Monday, September 26, 2011

its monday


I have not written a blog yet this morning which is a little unusual. I think I have just been sitting here reading random things because the boss is out. I finished my book (and am now unhappy I didn’t anticipate this by bringing another book in) and have read a few articles online. I also am on online overload because when you don’t have real access all week long, you tend to binge a bit.

I am rocking a pair of my favorite Tripp pants today. I am happy for a number of reasons. One, I am jazzed they fit again. Two, it means it is getting cold enough out that wearing these pants won’t kill me. I am actually having a pretty good esteem day today, which is unusual.

Today is the start of the fitness goal, so I am hoping to walk lots and lots today. I will go get the boys, and then I will probably do the Wii tonight, too. I didn’t do as much yesterday, which pains me, but it was for my own good. First off, I cleaned out a closet and worked on the playroom all morning. Even though I didn’t move around much, I did a lot of work. Secondly, I ended up icing my ankle a bunch because on Saturday afternoon, I aggravated my ankle. Luna and I did our walk, and on the way back, when I got to the end of our block, I decided to jog the rest of the way home. It was awesome, and I could feel my body yelling at me, and also I could hear my body cheering. The only problem was that my ankle swelled up a bit. Not a huge deal, but I have determined that I am not quite ready for jogging yet.

Soccer day was a blast. Dax’s team played a team that actually gave them some competition. They needed this, and you could see the Dinosaurs rise to the challenge. They were all passing much better, and working together as a team. I was so proud! We came back from a 3-1 deficit and won the game 5 to 4! Not that winning matters, but it was cool to see them working so hard.

Bobby played goalie again for a quarter. The Lazers were beating the other team pretty easily, but the only goals scored on us did happen when my kid was in goal. Thankfully, he didn’t care. Plus, he made an amazing dive at one point, which although didn’t result in saving the goal, it was impressive that he would do this. He may actually be goalie material. His only real issue is paying attention. He was in la la land. LOL! My favorite part of the game, though, was that one of his teammates, who is easily the best kid on the field, went up and told Bobby what a good job he did. I was impressed with how classy this was being that kids are often cruel to the kid in goal who let the other team score. Instead, Esteban was very sweet.

I think on Sunday I want to take the boys to go see Lion King. It will be a fun outing.

Saturday, we have two early games, with Dax’s starting at 9 and Bobby’s at 10:30. This is perfect for us because it means we don’t have to leave the field. It also means that after the game, we can go to my company picnic. I am not exactly excited, but there are a lot of people who will enjoy seeing the boys. Plus, there is a bounce thing and lots of fun kids stuff to do, so what the hell, right?

I get to leave early tomorrow because the boys start early dismissal on Tuesdays. Ken still is covering a class, so I get to go get them. Normally I don’t like these early dismissals but being that it is on Tuesdays, it works well for us since it is the day we go to my folks’. We can get homework done before we go and I don’t have to stress. I know, I should not stress, but I am just anxious to get to my workout. That lifting weights thing is hard!

It sounds like Thanksgiving is being spent at the Compound. This works out pretty well since it is really one of those few times we can go up. It also sounds like there will be a lot of excitement since there will be a new puppy there. My MIL is getting a puppy for Papa Brenan for his birthday, so this pup will be brand new that weekend. My dogs will be amused. Luna will have a pup she can play with, and Lycos won’t have to deal with it because Luna is handling it. LOL!

I am officially bored. Sure, I suppose there are some things I can work on. I just don’t want to.

Friday, September 23, 2011

little blog


I am super bummed I didn’t get to do my epic walk last night. When we got to practice, I ended up getting into a conversation with one of the other parents, and then Papa Brenan called and said he was coming to the practice so we could do dinner afterwards. I truly just didn’t have the time. On the plus side, my steps yesterday were still over 10K.

Today I am covering for people who are out of the office. I don’t mind, really. Especially since I am going to be out next Thursday. It is also Friday, and I get to do Dax’s soccer practice tonight. Woo hoo!

I am frustrated. This morning, my blood sugar is higher than normal. It is currently at 123, when normally by this time it is closer to 100. I have not had anything unusual today, either. I had chicken for breakfast, the same chicken I have had the last 4 days with no issues. I hate this. I am having some almonds for my snack today, so hopefully that will help. I may also have a cup of green tea.

I had the most yummy vegetable broth at Sizzler’s last night. I was trying several items at the salad bar. I had a large salad (Bobby even took a bite!) and some soups. I realized after that there is some grilled up chicken in the Mexican food part that would probably go well on a salad. Oh well. Next time.

The boys asked me where my diabetes class was at. I explained it was at the same place I got the ultrasound of my stomach when we went with Uncle Andy. They looked at me confused. I told them it was over near Babies R Us. Still, the blank stare. I told them it was near where the car broke that time. They both lit up and went, “Oh yeah! We know where that is!” Great.

I am really getting annoyed with no net at home. Ken was screaming at DSL Extreme when I got home from work yesterday. I posted on Google+ this morning a note to Leo Laport telling him how sucky this company has been since Leo has been an avid supporter of them, and he is the reason Ken wanted to change to them. At least with no net, it keeps me off the computer while I am home this weekend, which will be good if only in the idea that I can get off my fat ass! LOL!

I think I need to write up some proposals and ideas for the PTA. Apparently there was a PTA a couple years ago, but with that lady who embezzled money from the school, it disbanded for a bit. Now, our principal wants to start up again, which means she needs help. I am so ready! Woo hoo! So I need to write some ideas up.

dream time


The following is the dream I had last night.

We were parked on the other side of a very busy street. My mom and the boys crossed when there was no traffic, and Ken and my dad crossed soon after. There were just too many cars at this point for me to go. So I waited. My dad laughed at me and this angered me. I was livid. I flipped him off and yelled that I would walk home. They all laughed, assuming I was kidding. I was not. I turned and headed down the sidewalk.

I walked for a while. I know they were following me, but I didn’t care. I took note of my surroundings, making sure I was going the right direction to get to my final destination. There seemed to be a lot more trees than I had remembered, and I chalked it up to landscaping that I don’t normally notice because I am driving.

I climbed over a low tree branch that was in my path. It was a very shaded area due to the large tree that was taking over this patch of city. As I climbed, I slipped and fell. Everything went black.

In and out of consciousness, I could see the boys talking to me through my haze. Ken was there, and he always looked so very concerned. Each time I came to, I could see how many years had passed. My boys were first teens, then young adults. Ken’s hair was graying, and thinning, but what was most telling was the worry lines becoming deep in his face.

Finally, I was awake. I looked around me and noted I was in a hospital bed. It was dark outside the window next to me. I looked to my right, and there in the other bed was my sleeping husband. He looked so ragged, yet peaceful. I climbed out of my bed and patted myself down for my phone. It wasn’t there, and this frustrated me. I needed information, and I felt as though the phone would provide me with something. I noted some of my belongings on the counter near the sink, and I stumbled over to see what was there. I found my phone and attempted to plug it in after I noted it was at 2%. During this, Ken awoke to see me there. He looked so very tired, and he was confused.

