Wednesday, March 9, 2016



3 nails.

Yep, my tire had not 1, not 2, but 3 nails. When I pop a tire, I POP a tire. We had intended on going to Costco, but they are just so crowded, which sucked. But luckily Ken knows a place he really likes that we were able to go to and get it done quickly. I will tell you, I have gotten spoiled driving this car! I had to drive the PT for a couple days and it felt like it was the very definition of POS. Needless to say, I LOVE my new car!!

Yesterday ended up being less hectic than a normal Tuesday since practice for Dax ended up being canceled. It did allow for the science fair projects to get started, which is a good thing. You figure we had to cut fruit, fill containers with liquid and then make a shelf for them in the garage. Luckily, not too difficult, and ultimately they could be done with everything by Sunday, which is a good 10 days before these things are due! YAY!

Leave it to me to find an opportunity to show the boys how to use a spreadsheet. With the boys obsessing over their new soccer trading cards, I have of course jumped in with gusto. They have folders now with card holders to put in the folder and have explained ways to sort them. So now, I went ahead and offered to enter their cards into a spreadsheet. Bobby took me up on the offer so this morning I typed them all in. I put in a column for first name, last name, defensive points, offensive points and how many stars they got on the card. I would add team name, but it doesn’t say so I am going to show Bobby, and probably Dax, too, how to enter new cards, add columns and even sorting and finding card quickly. It will be a great lesson since spreadsheets are something they can use later in life as a great way to organize things or do lists. I personally love them, but of course I also use them for work. But honestly, I use them gobs for everything! I like that I can introduce them to a useful tool with something fun.

Today, the boys are home earlier and hopefully we will get homework done quickly because the plan is to watch Bolt in the Brenan Theater. I figure since I am off tomorrow I can handle some housework then.  Today I will just try to have a mostly relaxing afternoon. I need to take advantage of these non-busy days!

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