Monday, April 8, 2013

Go away sad!


Shaking off the depression and ready to kick some ass again.

When I got the call saying they chose a different buyer, I wasn’t surprised, but it hit me pretty hard. This was a place I had really liked and I was feeling optimistic about our chances. In all fairness, the place was awesome, and we were competing against 20 offers. Even in that race, we were one of the finalists, so I am not going to allow myself to be down about it anymore.

I also need to stop being as stressed. Sadly, I think poor Luna is reacting to my stress levels. She also seems to be not as thrilled with the addition of Kona to the mix. On Friday, she managed to lick one of her back legs raw in a yicky hot spot. Poor pup. I felt so bad! I bathed her and Lycos on Saturday, and then spent a lot of time grooming both of them. I also took Luna on Sunday to Petco to get some treatment for her spot. I love going out places with her. She is such a good dog! She is very polite with people and is always happy to let people pet her. She is often offered treats, but she almost seems embarrassed and almost never actually eats them. It is actually pretty cute. I spoiled her a bit with getting her a new toy along with a couple of bone items. My hopes were that she would spend more time chewing those things instead of her leg.

April Foolishness was awesome, as always. Brad Williams stole the show. He is an incredible talent and we actually are impressed enough to consider going and seeing him in his own show as opposed to just in one of these festival style shows. We started the evening with dinner and lots of drinks, which was really nice to be able to hang.

While out that night, we were subjected to watching some of the worst parenting I have ever seen. This lady was sitting next to us with her two kids. Her daughter looked to be maybe Dax’s age, and her son was maybe 5? She spent much of the meal on the phone or ignoring her children who ran around the restaurant. They were wild! They ran out of the outside patio, near the fire pits and just didn’t listen. She would occasionally go after them and try to feed them on the move. I was very close to saying something (thank you multiple cocktails) but opted against it. The kicker was when they were leaving and she actually said these words to them, “I am so proud of you two! You have behaved so well today!” WTF!?!?!?!?!?

I am looking forward to a quiet week. We will most likely have a couple of viewings this week since I emailed my guy about a couple of places. I also am hoping to pack up more stuff. Especially kitchen items I don’t use since we are going to be re-flooring in there. We also got a new dishwasher. It is the end of an era what with the removal of the dishwasher from Ken and Beth’s marriage. LOL!!!

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