Friday, July 18, 2014

Dreams of Sleep


If I stay awake at my desk this morning it will be a miracle.

It was a long meeting last night. I didn’t get into bed until close to 10:40. I slept well, but I feel like this has been the longest week ever and it has caught up with me in spectacular fashion my crippling me with exhaustion.

Of course, the day looks to be annoying what with the boss having showed up to work almost 3 hours early. It is never a good sign since it just means he is feeling perky this morning which tends to make for more poor business choices on his part. Yesterday alone, I found myself shaking my head more than a half a dozen times because I wondered if he was actually thinking about his decisions with certain customers.

Thankfully my afternoon doesn’t look to be too busy. I need to get over to the grocery store in order to obtain our prescriptions from the pharmacy and I need to get change for the registration event tomorrow. I think then my plan will be to get into comfy clothing and to have Chinese food delivered so that we can all vege out when my housemates get home.

I found myself doodling tattoo design ideas last night while at the board meeting. I need to make an appointment for a consultation. I want to verify the ideas we have are something that is doable, and I need to see how much it will cost. I emailed them this morning to see how much the consultation will be. I assume also that we will have quite the audience, what with the boys and Ken wanting to watch me and Poppy will want to see my mom actually get this done.

I gave a can of cat food to Girlie yesterday and she scarfed it down. It may be that she is at the point where the kibble is too hard for her to consume. I think the plan will be to have her start having a can a day. I will be curious if this helps her. She has been getting increasingly weaker just due to her age. She also is down to 4 pounds. She still has gobs of spunk, but I think even if this is just a luxury for her last bit of life I am ok with this.

The ice water seems to be doing its job. I feel a little more coherent after having drank a couple of large cups full.

 Last night on the way home from the meeting we noted that the onramps where I get on to go to work were closed for overnight work. I noted that this would be a bitch if it was closed this morning. Ken thought it should be ok, but sadly my early commute did not jive with their schedule. I was forced to take surface streets to get to work. Thankfully, there is zero traffic at that time. Unfortunately, there are a lot of red lights to deal with.

I heard some wonderful feedback about the boys yesterday. Katie, who has been helping out this week at the camp, told me how the boys are probably the most helpful employees down there and that they are really well behaved and awesome! Yay! I know they have been having a lot of fun, and they are going to get paid for some of their help, which is really cool, too. It is like having a fun summer job, which is really a wonderful way to teach them responsibility.

I am hoping to take them to Mulligans one day on the last week of July. I figure when I get home from work, we should be able to head over and have some fun. I miss them these days. I don’t hardly see them what with them getting home so dang late. Plus, they really only want to play the computer since it isn’t like they do that during the day while at camp. This of course is what I know is how it will be more and more since they are getting older, but it doesn’t make it ok.

I really need to start looking into what to do for Dax’s birthday. As much as I know he wants to go to something like SkyZone, I think that I would rather try to do something at the house. I am wondering if I can fit a bounce house in our back yard. I also think it might be fun to have a pool party. He can invite people over and it can be all done outside so there is minimal mess. It means I need to really get crackin on the yard to make it presentable. Of course, I don’t want to do too much water related things since they are cracking down, but I think since the pool is already filled we should be ok.

Only 5 more hours. I can do it! 

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