Friday, January 4, 2013



I need a new calendar. I am surrounded by December ones and they are getting me confused. I guess I will need to go shopping this weekend.

I am doing my happy dance this morning. The boss man emailed us and said he would be out of the office today and won’t be back until Wednesday. I didn’t even see the Monday and Tuesday absence at first because I was just so happy that he was gone today!

I find myself judging people a bit too much. People leave me voicemails and most of the time they are just such stupid questions that I often find myself just deleting the message without bothering to call them back. I know, I am awful, but my logic so far has been pretty solid; if they call back a second time, only then do I need to deal with them. So far, most do not call back, which leads me to believe they figured it out on their own. I just don’t feel like dealing with idiots.

I need to get cranberry juice for Lycos. Last night she peed like 4 times in an hour and all of it in front of us. Ken thinks she knows she is doing it. I think she is slowly creeping into dementia pup. This morning, I put her out to pee and despite my whistling and calling her, she didn’t come in, all the while drinking water outside. I finally had to go out and thump her on the butt to get her attention to come in. My poor old girl.

My goals of weight loss are back in full swing what with this being 2013. You seem, 2013 marks the 20 year high school reunion. I am really hoping that I can look amazing come summer time when they normally do these shin digs. I also have lofty goals of putting together some kind of fun video from all of the home videos I have from high school that I can share with my friends, but I think that is asking too much of myself.
I ordered myself a pretty dress yesterday from the Pyramid Collection. My mom got me a gift certificate from there and I was quite pleased. Sure, I could have waited until I dropped some more weight, but I am hoping this is a dress that can be taken in if need be.

I am feeling the urge of spring cleaning already, despite the dead of winter we are in. I think once I clean up Christmas stuff, I start getting all organized crazy and want to toss stuff. Ken is supposed to be working on the garage, so hopefully that will allow me to put my dollhouse back in there. It was fun having it out, but I think it is not getting any use, and only getting banged up right now.

I wonder how hard it would be to build a carport. Nothing fancy, just something over the driveway in the back yard to allow the bikes to be parked under it so that they don’t get weather on them. I suppose if the garage was clean, that wouldn’t matter, but even in the garage it isn’t as convenient.

I need to go get some signatures tomorrow morning for AYSO stuff. I am considering riding my bike there just to get a nice ride in.

I am hoping to hit up Target before going to my parents’ house this afternoon. That way it can be one of those lazy evenings at home after. I feel the urge to sit around in jammies. I was clearly stupid, since I could have totally worn them to work. Perhaps Monday? It looks like it will be raining, so this seems like a fun way to make work awesome!

I feel like dancing.

When my dress shows up, I am getting dolled up and I am going out. Who’s with me?

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