Friday, March 11, 2016

Looking at my schedule is already making me tired


It has been a while since I was sore from cleaning.

Yesterday was my productive, yet mind numbingly boring day. It started off with excitement, what with getting Bobby ready for his field trip and then slowing down while Dax got ready for school and I walked him up. Once I got home from this, I spend the next few hours working.

My first project was to clean out the pantry. So many items were in there that we expired, or old or really belonged in the garage where the food supplies are on nice shelves. I added little buckets to contain certain things, which will hopefully keep it more organized overall. It seemed daunting about halfway into emptying the cupboard, but overall it wasn’t as bad as it could be. Plus, the results are happy making.

I then cleaned the kitchen, did all the laundry, cleaned the downstairs and cleaned off the table. I lugged out gobs of trash, including the actual cans since it was garbage day. I even remembered to bring the cans in! I seriously was rockin the place.

What was funny was I kept stopping, thinking perhaps I shouldn’t do all of it and I should really enlist the assistance from my housemates. Then I would get annoyed at this since I knew it would take a lot for that to happen, and I didn’t want to have say, the whole kitchen clean but the dishes not loaded. I just couldn’t leave things be! It was probably for the best.

I picked Dax up from school and he completed his homework quickly, even having time to do the work not due till Monday, which was excellent. He was clearly itching to play soccer, and for the first time in a week he wanted to go to practice badly. Ken and Bobby got to the house around 4:30 so Ken took Dax to practice since he had to handle a region situation at Wilson, and Bobby was exhausted from the long trip so I stayed home.

As much as I did ask about the trip and he did offer up info, Bobby wasn’t interested in chit chat, so I found myself restless. I knew we would all go to the McTeacher’s night when they got home, but man, an hour and a half takes forever when you are bored.

I know both boys must have crashed hard, what with Bobby having been on the road in a bus for at least 4 hours and he spent the rest of the time in the sun, resulting in super pink face, and Dax having even done some of the scrimmage (Ken assured me he was super careful). I know I conked out since I don’t remember having to even get up to pee once in the night. That says something!

Now I am facing another busy weekend. We have fields to line, which should prove to be difficult if it rains when it says it will. Strikers have a tournament in Thousand Oaks tomorrow, which is a long day with the first game at 10 and the last game is Ken’s reffing at like 4:30. Sunday has one more game (no reffing, thankfully) and then Isaiah’s birthday party. Once again, I will really need another weekend to just recover from the weekend.

Luckily, Dax provided me with a book title that Mrs. Van Wie said was great and I found a copy, so my day at work, although may be long, will at least have something to do. Yay!

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