Monday, August 8, 2011

The Roof


The roof is pretty much done! The only thing that needs to be done is some boards need to be replaced over the porch and the trim needs a paint job. But the bulk of it is looking quite good. There is still some clean up ahead of us. The roofers were not exactly careful when it came to their work, so there is still some debris in the front yard, but it only a couple hours’ worth of work to clean up.

I spent much of the weekend in new Gena mode. I walked multiple miles and used the Wii Fit each day. I am sore, but thrilled. The walking felt great. Luna was especially pleased, showing her appreciation by being extra squishy with me all weekend. I have determined that the boys should not go with me unless they are only on scooters, but even then, maybe not so much. This afternoon, it will just be Luna and I. She and I managed two plus miles on Saturday since it was just us.

I also loved doing some aerobics on the Wii. I did a little yoga to stretch out, but I think that may just be an extra. I did 30 minutes of the aerobics which was a lot of work, but good. I will do that when I get home from work.

I have determined that I need to invest in some exercise clothing.

Ken and the boys are going to some training session Ken has to teach today. He does this every summer where he trains coaches for the FLL. Hopefully the boys packed enough toys to be entertained.

My blood sugar has been getting better. I put myself on my own diet. We even went shopping and I have myself on an instant breakfast in the morning, a salad at lunch, and dinner I have a super small portion. I am going to see if with my own reduced diet and exercise plan works. I mentioned to my mom over the phone about the shake plan, and she offered again to pay for anything I chose. I have the physical for the shake program on Wednesday. I have the meeting with the doctor himself in two weeks. Depending on how things go over the next couple weeks, I will decide if I need to do the drastic approach of the shake. I am still hoping by changing my life, it will be better in the long run.

Right now, I am hoping my friends and family will continue to support me. Right now, I just need encouragement. I don’t want advice right now. I don’t want to be told I am doing something wrong. I have reduced my calories. I have added exercise. I have cut down on fat intake. I am drinking gobs of water. I have already seen some results. I even managed to make the boys rice krispie treats (per Bobby’s request) and not cheat. I ate less of the pork I made on Saturday because I preferred my salad. I didn’t even grill chicken for my salad today because I decided the lettuce itself was fine. I will probably add some chicken at some point for protein, but I was going for calorie reduction right now.

I washed the dogs yesterday. Poor Lycos was so covered in flea and blood from flea it was disturbing. We got her some Capstar and I used the flea shampoo on her again. After scrubbing her for like 20 minutes, scratching every section of her body, I think she actually felt pretty good. She wasn’t scratching most of the night. In fact, I don’t think I heard her scratch at all. Hopefully she got some relief.

Luna just needed a bath. She was filthy from the roof dust that coated her. She seemed to really enjoy the scrub down. As she was lying on her back, she looked so relaxed. It was very cute. Now she is all floofy and pretty. I love it.

I spent time on Saturday, too, working on our back yard. I cleared the driveway, picked up trash, and made it look pretty decent. There is still one pile that Ken and I need to go through because much of it goes back in the garage. But it should not take too long. In fact, he should be able to do that this week, along with putting the crap in the entry way in there. The house will be ready for guests!

I have been browsing the shelter web site. The South LA shelter had a litter of lab pups dropped off this past Saturday. So freaking cute! I sent Ken the link. I know, we don’t NEED another dog, but a pup that will play with Luna since poor Lycos is not doing well might be good for both my dogs. Lycos won’t have to deal with Luna and Luna has a companion. I don’t know that Ken would see it the same way. LOL!

I have changed my water additive. I got some oranges and some lemon juice so I can squeeze those in there. Yay!

Blood sugar after breakfast-129!! YAY!

It just occurred to me that Luna is 2. Wow! My pup is growing up. She was so good at Petsmart this weekend. I was very proud of her.

I am getting quite used to feeding Hal. I was worried the mouse thing would mess with me, but it is like watching my very own nature program every time we feed him. The boys enjoy watching, and honestly, it is super fascinating to see the whole process.

I painted my nails green for Dax’s sake. I hope he likes!

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