Wednesday, April 24, 2013



The sad actually made me go home.

The house blues were really getting to me yesterday. I was bummed, but I still was determined. I spent a lot of time on ListingBook so I could get the scoop on any and all listings that may meet our criteria. I even sent the list to Brandon along with updating our spreadsheet. We have viewings on 4 of them tomorrow.
I took a break from virtual house hunting and decided to get the information together for Friday. We have tickets to go see the taping of America’s Got Talent. As I reviewed the details I noticed something I had not seen before. It almost brought me to tears. The boys would not be allowed in. Apparently there is an age minimum of 12. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I have to say, I didn’t know how blue I had been until this hit me. I was so very upset. The boys have been so excited about this (as had I) and now I am going to have to tell them we can’t go. I am guessing they will be less upset than I fear, but yesterday I was not thinking straight. It hit me hard and I just felt frustrated and needed to get away from my desk.

I ended up being able to go home where I met up with Ken and we went to Costco. He had a trip planned already, but it was nice to hang out with him. We then went to lunch and played a movie trivia game for a long time, which was very calming.

I am much better today. I have regrouped. Sure, I have day of work ahead of me, but it always goes pretty quick. I also have house viewings to look forward to. I also still have Saturday in which I hope to be crowned wife of the year.

So for now, I keep on truckin!

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