I ran to his side and told him we needed to escape. We needed to run from this place as fast as we could. He looked at me with such relief and joy. I didn’t understand why he was crying. I only understood it was imperative that we leave this place, and now.

I grabbed his hand and guided him out the door.

Thursday, September 22, 2011



Good morning, world!

I feel great this morning. I had my diabetes class last night. What is it about tiny, old, professor types that make me all tingly? This little man was awesome. I was the first one in class, with another lady coming in not long after me. She was truly scared about her pre-diabetes diagnosis. She asked me about my treatment and how often I test my blood sugar levels. She had a monitor, but had not used it. She didn’t know what to make of it all. I was so very sad for her. I stopped just short of giving her a hug. I told her that I look at diabetes not as a curse, but as a cure. It has kicked me in the ass to take care of myself in a way I should have been doing all along. I also told her of my successes. She seemed impressed and much calmer after this information. I was in the midst of this tale when my little dietician instructor had come in.

He was clearly listening to what I was saying, and I noted this and started talking to both of them. He told me he loved my enthusiasm and attitude about diabetes and said he was super glad to have someone like me in his class. It was great because it allowed me to ask some questions about things like supplements my dad had told me about and just general information that had been difficult to decipher on the net. He was awesome.

The class itself was interesting. Lots of great information concerning food and how to manage my blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. I have a trip to Trader Joe’s in my future since I want to look for several of the items I wrote down. I also need to go to Ralphs and see if I can find the equivalent. I will now be a label reader.

My blood sugar was amazing yesterday. I had forgotten to take my Metformin at lunch, yet my blood sugar went down all on its own. Of course, I could still just have the stuff in my system, but still, I thought this was a good sign. If I keep up my weight loss and food management, I am hoping my next endocrinologist appointment will at the least reduce my pills down to twice a day. I lost another couple pounds. Not as much as I would like, but 2 to 3 pounds a week is still quite good, and healthy.

I get to do some serious walking tonight with Dax, so this is happy making. I really love the exercise portion of this new me. I wish I had a little more time, but I know that once I get into the groove of the boys’ school, soccer and one more week of diabetes education, I will get it under control. I also really want to get a bicycle. I have been shopping around at Target and Walmart and have seen a few cool beach cruisers that I like. Ken keeps teasing me because I don’t want anything with hand brakes, but really, I think it in our best interest that I am happy with the brakes of my choice.

Nymphadora Tonks has been adapting in leaps and bounds to our crazy household. She has been out every morning to say hello to me as I get ready for work, and even in the afternoon when I got home. She clearly is leery of Miss Luna, but do you blame her? Luna can be a bit wild for a timid kitten. Although, I don’t think she is as timid as she seems. She even batted playfully at IO this morning, which shows that she is becoming braver. I am quite smitten with her and am happy she has figured out that our household isn’t evil. She especially enjoys the television show staring Ratticus and Remy. If she could get closer to the screen (read-cage), she would do so, but I think she is still unsure of what to do with the hosts who chatter at her from above.

The boys have both hit a milestone with school. Neither one cried or even complained about going through the school gate on their own yesterday, which means Ken has less headache with drop off now. Dax has also decided that school is awesome and he is anxious to leave in the mornings. This is what I expected in the beginning, but I suppose there is a comfort curve he had to get through.

Bobby has been doing his homework so much better than last year. It is truly amazing. His writing has vastly improved and even his wit and thinking has become more apparent. He sounds words out, he considers all of the questions on the worksheets and truly seems to be an active participant in the leaning process rather than just doing what is asked of him. It is a fun time.

Dax’s homework is still in the minimal stage, so I have added addition work to his afternoon sessions. Since Miss Lira gave us the prior years’ early reading books, I have let Dax pick out 3 to 5 a day for him to practice reading. He does an amazing job, and if anything he never complains about reading the books, he gets upset when I tell him he has done enough. Yay!

The shelter dubbed the pup we rescued a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix. I would say this makes sense in regards to size, but she was clearly mixed with some kind of retriever. She doesn’t come available until Monday afternoon, and I would not be surprised that before we even get down there, she will be snatched up by the rescue groups.

I just tried some Splenda. Not horrid. I have always been one of those people that refused to use artificial sweetners. Now that I should do so, I have to change my tune. It wasn’t gross. It tasted like sugar. I used a smidge in my green tea this morning. I think if I can embrace things like this, I will be more able to enjoy a lot of things I used to enjoy.

I added carbs to my breakfast this morning. Normally I have just enjoyed some baked chicken chunks. This morning I added a tortilla, a suggestion from my instructor. It was good, but I still wonder if I need to do that. He pointed out everyone is different, so we should go with what works for us.

I also noted that one of my salads is pretty much the entire veggie requirements in a day. Awesome! I still will eventually add a salad or veggies to dinner, but I know for now, I don’t think it is something I can do with every dinner.

Turns out if you need to clean out your fridge of leftovers, have the kids eat it. LOL! I served up multiple items for the boys, which provided lots of variety. I was lucky since it apparently was an eating day, so they wolfed it all down, and even asked for more. Yay room in the fridge. It will come in handy since I have had the crock pot going since yesterday afternoon with some pork for tonight. Yum!

Tomorrow looks to be busy at work. I am once again covering for this chick that does new accounts. Not thrilled about it, but whatcha gonna do, right? Run screaming or show them how fucking awesome you are? I go with option two, peeps!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

piss and vinegar-you have been warned



Ken calls me at 12:15 yesterday and tells me he has a dog. A golden retriever pup. He explains that she was all tied up at Costco and without water and that after waiting some time, he was told to go ahead and take this dog to the shelter so that the owners could get her there. The only real problem was that he had to get to class.

I left work and met Ken in between and took the pup off his hands. She wasn’t young. She was small. Definitely a lot of golden in her, but clearly mixed with a smaller breed. Her spay scar was older and her teeth made her look less than puppy like.

She was a total sweetie. She had on a newish harness and a little bag attached to it with her poop bags. She was clearly owned by a woman. I took her over to Carson shelter since she was found in Hawthorne. I went in and had to endure the urging of the people in the waiting area to just go home and keep her. It was upsetting, actually. I felt like a bad person for bringing her to the shelter, when in reality, I just wanted her to find her owner.

We scanned her for a chip and found nothing. She had no form of id on her at all. The lady behind the counter was nice, but very business like. She explained that yes, they could take her and she would go through the process. I could take her home and bring in flyers saying I had found her. She also explained that if I had her for 2 weeks, even if I was still looking for her owner, by law the dog would be mine. I was already feeling guilty, so I gathered the pup and headed home.

