Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not a whole lot today


Thank goodness for a good night of sleep! I feel so much better this morning. Last night I was getting cranky and pissy because I was so exhausted. I am pretty sure I snipped at the children more than I needed to. Of course, they were being super frustrating by not just going to bed, but by coming out all the time. At one point, I watched Bobby on the monitor, heading towards the door. I cut him off before he could even come out and snipped for him to get back in bed. He then, with lip out and a little sniffle in his voice, proceeds to tell me that I was breaking his heart because I yelled at him. That kid is trouble. Thankfully a little hug and a tickle made everything right with him.

I have noticed more injuries related to my fall. My left arm and leg both are a little banged up. Not fun since it is my left knee that has issues still. It was a little chilly in the evening and I could feel my knee getting angry with me.

We did not go to Disneyland yesterday since I was exhausted and really, it was late when Ken got home. We are planning to go Wednesday night since Ken is home when I get home, which allows us to get the kids early and then head out by 3.

Even though I did get some good sleep, I feel myself very tired. I am sure it doesn’t help that work isn’t always stimulating. Oh well.

I think I have this:


Restless Legs Syndrome. I have always had this to some degree, but I think it is worse recently. As I type this, my right leg is hopping up and down non stop. It was interesting to read that some anti depressants can add to it, along with things like sleep apnea. I am tempted to take some iron based on it being a possibility that I am lacking in it.

Ratticus is doing so well! She not only lets us scritch her, she has allowed us to pick her up and hold her without too much freaking out. She is turning out to be a sweet rat. I am so glad that she is going to have a nice life and not be eaten by a bird pecking at her through a trap.

We cut 10 inches off of Ken’s hair. 10 inches in the braid. It was getting unruly down at the bottom, and as Ken pointed out recently, when the tip about falls in the toilet when he is helping the boys, it is maybe a smidge too long. He is going to donate the braid to locks of love, just as I had done. He is feeling a little sad about the cut, though. It is a lot of hair for him and he took a long time to grow it. But I think over all it is better since it is going to feel healthier. It is easier to brush. But I feel for him. It is tough when you are accustomed to a certain length for so long. I still kind of miss that I can’t tie my hair up in a knot with just my hair.

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