Friday, August 26, 2011

I rocked soccer!


I swear, I have done nothing this morning so far. I have been here since 5 and I have surfed the web (does anyone even use that phrase anymore?), played with Evernote, and fucked around on my iPad. Seriously, today is going to be long.

I am tired. I helped out at Dax’s practice last night. Even though I didn’t do all the running they did, I tried to keep up in terms of doing some of the skill exercises they worked on. I also fielded throw ins for Dax and his teammate, Aidan. It was a lot of work! I enjoyed it, though. Coach Ed was great and I am so pleased that both the boys have ended up with such awesome coaches.

And even though I probably should not have, I have become team mom to both teams. It isn’t like it is tons of work, so I should be ok. I only have to come up with a snack schedule, plan a party, and be the point of contact. I can handle those things. Ken is making both banners. Not too big a deal since it will all just be simple felt. Dax’s team just needs a name. Bobby’s team name is the Lazers.

Grammie is coming out to visit tomorrow. Normally, this would be cool, but my relationship with her is odd these days. First, she thinks I have her copy of a picture she found of her and her dad. I do not have this. For the past year or so, she has mentioned it since she showed it to me right before I went to Ohio last year. She wants it. I assumed I had it, but after going through everything, I do not. In fact, if anything, it was left at my parents’ house. Either way, she thinks I have it. She gets cranky.

Secondly, she apparently found out from her sister in law that I have diabetes. She is mad that she didn’t find out from me or my mother. Look, it isn’t like I was calling everyone I know when I got the diagnosis. There isn’t exactly a card from granddaughter to grandmother saying, Roses are Red, Violets are blue. I have Diabetes, how are you? I pointed out to my mom last night that if she got on facebook, she wouldn’t have to hear from her sister in law, who IS on facebook, about my life. I use facebook to tell the masses about things. It is easier than a ton of phone calls.

Lastly, Grammie has decided to bitch about my mother to me. I am fiercely loyal to my mother, especially when it comes to any family giving her shit. I don’t refer to my dad’s mom as Grandma because of her bullshit. I certainly don’t need to hear shit from my mom’s mom.

The shit in question is from the Thanksgiving debacle.

A couple years back, the host family for Thanksgiving was my parents. My mother and her sibs rotate houses each year. This particular year, my mom went all out. She told my aunt, grandmother and cousins to be over at the house early. She had the football game on so my uncle and cousin would not miss it. She had snacks. She had drinks. It was tons of making sure it was an awesome day of visiting with family.

Ken, the boys and I of course showed up when we were asked to be. No one else showed up till almost 2, a good 5 hours after my mom told them to come. First, my uncle wanted to watch part of the game before they left. Then they got stuck in traffic. These were bullshit excuses, especially since we told them to come early so that they didn’t get stuck in traffic and they could watch the game. They showed up even after the time we were going to eat. On top of that, we ate, and they were all pretty much ready to leave. There were no apologies. There was no family visiting. It was bullshit, and my mom was PISSED!

My parents decided that no longer would we participate in Thanksgiving. Mind you, this wasn’t the first time that the family was rude. Thanksgivings always felt kind of like a long distance drive though. The only time I think that we really visited was in Vegas, and even then, it wasn’t much.

Now, my mom only has my aunt Jo. 4 siblings down to 2. Jo now lives with Grammie. So they get to bond (or fight, I am sure) on a daily basis. This has actually made them closer. It also has made Grammie only see Jo’s side on all of this.

Last time I was out there, Grammie decided to plead her concerns to me. Sigh. I don’t want to deal with this. Grammie thinks my mom is abandoning the family. Really? The only daughter that visits a ton, and makes sure she is involved is really trying to make it out like my mom is the villain?

What is funny is that Jo and my mom talk just fine. In fact, I think they are closer now than when they were kids. Either way, if Grammie has issues with her daughters, don’t tell the granddaughter.

She used to bitch to me about Granddaddy being an ass when I was 14. I didn’t appreciate that, either.

Thankfully, I have my boys. I use them for ways to get out of dealing with her too much. Granted, I also let my mom use them. Sometimes, my dad and I will take the hit on talking to Grammie while my mom plays with the boys.

I do want to say, I love Grammie. She is a quirky, odd broad. But truthfully, there are family members that I can tell I am way related to, and others, I wonder how that happened. She falls into the second bucket.

Sunday is a day we can finally use our Disneyland passes again. I think the plan is to go. It will allow me lots of walking around, and the boys could use it since they have been promised Disneyland now on two relative visits. Plus, with school starting back up in less than two weeks, a little bit of Disney will go a long way.

I wore some low heels today. I have been really wanting to wear larger ones, including the wedges that took my ass out. I have felt that my ankle is much better, and even my knee bruise is almost gone. That being said, I am glad I opted to only do these small ones. Turns out, the slight wobble that comes with these shoes does still mess with the sprain. Thankfully I sit most of the day so I am not messing it up too bad.

Once again, being home would have been a wonderful option today. I could have slept in. Instead, I am trying very hard to suck it up yet again. I always say I will leave at noon. Well, if I can make it to noon, I can make it to 1:30. I am confident I can make it all day.

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