I had not thought this through.

I walked in the house with her and was immediately greeted by Monarch, who was yelling at me for something unrelated. It was at this point he realized that I was accompanied by a small dog. He was pissed.

Monarch is a pretty large cat. I didn’t realize that he was holding back on his size. In his anger, he doubled in size, and I am not just talking about his fur standing on end. He was able to make himself look like a giant menace. It was pretty awesome, really. Amusing, also, especially when coupled with the low growl he was projecting in the direction of this poor, scared pup. He also was not about to back down. I tried to shoo him away. Nothing worked. I realized I needed to get the dog out of this house before a swat landed on her nose or behind that would result in way more problems.

During this little dance, Luna was at the door, looking in. She looked hurt. Not physically, but she looked at me with this sadness as if to say, “Have I been replaced, mom?” The pup went up to the screen to see what Luna was all about. Luna was very sweet, but the pup immediately started barking her little head off at Luna, who looked confused now.

I needed to get the L dogs inside and the pup outside.

Thankfully, Luna shocked the hell out of me. I told her to sit and stay and she did. You could tell it was taking every bit of will power to do so as I guided the pup out the back porch. She never lunged at the pup! I told Luna to go inside, which she did happily. Yay!

Lycos was another story. She came from where she had been and bee lined to the pup. Fuck. Lycos has decided that now that she is old and frail, she can use her selective hearing. She wasn’t listening to any of my commands, and I actually had to pull her away from her glare. I wasn’t worried about Lycos hurting the pup so much as the pup hurting my old, idiot dog. I managed to shoved Lycos in the house and was able to get the door closed with no more issues. Phew!

I let the little dog wander off leash so she could potty and get water. I started to go in the house when Luna could obviously no longer contain her excitement about the visitor. She bounded up to the pup who was pissed. There was a minor scuffle, but nothing serious. This may have been because I quickly grabbed Luna and tossed her in the house.

I still needed to go get the boys, so I went inside. The pup started barking. Crap. My dogs started barking. Crap. I had to end up putting my dogs in the boys’ room and spoke to the pup from my bedroom, reassuring her that I was in fact still there. This helped all around.

This dog would not be boarding at Casa de Brenan.

Once Ken got home, he took the pup back to Carson.

This is where Ken had his adventure.

The same people were in the waiting area, and clearly recognized the pup. They asked him rather sternly why it was that this dog was back. Ken explained that this is where the owners would probably come looking for her. These people turned out to be from animal rescue groups. They started telling Ken how they are there every day to get any new adoptable animals so that they are not left at a high kill shelter.

They tried to out logic the wrong person.

Ken pointed out that if these groups (reps from 2 other groups showed up in the 20 minutes Ken was there) were there every day, getting all the new animals that are very adoptable, it was no wonder that Carson has a high kill rate. They don’t have any adoptable animals left! They told Ken that the animals get killed in 5 days. A person at the shelter said that this was not actually 100% true. In fact, they will hold some animals indefinitely. Ken told these groups that although it is nice that they are “saving” animals, they are not making it easy for normal people to come down to a shelter to get an animal that will mostly likely fit their household. Instead, people will have to go to animal rescue groups, pay more than what they would have at the shelter, and go through a lot more red tape before they can take home an animal. This is in fact, making the process less appealing and it is why the standard person is less likely to adopt these days.

The group reps were not happy with Ken.

This experience piggy backed on the recent visit to Petsmart. They had some dogs for adoption. I was smitten with one until I noticed how much the fees were to take that dog home. $400. No joke. What the fuck? Look, I appreciate how much it costs to help these critters, but $400 to take home this dog? Once again, I could go find a dog at the shelter and go home with her for $120. Sometimes even less. It came across less like a non-profit organization, and more like a monopoly for the best dogs.

Luna came from a backyard breeder. I recognize that it would have been better to go to a shelter, but I wanted a specific breed of pup. Lycos came from the Carson animal shelter. Ken and I happened to go in to the shelter on our first look for a dog, and her litter had just been dropped off. We lucked out and got to take home our Lycos. I hope for every person going into a shelter to find their new best friend. I just would hope that the shelters and rescue groups would figure out better ways to work together to make sure that not only are the animals are helped, but also that people trying to adopt have an easier time with it.

Please know, not all rescue groups are like this. Many really do go above and beyond to help both critters and people come together. I was just frustrated that the groups represented at Carson shelter yesterday. I hope they understand that the stats for Carson shelter might not be as bad if they were to work with them more.

Actually, what would be awesome is if the county would allow rescue groups to help fix up these shelters. The shelter in Pedro is really nice compared to Carson. I know Carson is doing some construction, but it would be nice if the animals in the shelter had nicer accommodations and that when people went there they would feel like they were not in some kind of prison camp.

Of course, what it comes down to is there are good rescue groups and bad ones, just as there are good shelters and bad ones. I know that there are people out there really trying to make sure animals are treated well and get good homes. I am not as impressed with groups that just seem to be shoving it down your throat that this animal will die unless you pay enormous amounts of money to take them home. It just sucks.

I have adopted from TLC. They were quite cool. It was some time ago now, but they were awesome. I obviously have dealt with Carson and Pedro, both with good results.

Bottom line, people mean well. They just don’t always go about it correctly.

Ok, on to less controversial topics.

I forgot my pedometer today. I actually forgot to have it on yesterday afternoon, too, which annoys me. I had changed from work clothes and didn’t put it on my shorts. Crud. Not that it is a huge deal, but I am liking the keeping track of my steps. It makes me feel more accomplished.

I want to take my weight today. I am afraid I have hit my first plateau. I expected it, but I need to push through this. Tomorrow, I will be walking a lot more since Dax and I will go to Centinella Pet and Feed during Bobby’s practice. Either that or up to Dollar Tree. Both are a good hike, so that will be fun.

I know I should not be annoyed, but I am just going to put it out there so I can move on. When I posted the picture of the pup on Facebook, I was amused that people accused me of stealing someone’s dog. I know they meant well, and were mostly just fucking with me. What I did not appreciate was that Greg commented. He never comments on any of my stuff. His first comment was actually cute. It said they should just let dogs in Costco. What I didn’t like was his subsequent comments:

BTW - Dogs can go an hour without water - how hot was it? It sounds like Costco/Cops were just being dicks to me. I would be SO PISSED if someone took my dog.

RE: Water - I would also like to point out that this was in front of Costco... so 800+ people an hour were walking past the dog... so if he/she ended up really needing something, it's not like it was all alone... plenty of people would have provided water for it if it looked hot.

Fuck you, Greg. Look, I would be pissed, too, if someone took my dog. I also would not have taken my dog to Costco and left her outside like that. Plus, it sounds like the cops would have called animal control had Ken not taken the dog himself.

