Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Internal Decaptiation


I was regaled with tales of honor and victory when they got home. It was all quite epic.

This week happens to be Battletech at the camp, which has become a favorite of Bobby’s. He has loved it more and more each summer, and it is clear he is becoming his father’s son in his love for gaming.

He told me, with great pride and enthusiasm, how in his first attack he defended his brother’s honor. Dax had been hit, severing his mech’s arm clean off. Bobby told me how he found this unacceptable and took aim at the perpetrator. He fired and managed to blast off the head of the attacking mech. It was quite a war story. Both the boys were speaking like old war buddies, laughing and talking like they had truly been on a real battlefield together. Even though it was all stemming from a game, it was nice to see the camaraderie between them.

I had anything but a violent afternoon. If anything, I took the super hippie route for my first afternoon off. I stopped by Target on the way home from work in order to pick up a few things. I was a little disappointed in myself for making the trip so short, but I noted that I wasn’t really in good shopping shoes.

When I arrived home, I started some laundry and then decided that I was allowed to just sit on my ass. I decided to partake in some vape action and I kicked up my feet and watched Jersey Girl.

Those critics out there that still feel the need to criticize this film gem are clearly amateurs. I will say, this is one of the sweetest flicks ever, and I am not just saying that because of my allegiance to Lord Kevin Smith. It has a perfect combination of humor and real that make it heartwarming and charming. Ben Affleck, yet another under rated performer, is perfect in this part. I have loved this flick since before I had kids, and now as I watched it, noting the little girl is Dax’s age in the film, I found myself even more enchanted by the story line. I highly recommend it. Oh, and this isn’t just the weed talking.

Tonight is our board meeting. I am all kinds of bummed that it isn’t at our normal spot at the park due to scheduling conflicts. Instead, it is at the National Office over near Eydie. We are dragging the kids with us since really, they can sit and play their iPads and they are quite well behaved. Plus, it gives me an out if I don’t want to stay too late. LOL!

I may need to utilize some of my afternoon to nap so that I am more awake for the late meeting.

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