Thursday, January 24, 2013



In one month my kid will be 8. Holy fuck.

The afternoon seemed uneventful overall. I am not complaining. It was just a nice day. We managed to complete homework and even got in a Target run. I also was spoiled with this fantastically adorable fox. I know I am not 7, but my heart doesn’t know that.

Today is a couple of meetings, both of which will be insanely lame. At least with one I get Subway, which is always a plus. It also tends to make a lot of my day go by quickly. Sadly, I was hoping for another day in which I could just sit at my desk and read. My latest book is The Bedwetter by Sarah Silverman. I love autobiographies. Especially by comics.

Thanks to the rain, I felt like I had one of the best sleeps ever last night. The sound, the smell, and the perfect temperature allowed me to be all kinds of cozy. Seriously, this was the day I should have opted to take off. LOL!

That being said, I am considering taking tomorrow off. Dax has expressed interest in me taking them to school one day, and it would be a good day to do it. I could then spend some time on the house, which is in some need of tending. I can always call out sick, which is probably the easiest way to do it. Not sure yet. We shall see. Hell, I may just set up a timed email to go out tomorrow morning that says I will be out for the day. LOL!!!

My weekend looks to actually be pretty free, which is a nice change. The rain will certainly bum Dax out since for some reason he seems to think he isn’t allowed outside. My feeling is that he is a kid. This weekend even in the rain, he is more than welcome to run around out in the rain. Actually, I think I may force him to.

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