In addition to this, fuck you, Greg. Just because 800 people pass something that isn’t right doesn’t mean someone will do the right thing. We have seen so many stories about how bystanders don’t do a damn thing because they assume someone else would. How come in the hour Ken was there, not one fucking person helped this dog?

Oh yes, and fuck you, Greg. Do you really fucking think I don’t know how much water a fucking dog needs? Don’t you remember I have owned dogs just about my whole fucking life? You have had one fucking dog. It doesn’t make you a fucking expert. He chose to criticize me on something when he had no need to. The guy doesn’t wish me a happy birthday despite FB reminding the world, he doesn’t wish me condolences when my brother died, but he goes ahead and essentially tells me I am a fucking idiot about dogs? I repeat; FUCK YOU, GREG.

I just signed up for the Health and Wellness contest at work. From Sept 26th through Nov 20th, it will count how many cardio miles we do. If we do 100 miles in the 8 weeks, we get a shirt. The winners get a $20 gift card to Sports Chalet. Winning building gets Subway Lunch. Neat! I figure with my current average of about 7K steps a day, I will have 190 something miles by the end of 8 weeks. Yay! So I figure I can enter to keep up on this. Really, it is perfect timing for me. It will push me to do more. I will kick ass, peeps!

Diabetes class tonight. It is about nutrition tonight. Should be interesting. My dad gave me the name of this supplement that Dr. Oz talked about, and I will be able to find out how much bullshit that guy is selling. It will also be good to hear information on foods that I should probably avoid. Yes, I know that the internet has all the info out there, but sometimes it is nice to hear it from a person.

I was testing my blood sugar yesterday to see exactly how much exercise affects it. It was fascinating. I was at 89 and I did my weight training. When I was done, I tested it again and it was down to 76. That is an amazing change, especially since the exercise itself didn’t take that long. It was tough, but wow! It means this whole exercise thing rules.

I also had read that eating a handful of almonds after every meal can reduce blood sugar as much as 10 points. I can assure you, I am going to get some almonds.

As much as I hate no internet at home right now, it has allowed me to walk away from the Zynga games. I was already getting frustrated with them, but I had already invested so much time in them. Now, I can walk away and not do them. Besides, the time spent on those at home should be spent using the Wii to work out or playing with the kids. No internet is like a game patch!

Crud, I didn’t realize it is almost 8:30 and I have not checked my voice mail yet. What the hell have I been doing all morning? Oh yeah, this.

The boss is out all next week. YAY! And not just out, he is out of the country. It is a great week for this since it is report time, so I don’t have him breathing down my neck. Plus, Thursday I am playing hooky since LAUSD has the day off so Ken and I are taking the boys to Disneyland in the morning (lots walking! Woo hoo!). It is going to be a good week.

As much as I love Tivo and can’t imagine a television without it now, I think that apps and the net are changing the way I watch television even more. I just downloaded the CW app so I can watch 90210 on pAdme. It means I don’t have to only watch it when I can squeeze in time at home. I can watch it on my lunch break (read-at my desk when no one is checking on me). Plus, I can download most shows these days on either the network site or Hulu. It is a pretty amazing time.

My hair isn’t pissing me off today. This is the first time in some time. I have it dark dark brown again, and it has recovered from the dye job quite well.

The other big issue with no net is my picture uploading is behind. This is frustrating since it is harder to organize things like my dailies with Bobby when I have to do something like 2 weeks worth. Ken is calling them again today. He is demanding a $30 a day for the inconvenience. It has been 7 days so far. I will be ok with that credit.

Ok, I have taken up 5 pages this morning. Surely I have other things to do.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Go go go


I need one more day of weekend. I ran out of time.

Friday afternoon I did a lot of running around during Dax’s practice. I think from that is where my ankle got a smidge strained. It feels ok, but I can tell I twisted it a bit.

Ken and Bobby took a walk during practice and returned with things for me, including wine and my new awesome skunk hat, which will double as my costume since I have now decided to be Penelope. I am quite pleased.

Saturday was soccer. A lot of soccer. LOL! Dax’s game was at 9, but we had to be there at 8 to do field set up. I had a lot of fun, though, since I ended up running team warm up with passing and taking shots on goal. I felt like a real part of the team.

The game itself was a slaughter. I don’t know the final score. We even held back our team a bit because I think our score was in double digits. Dax scored 2 goals. That was cool since I could tell how excited he was. He did amazing. He has some really good instincts when it comes to the game, and he has aggression to get to that ball. Coach Ed is quite impressed. It was a great morning!

Bobby’s game wasn’t until 3. This gave us several hours to kill. We went looking for costume parts. We were in Kmart, which was to be a brief stop before we headed to the game. It turned into a blood bath.

Bobby and Dax were running around in the racks, and they managed to collide. Dax bounced off, unscathed, whereas Bobby ended up with a bruised and cut gum, and skin scraped off of his upper lip. It wasn’t a super horrid injury in the grand scheme of things, but it was a bleeder! On top of that, Bobby screamed and screamed as though his arm had been ripped off. It was crazy. What was the most shocking was that no Kmart employees came up to assist me or check to see if he was ok. I was clearly tending to a wound, yet no one seemed to care. I was kind of relieved, actually, but still surprised.

Bobby’s game was more evenly matched. I think it ended up being 2-1, making it the first loss of the season for the Lazers. What was more newsworthy was Bobby volunteering for goalie. He has NEVER played it before, not even in a practice session. I didn’t even know he would want to do this. I was terrified. Not really as much in the idea of him getting hurt, as I would imagine most would think. I was more scared for his feelings. I have noted the change from sweet to asshole in boys when they hit about 8 years old. There are a handful of 8 year old assholes on Bobby’s team. If Bobby let a goal go through, would they end up yelling at him. Of course, there would be nothing I could do about this except clean up the pieces, but it still made for a long half while he was back in goal.

It doesn’t help that Bobby reminds me of Ferdinand the bull. He would much rather sit and smell the flowers than fight. It is incredibly endearing, but terrifying as a mother who will go to great lengths to protect their young. This is the kid who on Friday, pulled my mother aside to tell her to be sure to be nice to Poppy since it was Doug’s birthday. While Bobby stood in goal, you could actually see him in la la land, happy as a clam.

He did let one goal score, but he also saved one. The whole time, he did a good job. I was proud. And thankfully, no one gave him shit for the one goal scored. I think this week we will have him work in goal a bit since he really liked it.

By the time we got home from soccer, it had been a long day. I had a couple of glasses of wine, and was quite content to crawl into my bed.

Sunday was another day of go go go . We had AYSO pictures to do. The first set was at 10:30, which was nice. Ken got to be in the picture since he is assistant coach. I also got to go back with all the kids as team mom. That was cool since no other parents can go near the actual photography session.

