Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Title should go here


I let Bobby dress me.

I had seen a handful of posts around the net that had women letting everyone from their toddler to their spouse dress them for a week. They were able to pick out anything in the woman’s collection and they couldn’t balk at anything. I especially enjoyed seeing outfits by little ones since let’s face it; toddlers have the best fashion sense ever! Sadly, I didn’t take advantage of this when my boys were young. I also noted that many of the kids were girls. Here was my opportunity to really see what they think I would look good in.

Both boys have been involved with my taste in clothing in the past. Dax in particular is quite fashionable. Last night he even explained to me how he needs some skinny jeans as he feels those would be a good addition to his fashion game. I am more than willing to assist them in finding their identity through expression with clothing. It seems like an important thing in general to feel good in your own skin, and said skin has to be mostly covered lest you end up in detention or I suppose as a grownup, jail.

Bobby set forth with gusto in his search for an outfit. He went through several items that I did have to poo poo simply because it isn’t snowing out and I was not about to be wearing any giant sweater. That being said, I was open to anything else.

He went very dark. I am wearing mostly black today. I also have determined I look like a gothed out Stevie Nicks. I adore all of the pieces he chose, but I will admit they would not have been my choices to go together. I find the skirt to be too short for such a long top and truly, as much as I rock my sparkly Chucks, I would not have considered them to go with this shirt.

I think he had the most fun with my jewelry. He kept commenting on items, asking why it was that I didn’t wear many of the necklaces. I mostly didn’t simply out of habit with the few I do wear. Even me, the one with crazy style at times can get into a rut.

He chose a snake dangling earring for one side, and one of my clear-ish plastic shape ones for the other ear. The necklace he chose made him quite happy. He liked the chains and how industrial it looked. Again, not one I have worn, but mostly due to the length. I need the right neck line on my top in order for it not to just end up nestled in my boobs. However, this shirt seems to be ok, and perhaps I was too critical in the past with the slight nestling.

I did make the mistake of not asking how I should do my hair with the outfit. I have intentions of letting Dax choose for tomorrow, and because of that, I will once again leave off the hair aspect since I want both boys to have similar experiences. When I get home, Ken will hopefully be able to take a picture of the entire ensemble.

My work day thus far has been crazy busy. I expected some additional work load what with our recent trade show. What I didn’t anticipate was just how many of these orders would all be on accounts that truly cannot have a credit line to get all the shiny equipment they were entranced by on the show floor.

Dax will have practice tonight. Unsure if he will go as he did opt to skip last Thursday. I had no qualms about this, since let’s face it, he is plenty active and the practice is a lot of watching his team. And I gotta say, it will be nice hanging with him during the outfit picking process without feeling like we are lacking in time.

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