Thursday, August 11, 2011

the doctor update


Hello. My name is Gena and I am a diabetic.

I was able to meet with my diabetic doctor on Tuesday, and I am deeply in love with her, although, she had eyes for Stephanie. LOL! Either way, she was kind, informative, no nonsense, and patient. I know I am in good hands.

She was great in looking through my history. Turns out, I have had bad blood sugar numbers for some time. No doctor had ever done anything about it until my new PCP. Amusingly enough, my numbers were great while pregnant. I was born to be pregnant. My numbers also looked amazing in 2007 when I had dropped all that weight. We saw that this was a clear indicator that this is really what I need to do.

She was pleased with my progress already. With my new diet, exercise and meds, I have already been able to reduce my blood sugar numbers significantly. So much so, I should be able to go off the one med very soon and only take the one, but that will be taken 3 times a day.

I also have lost 6 pounds. I know, 6 sounds like nothing, but it is huge to me. It means I am on the right path. I have been rocking salads, cutting back on sugar, and doing my exercises. I feel really good. I do still feel tired, but the doctor said this would be normal for a while as my body gets used to less sugar.

It was extremely helpful having Stephanie there. She knew just the right questions, and she took extensive notes for me. Plus, moral support was awesome.

My doc canceled my cholesterol class, and instead signed me up for 4 weeks of diabetes classes. Those look great and interesting since it will be nice to know what I can and cannot do now that I have this. She also canceled my appointment with the “dietician” which turned out to only be some RN who really is just one of those last resorts for people who are not taking the diagnosis seriously. My doc was happy with my progress thus far, so I am encouraged on many levels.

The one thing she was very insistent on was that I take care of my feet. I need to pay attention to sores and sensitivity and really make sure I don’t lose circulation to them. Because of this, Stephanie treated me to a pedicure after the doc! Yay!

Yesterday morning was hectic.

We took Mama cat down to the clinic to get her spayed. It was a lot of chaos, but the good news is she is now done. Also, my kittens are on the web site, even though they have only one kitten pictured in all 4 shots. They are not ready for adoption yet, but they are getting ready!

After the clinic, we went to my follow up with my PCP. She was thrilled with my progress, and she agreed (so did the diabetes doc) that the meal replacement isn’t the way to go. She was supposed to cancel my appts yesterday, but I think I still need to call to cancel a couple others.

As we were leaving, it has been discovered that my car has a loose connection with the battery. It didn’t start. It did the same thing this morning. I am a little freaked about when I go home. Thank goodness Ken is home today.

After doctor, since I no longer had 2 other appointments, I went home and we all worked on cleaning the house. My levels were low, since I ended up not having a snack. I had a little bit of turkey, and that helped. I clearly will need to get this all figured out.

I was able to do my walk and aerobics. I always feel good after that. I look forward to them now. I know that I am burning calories and gaining endurance.

I took the boys to my folks’ for a while. I was able to explain to my parents what was going on with the diabetes. My dad still was offering something like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, but even my mom agreed, my best bet is to try to change my lifestyle rather than rely on their programs. I feel pretty ok with what I have been doing so far, so I think I can do this.

I started taking both meds in the morning now, and I noticed that it is dropping my blood sugar under 100. I think I will stop taking the one pill soon and up the other pill to twice a day in a couple days. I wanted to wait until my period was done since there is the possibility of GI issues, and I would like to make sure it is pill related instead of other factors.

I am pissed that multiple emails I sent regarding new account set up at work have gone unanswered. I was covering for this broad again this week, and there are so many issues, I don’t even want to vent about them. I had to complain about everything. Today may end up being a very long day.

Tomorrow I am going out with Stephanie, and possibly Kam to see Stupid Crazy Love. Should be fun. I think the plan is to go with Stephanie to Cozymels before hand since she has never been. I know, crazy, right?

I am looking forward to the weekend. Saturday morning should allow me to sleep in. I do have some party work, since we need to do some more clean up. Plus, I just realized that I will have company all next week! YIE!! House work galore!! Ken is going out to a movie Saturday night. I think the Brenans don’t show up until sometime Sunday or Monday. I suppose I should look into that!

Ok, back to work for me. Otherwise I will over stress about the next few days!

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