We were there early since Bobby’s was done before our time slot. Dax’s coach was late, which wasn’t a huge deal. We didn’t get Dax’s set done until close to noon. I got to be in that picture as assistant coach. I feel like we have hit a Brenan milestone with this soccer thing. Next year Ken is going to coach, since the boys will be on the same team. I may assist. I may also be team mom again. Not sure. It is a lot of fun!

After pictures, we got lunch and then ended up doing several errands, including getting food for most of our household inhabitants. It was good to get groceries, though. It means I have food to work with again. And salad fixings, which is happy making. Plus, the dogs and cats have food again so there will be no hostile takeover.

I talked poor Kam down yesterday since she is stressed about the kids starting kinder today. Lunches was the issue since they are picky, and it is hard to know what to feed them. Today is going to be rough on her, but I know after a few days it will get better. I liked the idea of me being the calm one on something like this. LOL!

New reward for weight loss. I have decided to do my hair blonde when I hit 175 pounds. The blonde will be followed up with red tips and then maybe things like hot pink hair. I need a reward for 250 and 275.

Sunday afternoon, the boys played in the pool and I grilled up dinner. I made ribs, which were freaking amazing. Even Dax had multiple helpings! So proud.

The other cool thing at the store was my discovery of some chicken breast steaks which should have been marked at about $6, and instead had been coded $.06. I am a good thrifty shopper, and I find bargains, but this mis coded chicken was probably one of my best finds ever!

Ken colored my hair last night, which I wish I had done it earlier in the day if only so I could sleep more.

Dax’s doctor’s appt went good on Friday. The doctor said not only was he where he should be at 5, he is advanced. Yay!

I suppose I should do some work.

Thursday, September 15, 2011



My internet is down at home. I have no idea what is wrong. DSL extreme says it will not be back up for 10 days. I am pissed. I will survive, especially since I at least have my phone, but it still annoys me. Needless to say, I have abused the shit out of the net this morning while at work.

Despite my lack of computer escape, my plan is to go home today at around 7:30. It is before the boss gets in, and after Ken has taken the kids to school. He has today off, and I wanted to spend some time with him, and also work on the house a bit. He doesn’t know this, so it is all a surprise.

I have hit a huge milestone. I am at 298! Yes, this means I am under 300. I am excited! This is so cool! I am wearing my Tripp pants that I love, too, since they fit me again. I feel wonderful, too. The GI issues come and go, but they are tolerable overall. Yesterday I logged over 10k in steps. It is going good, peeps!

Diabetes management class went well last night. The nurse who runs it told me I was the only one who got 100% on the pre-test. LOL! She said she should have figured I would be educated since I was rocking my iPad there. She was also super impressed with my progress. I signed up for this monthly “rap” group that has diabetics go to the same place and just talk, ask questions, and really, support one another with her. She pointed out you don’t need to go every month, but it is a place you can get information and answers with people who have diabetes. It might be cool.

Soccer practice tonight for Bobby, and if we are feeling adventurous, Chuck E Cheese’s for a school fundraiser. Might be good if only because it is going on after practice, and we get home late enough that having someone else make dinner sounds good.

When I get home, I also need to find my paperwork for the referral to the ophthalmologist. I need to have my eyes checked just so I have a base line. My diabetes means I need to really take care of myself. Eye care is a big deal. I have to have my eyes dilated so that they can check my vessels. The instructor last night told us to not get glasses yet since if we are working on our A1Cs, and we reduce those numbers, our eyes will change. So we should get stable, then do glasses. Not that I need glasses, but I am reducing my A1Cs, dammit! YAY!

My plan tonight is to walk at the park for Bobby’s practice. I am actually considering jogging a bit, too. Not sure. I am also considering getting one of those thigh master things so I can do it at my desk. I did the thigh master movement for 30 minutes the other day, and it was awesome! I am just trying to think of things I can do at my desk or when I am stationary.

My current weight goal is to be at 275 by Christmas.

My current annoyance is that my fasting blood sugar is always between 115 and 120. I don’t understand why. My blood sugar during all other times is fine. I may need to have a nighttime snack. We shall see. There is one thing where your blood sugar actually drops too low in the middle of the night, and your body counters that with more sugar. It could be also when I am taking my meds. I will try to see what is going on since I want it corrected. I am reading conflicting information on the net, indicating that over 120 is not great, but my range is fine. It may also go down lower as I keep losing weight. I suppose this means don’t panic yet. LOL!

Ok, time for me to wrap this up. I am heading out shortly.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The sick one


Dax has been coughing more and more. When he gets a cold, he GETS a cold. However, Ken thinks he is Ferris Buellering us since when he woke up this morning at 4 coughing, after each fit he would ask Ken if he had to go to school. I still maintain that he does have a bad cough, and if he is this bad, he should stay home. Either way, I am on call right now. If he is still bad, I am going home to stay with him since Ken has to go to a class this morning.

If I go home, I will be able to let him rest, and I think I will do a bunch of Wii working out for him to watch. It will get my workout done early, and it will keep him quiet so he can get better.

There is an after school program that I could sign the boys up for. My dad suggested I do so, especially since it is free. It would allow me some extra time in the afternoons. I am tempted, but in reality, most days are still pretty packed. Getting them home early works well since it means we can do homework, and still get to things like soccer practice on time. Plus, I have guilt if I leave them there.

The verdict is in. Dax appears to be ok. He fell back asleep and woke up ok at 6:30. I do not get to go home. Oh well. I may be taking the day off on the 29th since they have a student free day, so I guess this works out ok.

I have my second diabetes class tonight. I am going to try to go a little earlier tonight so I get a better seat. I wish it wasn’t so long since I do like my sleep, but if it is as interesting as last week, it will go quickly.

My house needs some serious work. The clutter is driving me a little nuts. Hopefully when I get home today I can work on some of it. But really, the first time I will have is Sunday after pictures. I need a vacation.

My pretzels are stale. I am sad now.

Disneyland is all Halloweened now. Perhaps on the 29th we take the boys to the Magic Kingdom.

I have a bruise on my hand that I don’t know anything about.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

School woes


Good morning world! Ok, no, I am not actually that chipper. I just wanted to see what it was like to be that way.

Dax is struggling with school. He clearly misses Ms. Lira. She is a special teacher since she really gets to know the kids and she didn’t have to make them do as much work. Every morning, Dax has cried every morning, and has a couple of times in class, has told Mrs. Fasheh that he misses me. Luckily, she has been able to tell him she misses her mom, too, and the other kids have also talked about it, which is cool. Dax tells me every afternoon when I pick him up how he isn’t afraid of school anymore, yet every morning, he cries with Ken. I am tempted to take a day and walk him to school to see how he does with me, but honestly, that will probably not help.

On top of his tears, he has told me that his friend doesn’t like him anymore. He has told me someone called him a bully. He has told me that no one plays with him. I know none of this is a problem since Ken and I went down to the school yesterday and watched him playing with his class. He was clearly not having any problems. Plus, I could tell the other kids liked him just fine.

