Monday, April 29, 2013



Real Estate is beating me down.

Although I managed to not tell Ken what his birthday present was (quite the mini victory for me), he apparently figured it out some time at like 2 am on Saturday morning. Oh well. He really seemed to like it. The day was pretty so Ken said when he was in the plane he was able to see quite a bit. I am glad he had fun.

The rest of the weekend was pretty standard. Laundry was done and house got straightened up. Sadly, none of it was really covering up the anxiety I was dealing with. I snapped at one point when I was annoyed with all three of my housemates sitting around playing Minecraft for like 6 hours straight.

In all fairness, I did get a little bit of awesome Sunday morning. Dax came in and told me he needed a black button up shirt. The only one I knew of was Bobby’s, but it wasn’t the style he wanted. Apparently he had a whole getup in mind. He wanted “fancy” clothes. This says to me that I have done some good parenting. LOL! He and I headed out to the Goodwill where we found some pants he liked and a nice shirt. He also discovered a kick ass cane that thrilled him. We looked through shoes and he pointed out some men’s dress shoes and told me that is what he was looking for. Sadly, they didn’t have any for kids, but he seemed to be ok with what we did find. He spent the rest of the morning in his fancy clothing, complete with bowler and bow tie he requested from me.

This morning I checked into the ListingBook and saw what I assumed would happen. The house we love that had gone back on the market after falling out of escrow was now back to a pending status. This means they chose one of the offers. I am assuming it isn’t ours. I also know why. I am in a bit of a mood about it, but I can’t do much about it. For now, at least I know the cul-de-sac place is still on the table. The sellers are reviewing our offer and hopefully we will know this week. The good news is I really like that place, too, so I am happy if we can get in there.

I know I am cranky. I just screamed out a coworkers name all Captain Kirk style despite the fact that no one is here in the office. I am pissed at something that although isn’t a huge deal is something I now have to fix. Thank goodness I took next Monday off. I am just worried that someone is going to freak out since it looks like I am covering for new accounts again this week. Fuck I don’t get paid enough to deal with these idiots. See! I am cranky!!!

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