get with them. But I can tell you, I felt so pretty those days. No joke. And even if this email this morning had nothing behind it, I felt all happy that someone thought of me today, even as a friend. Of course, I know at what point it is too much. But it is funny when it is totally innocent and just kind of a fun little thing to do to pass the time. So I guess what I don’t know is, when are people being serious? I have not dated much, especially in the last 14 years (LOL) and I know I read more into things than I should. Not just from people possibly flirting with me. I have watched people flirt with one another, and then when I asked them about it, there was nothing there at all. Almost to the point of, “I would never get with that person in a million years” type of attitude. How incredibly confusing! Especially if one party who was being flirted with didn’t realize they didn’t stand a chance!

Then you hear about these horrible stories of Jesse James having cheated with several women while married to Sandra Bullock. He always seemed like a stand up guy, and their relationship seemed solid. So now, he has at least 3 women coming forward saying he was sleeping with them. How could he do that when he seems to desperately in love with his wife? Was this flirting taken too far? Did he just feel neglected while she was out of town for work? Did these women just present too many opportunities that he couldn’t keep turning them down? Not saying that he should be let off the hook, but you wonder what went on. I would love to know the full story from inside his head. We will probably never know the full details.

I am rambling a bit on this topic. I just think it is all fascinating. I would love to be a therapist. No joke. I would love to sit and listen to a couple talk about their issues. I want to listen to one side, then the other, and then both of them in the same room. I think that would be so cool. I don’t know that I have any better answers than some trained folks, but why can’t I do it? I could just be a moderator. I wouldn’t charge as much. I would be like a discount therapist. I wonder if there is a market for that.

This is a random memory that popped into my head. I remember when I worked at Earthlink that a dude I was collecting from actually threatened to come down and twist my nipples off. Sure does make corporation collections seem boring.

I went to a seminar once about phone etiquette. One of the things it pointed out was that people always say “ba bye” when they hang up the phone. It isn’t proper, but then again, it is pretty standard. I opted to try to stop saying “ba bye” on the phone. This was maybe 11 years ago? It is amazing how difficult it still is to not say it like that. I always say just bye or goodbye. You would think that it would stop feeling so foreign.

I have this twisted desire to go on chat roulette. I know that most of the people are probably pervs, but part of me wants to see the perv aspect. LOL! Maybe Ken and I need to mess around with it tomorrow night.

I was talking to my friend at work the other day about out kids and she asked me if I was going to have anymore. Of course, my answer is always the same. I want one more, but realistically it won’t happen. Plus, I pointed out that I am concerned about me (not anyone else mind you) being too old soon to have anymore. My friend is in her 40’s and her boys are 8 and 9. Her first kid is like 22. She told me that when she had her daughter at such a young age, it just wasn’t the same as having her boys later in life. She said that she actually enjoyed her kids more this time around since she is older. She also proceeded to tell me that she thinks that I am a good mom and that if anything, I would be great now, in 2 years, 5 years, or whenever I opted to get pregnant. She is an amazing mom, so I was quite flattered by her comments. But it did make me re-think the idea that I should not just decide to be done by some arbitrary number. I always said the magic number was 36. Why can’t I have a kid at 37? Or even 40? People do it a lot. I don’t necessarily want to be uber old when the kid grows up, but I will only be 60 when the kid is 20, which isn’t too bad. I still worry, but I certainly will no longer just assume that I can’t.

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