I am bummed he is having a hard time, but I know it will pass. He is just at an age right now and I can tell he is going through this odd phase where he is a bit of a control freak (hmmm..I wonder where that comes from. LOL!) and he is frustrated with not being in charge. On the plus side, his academics are going ok. He read a lot of a book yesterday for me, one in which they won’t be reading for about a month, so this is a good sign. Plus, when there was a word he didn’t know, and I told him what it was, he remembered it for the rest of the book. This seemed promising.

Bobby is doing well. No tears so far. He is a little nervous about going to line by himself, but so far it hasn’t been an issue since Ken has been able to go with him or the class happens to go by him as Dax is being dropped off. He seems close with Dimitri, which is good since he is a good kid.

Bobby still dinks on his homework, but his penmanship was excellent last night and I am still always impressed with his wit. A lot of kids say good bye to him, so that is cool.

I think I need to suck up to Mrs. Kelly a bit. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with Ken and I yet. She isn’t as comfortable with us yet like some of the other teachers and even the principal is. I just want to make sure she knows we are there to help, and all we want is what is best for everyone.

Ken and I got pedometers this weekend. I was reading up on walking goals, and apparently 3 to 4 thousand is normal, and yesterday I did a little over 5K. The goal is to get up to 10K, which is approx. 5 miles of walking a day, which isn’t too bad. It just means I need to stay active. I can do it! I think I can up my walk a bit before I get the boys. If I change and head out right when I get home, and go around a couple of other blocks, that will add to it. Hell, even doing some of the running on the Wii will go towards this goal. I am not going to do anything too intense to myself just yet. Walking is a great way to do this. My mom lost her weight from walking a lot and cutting calories. I think I will do that plan, along with some sprinkling of other things. Like right now, as I write this, I have been “walking” at my desk. I can feel my heart rate going up, and my legs working hard. I may have to be at a desk job, but I will not be sedentary.

The boys won their soccer games on Saturday. Not that you are supposed to keep score, but I know they do. Bobby only played half the game, which he didn’t seem to care about. He isn’t exactly a soccer master. He seems to just enjoy the whole experience.

Dax, on the other hand, played his whole game. I doubt this will happen each game, but I was impressed. Coach also was super impressed with his playing. He was aggressive and had great passing. Actually, all of his team did amazing. I am looking forward to another Saturday of soccer. This Saturday will be long, though, since Dax’s game is at 9 am, and Bobby’s isn’t until 3. Thank goodness we can go home in between.

No boss man today. Something must have happened since he called out today and yesterday.

My report doesn’t work right now. I am bored. I wonder if I can just play games.

Friday, September 9, 2011



Happy birthday to my daddy!!

Today is going to be more hectic than yesterday, if that is possible.

Yesterday when I got home, I felt like I was on over drive. I had to get the boys, which took longer only because the wonderful that is Miss Lira, gave us a set of the old reading program the school used up through last year. This will be good to have so the boys can practice reading at home. I am pretty jazzed. Mrs. Fasheh was excited that we got it, too, since she knows how much we work with the boys.

When we got home, the city had arrived to remove the branch from the tree. Ken convinced them to trim the tree, which meant it was like crack for kids. Giant machines, falling branches, all kinds of boy toys! This meant homework was delayed.

Brenan men have no sense of urgency. This is bad when Mama B is a freaking spaz.

Keep in mind, we were late for nothing. Everything got done. I wish I could be calmer. But then again, perhaps my crazy coupled with Ken and the boys’ indifference makes things run smoothly.

Today is get kids, go to doctor, soccer practice, dinner with my folks. Phew!

Tonks is eating, and going potty when we put her in the pan. She is still nervous, but last night, she was in our bed and she was playing with me, which was awesome. She also gave me lots of kitten kisses and love bites. Her inner kitten was coming out, and it was so nice to see. I have been alternating between calling her Tonks and Nymphadora. I will be curious what nicknames I come up with. Of course, her full name is Nymphadora Tonks, but I love both names. J.K. Rowling, you are awesome.

It is going to be a long work day. I can just feel it.

I am going to attempt to attend practice in my jeans. I just don’t want to have to wear shorts to dinner since we are leaving for dinner right after practice. I think I can manage.

I am looking forward to weighing myself at the doctor’s office. It isn’t my appointment (it is for Dax’s annual) but I will still use the scale.

As we listened to music in the car yesterday, Dax asks me if we have any Justin Beiber. I wanted to cry.

Hometown Buffet tonight. I managed it before, and didn’t over eat. I filled up on salad, then hit the rest of the buffet. Tonight, I am going for meat. I also am not going to stress. As the diabetes nurse told us, we are allowed to eat. I am good, really freaking good, most of the time. One bigger dinner will be fine. Plus, my meals for today are a tuna sandwich, with light mayo. My lunch is a salad. I have a snack of some nuts. Plus, when I get home after dinner, I was going to do the Wii. Plus, I can walk to go get the boys since once again, I remembered Dax’s appt wrong. It is next week. I should be fine.

Poor Dax is having a tough time with school. Bobby actually has not cried, and Ken was even able to leave him in line today with Dimitri and they were great. Dax has been a little sad each morning. I think he misses Miss Lira. Thankfully, she loves Dax, and has this week to go and visit the class. Dax did say that Mrs. Fasheh does things he doesn’t like. I think he is just still adjusting to the way things are. Classes get stricter each year, and he just has to get used to it. It makes me sad, though. He told me yesterday that he wasn’t scared, and that he likes Mrs. Fasheh, but I am sure everything just takes time.

Thursday, September 8, 2011



It was an exciting last couple of days in the Brenan household.

On Tuesday, I got home and we went up to find out who Dax’s teacher would be. Mrs. Fasheh won the cage match and we went and said hello, and also let Bobby go meet Mrs. Kelly. Both are great teachers, so I am looking forward to the year.

I took the boys to my parents’ house and we did the standard hang out, and I did some weight training. That is much harder than it looks!

On the way home, the boys were in giggle mode. It was at this point they told me there was a surprise for me when I got home. I was amused at them desperately trying to not tell me what it was.

We got home and the boys clearly saw the surprise and could hardly contain themselves. Ken simply told them that I would find it and to not point it out. He then told me I needed to go check in with all the critters. I did so, starting with Monarch. As I worked my way through the cats, I got to IO, who was sitting on the couch with a little dirty orange growth. The growth was a little kitty!

Ken had gone down and picked up the kitten at the shelter. She is about 5 months old. The jury is out on whether or not this the kitten I fell in love with. It doesn’t matter, really, since this one is super sweet. She has been dubbed Tonks. She is skittish, and mostly just stays curled up on the bed since she came home with us. She may still be a hint sore from the spay surgery, and our house is rather intimidating. Tonks did sleep up on our bed last night in between Ken and my pillows, so that was sweet. She purrs and she seems good, but nervous.

