Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Way too chipper


Good morning! I am rockin my new dress this morning. I thought I would order something off of Old Navy’s web site. I am pleased with the results. I got this maxi dress (despite being super clumsy, I love maxi dresses) that is super comfy. I am still not sure on the pattern, but it isn’t atrocious or anything. It is a nice spring and summer dress. Let’s face it, in LA, it is a fine dress for any season. LOL! I just love that I am sitting at my desk with my dress covering my feet, which are currently bare. This is the way to be at work.

It appears that we are almost set up with our internal chat at work. I am looking forward to it for so many reasons. It will make getting in touch with certain people here so much easier. Then again, I wonder if those people will just not turn the system on. LOL!

Ok, one bad thing about maxi dress and work is a chair with wheels.

We managed to get the boys to bed super early. They were goofing off during dinner, so we told them they were done and we had them get ready for bed. It was a pretty spectacular melt down from both of them. We let them finish their dinner after they were in jammies, and they totally calmed down for this. Of course, they still laugh hysterically while watching The Upside Down Show. Man, that is a great show. The boys were asleep by 8 pm. This was AWESOME!

The Marriage Ref is kind of a lame show, unless the panel is made up of Larry David, Madonna and Ricky Gervais. Holy crap, that was a great hour of tv. I enjoyed the hell out of that.

I think Monarch is getting more clingy, if that is possible. He may be jealous of Luna. At night he always sleeps at my feet, but he keeps off to the side so as not to be kicked. The last few nights, he has curled up onto my feet, even allowing me my tossing and turning, and he has not attacked me. He even sleeps under the covers when I choose to cover my feet. He is still getting up when he hears the alarm and running to the bathroom to beat me there, but he is has been super affectionate in there. It cracks me up, really. Maybe he just feels bad about curling up with the boys recently and he thinks he is cheating on me.

The plan is Disneyland this evening to go on Space Mountain. I will not be able to wear my dress. I think it wise to not return to the place that I ate it hard on the pavement with clothing that promotes those accidents.

I found out that kindergarten registration is the second week of May. Yie! My baby is almost in school. I think that I need to make sure I have all my ducks in a row when it comes to the documentation I need for that. I assume copies of vaccination records and I know we need a utility bill. I would imagine a copy of the birth certificate.

OMG, people are idiots. There are actually large groups of people who are not going to fill out the census because they think the government will put them on some kind of big brother list. People, are you kidding me? It is designed to figure out our population. It only helps, not hurts.

Stop freaking out about the Health Care bill, too. I know it isn’t perfect. I know it isn’t ideal. But we don’t know what will happen. The folks who now say they are going to move out of the country and can’t raise their children here? Look, I know when I was 19, I joked that I was going to move to Canada and raise my kid there. I did that mostly because I thought it was funny. I had children when Bush was in office. I don’t like the war, the deficit or anything else that he gave us. I also didn’t like “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” which Clinton signed, and I loved me some Clinton. I liked Clinton for non politician reasons, though. LOL! Either way, democrats and republicans alike do stupid ass shit. It is what they do. Yet we as a country survive. I wish we would stop helping other countries as much as we do since right now we need to spend money on us, but it is what it is. I think we should legalize pot, but I don’t see it happening. I think that everyone should be allowed to marry, and if you want to keep marriage between a man and woman because of religion, then make all “marriages” legal unions in the eyes of the state. Stop letting illegal aliens stay here without paying some kind of taxes. I don’t care if you let them here under some kind of special visa or even tag their ears, just get something back from them since they are using our system. Deport Glenn Beck for yelling fire in a theatre. Close the borders! Make abortion legal. Stop the death penalty. Raise the taxes. Spend more on education than on military. Fill out your census. Vote. Oh, and wear sunscreen.

Please store your soap box in the up right and locked position. We will begin our descent momentarily. Thank you for flying Gena Air.

I came up with an idea for a Christmas tradition last night. Every year on Christmas, the boys, Ken and I will come up with a new theme for next year’s tree. So perhaps one year it will be Star Wars, so our tree will be covered in Star Wars style ornaments. Then the next year might be just a color, so we deck it out in color. Of course, when they are young, the themes will be pretty simple, but I am hoping that we can come up with some really fun ones each year. Then, during the course of the next year, we will keep an eye out for things for the tree so that we can make ornaments and be prepped for Christmas time. I always loved that my mom had all non matching ornaments on her tree, but I think I would get bored with the same color scheme or ornaments each year. This way, we can do something unique each year! I have to run it by the boys this week to come up with next year’s theme.

Doug and Elizabeth are coming for Easter, which rocks! So we will do eggs while they are there so we can enjoy the boys mad hunt. I think I am going with plastic eggs again since dogs cannot eat them. Although, I am sure Luna will try. LOL! Then I am thinking brunch. I am pretty sure I can make brunch myself, but who knows, maybe we should all go out somewhere. It will be crowded, but fun. Did I mention I am loving this older brother thing?

Ken said that I shouldn’t save the dimes Robbie gave me. He thinks that she would want me to spend them. This is probably true. I have decided that she is leaving me dimes because she is saying Happy 10th Anniversary.

My kids are going to need so much therapy because of me. Maybe instead of life insurance, they need some kind of psychiatric assistance fund.

I feel suddenly quite nauseas. I am thinking it is too much water all at once. Either that, or it is the gum. I am stopping both right now. I may need to go hit up the vending machine for some kind of crackers to settle me.

You know, I realize that I need to pick up some pregnancy sticks. No, not preggers or anything, but with the IUD, I don’t have periods anymore. So from time to time, I need to check. I have times where it is obviously a cycle, but with lack of definite sign, it is better to be safe than sorry. Either that or I end up on one of those discovery channel shows where I didn’t know I was pregnant for 8 months. LOL!

Damn, no crackers in the vending machine. They normally have Wheat Thins, but they only have crap. Oh well, hopefully I feel a little less icky shortly.

Ken isn’t down with the star tat on my neck. He determined that it would be too distracting if he is kissing my neck. I can tell you right now, that would be a problem in my eyes. So I am considering my foot. I don’t know for sure yet. I specifically liked the star on my base of my neck, and I am not sure I am as crazy about it elsewhere. Who knows, perhaps it just won’t happen.

Thank goodness for a busy morning! I have been working on a whole bunch of things all day which has made time go by at a brisk pace. Not fast enough, mind you, but I don’t feel like the day is dragging. In 10 minutes it will be noon which means my day is practically over. Woo Hoo!

We are going to a Kite Festival in April which should be fun. Stephanie pointed out that we need to go on the Trolley in Pedro, so we are hoping to take that to a shuttle pickup to the park. It will be a fun filled day!

I think this is my last weekend of down time before about 3 full months of action. Easter weekend is a birthday party and of course Easter. The following weekend is the kite festival. Then a couple weekends after that is our trip to the compound. I think I may need to rest this weekend to gear up. LOL!

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