Wednesday, July 23, 2014



Orthodontist appointment today for Mr. Bobby.

My poor kid is nervous. He doesn’t want braces. Of course, just because we are going doesn’t mean he automatically needs them. His front two teeth are crooked and have always been. Of course, his one side tooth also hasn’t come in yet, so perhaps when that comes in is when they will make any drastic decisions. Hopefully the appointment itself will be painless.

Yesterday we took my folks to the dispensary. I have to say it is an odd thing to do. That being said, I was thrilled that the one girl who always helps us was there. She is always so very nice and knowledgeable, even if much of her wisdom is lost on some of us peeps who don’t know all the lingo. I know sometimes I feel a little stupid, but she is never the reason for that.

My folks also really liked the doctor that they got their prescription from. I am so glad! I know we loved her and felt at ease so I am glad it was a person that I knew my parents would also feel comfortable with. As much as the tides are changing with marijuana in this country (finally), it doesn’t take away all of the stigma attached to it.

We picked up a new chargeable e-cig. It is so much nicer than the other one we have. We also picked up this one cartridge called Gold. Holy crap, yay! I didn’t ever really believe the idea of a good tasting pot, but this stuff actually tasted like cotton candy! It was actually supposed to be crème brulee, but either way, it actually left this pleasant taste and smell and was wonderful.

Ok, this will sound silly, but when she had us try a hit at the place, I was nervous. It is one thing to possibly cough when with people I know, but I wanted to be cool and be able to take a hit without an issue. I was all proud that the first one I did resulted in me having almost no smoke to blow out. And the second one I did quite well. Both Ken and I laughed because here she was, getting us stoned before buying, which was so just like the Weed Firm game. LOL!!

I would be drinking green tea right now, but of course, we are out of it at work. Lame.

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