Friday, April 27, 2012



It is going to be a long day.

We got home around 8 last night, and then even though I went to bed soon after, I could not sleep. I found myself thinking about AYSO Treasurer crap. It was frustrating because it left me tossing and turning. I finally started to drift off, but it was at this point that the power went out, causing all sorts of beeping in the house. It only was out for maybe 10 minutes, but when the block came back up, I never got fully back to sleep, convinced the alarm would not go off due to the power issues, despite all important electronics in our house being on UPS’s. I am very, very, tired.

I was pretty jazzed about our long ride yesterday. We once again rode to practice, and then up to the meeting and back. It was just shy of 6 miles, and filled with lots of hills. Dax was not as thrilled about it, but he was having a rough practice after a minor injury and a ball hitting him in the head. In fact, both my boys got hurt (by me) and I strained a muscle. I may have been playing too hard.

Thankfully, I think the only plan this evening is to go to Target to get a birthday present for a party the boys go to tomorrow. It looks like a full weekend, too. Registration event tomorrow morning, then the party. We also have another party we have been invited to, so I feel like we should make an appearance. Sunday is the day we will go to Spring Fest, and Ken has a birthday party. We will ride our bikes out to all of that.

I have at least my workout to look forward to. I can zone out for a half an hour.

I started book two of the Twilight series. The Vampire backstory pulled me in way more than any love story. If anything, I find that aspect tedious. Bella is irritating, and Edward is even whinier than her. But the other characters are intriguing. Alyssa also said that those stories are apparently very important later. That sounds pretty cool, then, so I will move forward.

I left my iTouch at home. I feel naked.

I am proud that I didn't buy this awesome purse I found online. But I still want it.

I think at some point I need some chips and good salsa this weekend.

I just got up to walk to the restroom when I noted just how sore my hip is from my injury last night. I really hope some walking helps it.

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