I was really worried at first when she would not eat, but I got her to eat yesterday afternoon, and it was vigorous! Monarch was unhappy with her being in his spot, but he has been kind.

As if that wasn’t enough excitement, yesterday was the first day of school!

Before we left, Bobby was a little weepy, but he pulled it together. He told us he was scared. Thankfully, I had to use the restroom, and we were early. I had Bobby take me to the grownup restrooms near the cafeteria. He liked being able to show me around. As we neared the place, I noted all the kids in the playground, lining up. It occurred to me that he should be in line as opposed to going straight to the classroom like we did with Kinder.

Bobby and I went and found his room number spot, and for some reason, my overly cheerfulness and his happiness that I was with him made the tears and fears go away. His friend Dimitri showed up with his mom. He was terrified, so I asked Bobby if he could help Dimitri out. He was happy to. We discussed them waiting for one another at the gate to go to line and it was a buddy system set up.

Ken and Dax actually came out because Ken was retrieving more Kinder students since they all needed to line up somewhere else. Thankfully, Dax didn’t seem to mind that I was not with him.

We walked to the classroom with Mrs. Kelly. At the door, she had the kids say their goodbyes. Bobby was great! I gave him the Kissing Hand and he smiled and went in with no issue. In fact, I watched him go to Dimitri’s chair to show him where to sit first! It was awesome. I shuffled off quickly so I didn’t tempt him into tears and so I could get to Dax’s class.

I think I was made classroom mom for Dax’s class. I have no idea what it means.

Dax was fine. He was a little nervous, but with a good chunk of kids from his old class in there, it helped a great deal. There was a runner, which made me sad for the kid. Later we found out he ran out of the classroom again, and Mrs. Fasheh had to run after him down the hallway.

As Ken and I left, I was proud to say that no tears were shed by boy or mom. Yes, later I know that Dax cried a bit when he lost his name tag, but he was fine once he got a new one. Bobby may have teared up later, but he said it was minor.

Of course, today is a new day, so in a couple of hours I will get to hear the update.

I spent a great deal of time working on paperwork for both boys yesterday. I really wish they could put some of this crap online.

Bobby had homework, but it was nothing more extreme than what he did last year, so this is good. They want him to read for 15 minutes each day.

Last night was also my first diabetes management class. It was fascinating. I enjoyed it a great deal. I probably didn’t need it, but I am glad I went. She was awesome, and mostly, I just loved her sense of humor, and the fact that she was no bullshit. She also made sure we all know that there is no reason to be sad or upset that we have diabetes. As she pointed out, it just makes us grownups. Is there any grownup out there that doesn’t need to watch what they eat? Whether it be due to weight, cancer, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Every grownup needs to be careful. She pointed out that we are now just more aware. Plus, she said to not fear the insulin. If it happens that we end up needing it, it isn’t the end of the world. It is natural, and safe. It is the only thing used on pregnant women. Plus, it looks pretty easy to use. I am feeling good about this. I also am feeling more confident that I know what to do to make it manageable. Yay!

Crud, Ken just called me to ask me if the tree branch was on the van when I left. I don’t remember it being there, but I think I would have noticed. He doesn’t know the damage yet. Not good.

Ok, I am off to a meeting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

School tomorrow!!!


Happy birthday to Sabrina! She is the big 5! Woo hoo!

It was a very good weekend.

Friday was Dax’s practice. He did great. He did have one cry, but it was because he thought he had done something wrong. In actuality, he had been doing so well, the coach was helping the other kids. They were scrimmaging and it was 2 on 3. Dax was on the 3. Coach moved him to one of the 2, mostly to even out the teams and to hopefully encourage his son, who was the other of the 2, to start passing more. Dax didn’t see it this way. Poor kid. He was fine after a bit, and I am glad I was there to comfort him.

Saturday morning, Brandy met us to go to the Farmer’s Market. It was a fun outing. Bobby especially tried lots of things. Even I tried things, and even purchased because of my samples. After the market, we walked the park a couple times. Bobby almost crashed and burned hard when he went down a steep hill on his scooter. Ken saved him and the injuries were only on Ken, not Bobby. It was pretty damned impressive.

After the market, we all went to the store. Grocery shopping for all! It was cool. Especially cool since Brandy got to really spend some good time with the boys, which I loved. We went back to the house, and hung out for a while, visiting and putting away groceries. A very good morning!

Brandy left as Aaron showed up. Aaron was going to play Lego Star Wars with Ken and the boys while I went out. The boys were THRILLED at this.

Stephanie and I headed over to Kam’s. I enjoyed interacting with Dylan and Taylor while Kam finished getting ready. They are both very cute.

We headed to the Galleria to get some food and Chick-Fil-A for Kam’s buds up at Howl. We decided to carpool up, which meant that I was ready for being up there a long time! I was excited.

Primo parking and a reserved table up front. I felt like a celebrity!

We had some drinks, including a couple of free shots, which was awesome. I got a low buzz on, which was perfect. The music was fun, and we all laughed and had a great time. I got a jello shot by a woman that included her on my lap and a chaser of whipped cream. The most amusing part was that when she told me to hold on, I apparently was too close to her ass and she told me to move my hands up. Oops.

We were up at Howl until close, which was 1:30 or so. I didn’t get to bed until close to 3. It was awesome! I was tired, but not as dead as I expected. It was a good time, and I am looking forward to another outing up there.

I got up on Sunday at 7. The boys were up and I tried to encourage Ken to sleep some more. Not like it was going to work, but I tried!

Ken went to a gaming convention with Aaron most of Sunday, which left the boys and I to go play. We went in search of the Payless version of the Shape Ups for Ken, and hit up multiple locations. We were unsuccessful.

One of the most interesting parts of the outing was when Dax says to me randomly, “I think it has been long enough now and Uncle Doug isn’t dead anymore.” This turned into an incredibly mature and adorable conversation concerning death, spirits and feelings. Bobby said spirits didn’t exist. I told him that spirits were not just ghosts. They were the feelings for a person we keep in our hearts. He liked this. They both told me they missed him. Bobby told me he worries about dying. I also told them both, after they asked, what happened with Doug. When I explained that he shot himself, Bobby says, “He killed himself? Doesn’t he know that is forever?” I told them that he hurt and that he thought this was the only way to help it. They were both very sweet and grownup about the whole conversation. I was proud of them.

When we got home, we spent a great deal of time cleaning out the crap in the closet in their room in order to make it a functional closet. I now have their sweatshirts hung up, their boots and soccer bags in there and the whole room is better.

After dinner, we curled up in my bed to watch Wall*E. It was nice!

