Tuesday, August 2, 2011



I now have my blood sugar monitor. Turns out I need practice on bleeding. I tried poking myself several times with not enough blood to trigger the machine. I ended up using Daniel’s poker for a few goes, which helped. When I finally was able to get a level, it was clear that it was high. Not awful, but high.

I checked it again 2 hours after dinner as advised. Holy crap, not good. Uber high. Even Daniel said I should be feeling icky. Of course, that put me in a slight panic.

This morning, I created an excel chart so I can map everything out. I figured I should probably get some numbers together, especially since my appt with the endocrinologist on Tuesday, and that will allow me to show her what I have going on. I also have 2 meds now instead of just the one. One med is supposed to tell my liver to produce less glucose. The other tells my pancreas to make more insulin. We shall see how this goes.

I am drinking more water than before. 1 gallon is now almost 2. This morning I had rice krispies for breakfast since they are low in calories. Tomorrow my snack will be an apple. Tonight when I get home I am going for a walk.

My appt on Thursday will hopefully get the real ball rolling on my new diet plan.

I know I need to go to the grocery store this weekend to load up on my new foods.

Ken and Daniel are going up on the roof today to prep an area for roofing. They are doing this to see how long it takes 2 people to pull up the roof so they can determine if it is worth doing ourselves, or if it is actually better to hire someone. I am hoping they hire someone.

Lycos is not well. Last night she was not real keen on eating her kibble. I busted out some wet food, which she did seem more inclined to eat. This was more of a test to see if she wasn’t hungry, or if she was having difficulty chewing, or if she just didn’t feel the need to chew kibble while standing since it was such a pain in the ass. Her back leg now just starts randomly thumping on the ground. She also spends a lot of time whining. Not sure if she hurts, if she itches, if she is pissed she can’t play, or if she is just upset about all of it. She has always done similar whines when it comes to Luna having fun. It really pisses her off that blonde dog is enjoying herself. She doesn’t seem to hurt, but it is so hard to say. Stupid dogs. I really wish they could talk. This would be so much easier.

Wow, I am glad I just re-read my fiber. I was not taking enough. I will change that right now!!

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