Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patty's Day


5 more days.

With each day I can tell Dax is getting even more anxious to get his cast off. We also are at the point in which it is super itchy and he is having more problems sleeping because of it. We will have nights where there is success with all of the factors lining up the way they should. Then we have the other nights, like this morning when Dax came into our bedroom at 3:30 saying he was really itchy. In all fairness, his Benadryl most like had worn off what with him having taken it at 7:45 last night, but it didn’t mean it was fun losing out on my last 20 minutes of sleep. Of course, he is in a worse boat since I know he has to deal with that constant annoyance of an itch that can’t be scratched.

Parent/Teacher conference this afternoon. I am amused at how nervous I get. I know what she is going to say. I know what Bobby needs to improve on. There is still just that feeling of dread when you have to meet with the teacher. It’s like I worry she is judging my parenting ability. And I adore Mrs. Arevelo! But it is just one of those things.

I managed to write up the preliminary budget for the region and sent it to Jimmy. Now he has to review it and provide some other numbers so we can see if the figures I came up with will put us over or under. It isn’t a perfect process, and really we are truly just guessing on some things based on if we know about any major equipment purchases or upcoming expenses that were not present this last fiscal year. I suppose, though, in some ways it is nice resume padding if I ever leave my job.

I need to find a new book that isn’t such a downer. The last handful of books I have read have all ended with someone dying or they have cancer or so many bummer books. I may need to find some random goofy book that is incredibly stupid but that leaves me laughing instead of crying.

One of my coworkers just commented on the fact that I am wearing green today. It was almost like she was shocked that I would remember. I pointed out to her that if anything, I am not nearly as decked out as I have been in the past. I have my arsenal of holiday specific clothing I keep on hand for these very occasions. She is a mom of (based on her kid’s picture) of an 8 year old boy, so I am shocked she doesn’t have these things in order especially since kids love it when you participate with them. I made sure the boys had multiple options for green today, and they were pleased. So I guess it begs the question; am I the crazy one or are all the folks not prepared the crazy ones?

I think my plan right now is when we go to practice, I will take the dogs and I will walk the park with them. I figure Bobby will be riding his bike so it will be a good way to get some quick exercise and still kind of participate with him. Plus, I know the dogs will be happy to get out and about.

I am going to need to hit up Savers soon to look again for track pants for Dax. The last round I did was more for Bobby’s sake, but now that Dax is wearing the pants more, having only 3 or 4 pair just isn’t enough. Sadly, most of Bobby’s are truly too long for even him, so putting them on Dax just wouldn’t be practical. He likes wearing them to practice, which surprises me since he is so active you would think shorts would be better. That being said, he is very fashion conscience, so I think he feels the pants are classier. I feel that although I have been anticipating a bump in food consumption from these boys, especially Dax with all his sports. Now I need to also start setting aside money for their wardrobe. Who knew boys were pricier than girls?

Check out the cool plush toys I got for their Easter Baskets. Now hopefully they show up on time!

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