Friday, July 25, 2014



Damn you, epic heat. I am now tired due to your evil.

I really would love to drive down to San Diego this weekend to just people watch. I know Comic Con would be a lot of fun, but I also know it would be almost as fun to just see all the people outside the buildings.

Yesterday I went and watched “Support Your Local Sheriff” with my mom. It was a really fun movie and I laughed quite a bit. It was a really fun afternoon and I am hoping that we can make movie afternoons something we can do in the future. Of course, what with summer almost over, those afternoons end up being weekends. LOL!

My parents have been married for 40 years tomorrow. Very freaking cool!

I have my audit meeting tonight. I spent much of yesterday morning uploading files so that I had all of my financial ducks in a row. I got all inspired to do a bunch of new things as treasurer. It always cracks me up when I get all diligent on things like this, especially since I have threatened to quit a dozen times. My feeling is that if I am going to do it, it will be done fantastically. I also have the desire to be marked as the best treasurer that this region has ever had.

I would be bummed that I have plans for the night that will likely keep me up, but I also know that I get to sleep in, which is happy making. Prepping for Dax’s party is the plan, and hopefully not dying from heat stroke. It means I will end up in the pool at some point for sure.

Now if I can make it through my work day life will be good. 

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