Monday, April 22, 2013

And we're back


Back at work already?

In all fairness, it was a good weekend. Saturday was certainly a full adventure. The boys and I set out on our bikes at about 7:30. The destination was breakfast first, then head to my folks. I expected much more grief from them, but they were shockingly happy about the trip. We started at a good time because it wasn’t too hot out yet and they still were in that good kid mood.

We made it to Coco’s and had a really nice breakfast. Since we had made such good time, we decided to go to Target to pick up a few items. The boys got a little cranky there only because I wasn’t letting them play their iPods. Despite the grumblings, they kept it together and I found a pair of shoes to wear for the rest of my ride since the one I wore were not ideal.

We got to my parents’ house about 3 minutes before they arrived home, which worked out quite perfectly. The boys played and I was able to hang out with my mom and do my nails. I also was able to fix myself up a bit from the ride so that I was presentable for the baby shower.

I am very glad we went. I didn’t know anyone else there, but Dawn was so thrilled that my mom and I showed up. She and Rosie looked so freaking happy and it was so fantastic to see them so blissful. I also loved how much of their families and friends were there. Victorian Rose will be a well loved little girl.
After the shower, the boys and rode our bikes from the house up to Spring Fest. Ken showed up not long after and we let the boys play. I had got the unlimited ride bracelets this year, which paid for itself after they did the giant slide a handful of times. They went on to go up and down that slide for maybe 40 minutes. LOL!

Ken and I didn’t get tickets, but the ride operator insisted that we go on the Tilt a Whirl with the boys since we were a family. It was very sweet of him. I swear, the ride was also like 3 times as long as normal. It was a lot of fun, despite freaking me out with all the spins.

Kam and Sean and the twins showed up. We didn’t really end up hanging out with them, but it was nice to see them. Kam’s brother was there, too, so they had other running around to do.

The boys decided to go on this one ride. Sadly, it was one in which we could not see their face during the ride. I didn’t know how they would feel about this one. Turned out, they did not like it one bit. They both came out freaked and crying. Poor guys!

We took a little break after that to get some water and a snack. While chillin at the car, Ken pointed out this strange balloon critter this family was carrying. I was more intrigued with the couple since I knew them! It turned out to be Armando from Madison and his wife, Elena, who I happen to work with. It was really cool to see them! I told Armand how funny it was that I had just seen Dawn and he laughed. It was a good Madison reunion day for me.

Ken was able to load the bikes on the van so we didn’t have to ride home. I should have probably done the ride, but I was beat. The kids were tired as was Ken from having done reffing much of the day for the Founders Cup. It was so time to just get home.

Sunday was one of those rare days that although yes, we should have worked on house stuff, we all just decided to chill. The boys and Ken played Minecraft much of the morning and early afternoon. During this time, I had Glee on and was able to catch up on 7 episodes. Then, the boys’ friends came over, so Ken and I watched Cougar Town, which got us through about 7 episodes. It felt good to catch up on tv and not have to worry about anything.

Today I can go back to my worrying about the house hunt. I didn’t stress about it at all over the weekend since I knew there was not going to be any news on the place we want. The sellers I think are out of town until possibly tomorrow, so we won’t know their plan until then. As for the Walnut property, the Ted Kaczynski seller I guess finally got the counter and perhaps we will know more today on what his new counter is. Sheesh.

Why it hot pink hair so appealing? And for that matter, light purple?

I have a busy week ahead of me. Thursday I get my eyes checked and dilated. Friday is Dax’s field trip which also is the day we go see America’s Got Talent. I am also super jazzed about Saturday since I got Ken’s birthday present. Seriously, I don’t know how I am going to keep it a secret until then! I am just so excited for it. I plan on blindfolding him that day to take him to where it is. Hee!!!

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