Yesterday morning, we went with my folks down to San Pedro to the tide pools. It was a fun outing, and a lot of work wandering the rocks. Turns out, balancing on rocks in Shape Ups is not easy. LOL! The good news is I didn’t hurt myself once!

The rest of the day was mellow. I bathed the dogs, fed Hal, cleaned out the rats’ cage and tossed out a bunch of stuff from my closet. I also cleaned the playroom. The biggest accomplishment was keeping myself from kicking the shit out of NB, who was over much of the day. He was an asshole across the board. What is funny is that the boys have not wanted to play with him for a while, and the one day they agree to, he pissed them both off. Bobby even decided to come in at one point. I told both boys that if NB does shit like guilt them into playing with lines like, “Well, I guess you don’t want to be my best friend” to tell him to piss off. They didn’t, but I think they liked knowing they were allowed to.

My orange kitten was already adopted out. Ken had pretty much told me I could not get her, but even had he said ok, it was too late. I am happy for her, though. She deserves a home. Kit got adopted, too, which only leaves Buddha down there. I am sure she will find a home soon. If not, we will go get her!

I am having a hard time focusing this morning. I feel sleepy.

Not only am I team mom for both teams, I just agreed to be assistant coach for Dax’s team. I took the online training this morning and am now certified for U-6. Very exciting!

My boys are back in school tomorrow. Bobby is going to 1st grade, and Dax is finally a kinder student. I am taking them to school, and will try to keep it together. A full report will come on Thursday when I am done crying.

Friday, September 2, 2011



Happy Birthday, Brandy!! Sheesh, how did we get so damn old? We have known each other since we were what, 11? Holy fuck, 25 years??? Good god!

I am feeling groovy this morning. I slept (thank you Tylenol PM) and was cozy since for some reason I was freezing last night. Not complaining, mind you. I love it when I am cold at night. I had dreams within dreams, too, which was fun. I know I was in a church at one point, and there were left over baked goods from a baby shower for someone having a little boy. At one point, the church goes into lock down and the fire sprinklers turned on. I grabbed a bible, which was encased in silver and had beautiful designs all over it. When I finally opened it, I realized it wasn’t a bible, but the answers to all my questions. No one seems to see what I had, so I put it in my back pocket.

There was also a point in which I was at an all night party with a lot of people I had not seen in a while. It was so great, too. I remember as the sun was coming up, and people were just heading out, I was so very content and warm. It was a beautiful feeling, really.

Honestly, that Tylenol PM must have some kind of LSD in it.

I have been reading a book called Breaking up with God. It is fascinating. I may not be a believer, but I am very interested in how people have faith and how they worship. This woman goes from being deeply in love with God and even studying to become a minister to questioning everything she has been a part of for her whole life. There are numerous paragraphs in which she discusses certain people’s versions of their God. They are insightful and beautiful. I love faith, I just am not one to put all of my soul in one God’s basket. I am not even sure if I can say I could worship any kind of deity. Honestly, though, there is something very cool about people who truly feel that comfort from a feeling.

From the book: "The question of God's existence will not get you very far. It's a question human beings can't answer. But the word GOD is operating the world, and when you ask 'Does God exist?' you have already spoken the word GOD, so God in some sense already exists. The symbol is very much alive."

I found that to be interesting and cool.

I am really looking forward to the Farmer’s Market tomorrow. We are going to bring a cooler in the car so that after we get our stuff, we can put the food in there while we walk the park twice. Is it bad I want to walk it three times?

Tomorrow night I am going with Stephanie and Kam to Howl at the Moon. Should be a lot of fun. I suppose Stephanie and I need to decide who gets to drink. LOL!

Bobby’s practice went well. Bobby is getting better. His real problem is just that he spaces out. I don’t think it is a problem in general. I have seen this kid focus. I think that soccer just isn’t as interesting to him as it is to other kids. LOL!

We were unable to find out Dax’s teacher. They won’t have it until Tuesday. Yes, that’s right, the day before the first day of school. Look, I like my school a lot, but this is pretty freaking sad. Not like it is a huge deal to us, but it is to the teachers. They like to have the names so they can start personalizing things and getting things ready. It is just lame, but what are you gonna do, right?

Dax’s practice is tonight. I worked with Dax a lot last night with dribbling. He is getting much better. He also seems to get bored, though, when it comes to working with me. I don’t see a huge soccer career with either one of my boys. Honestly, I am way ok with this. I want them to find their own path.

I visited my kittens. Rudy has been adopted. Although I miss her, I am happy she found a home. Kit and Buddha are left, and goodness, how they have grown. Both rocked me some purrs, which made me happy. I also visited my orange love. She is a dirty orange, just like Goosh. She is a doll. I want her. I don’t know that it will happen, though. The man may keep me down. LOL! Sorry, Ken. Not trying to be mean. I just love her and want her. In case you didn’t already know that.

I think I want to name her Tonks. Of course, her full name would have to be Nymphadora Tonks, but Tonks for short.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

parking structures and idiot customers


Yay sleep! It is always nice when I can wake up convinced that I in fact got some of the much needed rest.

I went with Stephanie to get an ultrasound of her heart. It was cool since most of the time you don’t get to see the images with such clarity. Mostly the reason for that is that you are the one getting scanned. But with this, I could watch the monitor, and see the coolness that is the heart in action. It was also interesting to see what my imagination came up with for each scan. I swear, that little baby from Ally McBeal was playing the drum at one point.

While in the hospital, there was a code red and lock down for a bit of time. The funniest part of this was the nonchalant attitude of the staff there. We stopped in the lobby of the office we were in when the alarm went off again, unsure if we should proceed, when the receptionist laughed and said it was ok to go. It sounds like these alarms go off a lot.

We were in the basement of the hospital. It was odd since I had not been down there before. What sucked, though, was our lack of internet. We had gobs of technology at our fingertips, with no ability to use them to their full capacity. LOL!

We did watch some of what I think was Access Hollywood, which specifically was creepy and funny due to the one story they happened to cover. There is a woman named Susan Powell who has been missing for two years now. Apparently, her creepy ass father in law has professed his love for his daughter in law. Oh, but if that wasn’t creepy enough, he has written several songs, which people have speculated are about her. Please enjoy the lyrics:

"Waiting for You"

"I could be getting a mistaken impression/

Each time you seem to gaze at me/

You let me touch you softly. Why? Is the question/

And the effect amazes me."

"You made my eyes pop out of their sockets/

You could empty all my pockets/

This flirtation isn't rocket science/

You came along and really knocked my socks off/

Now you're all I think and talk of/

So much for my former self-reliance."

"I'm Missing You"

"I can love you in a secret way/

I can love you each and every day/

There is nothing I can't see/

There is nothing you can't be/

It's not perfect, but I'm missing you."

Oh my goodness. So gross. So bad. So horribly funny at the same time.

The best adventure of the outing, though, was the parking structure.

Stephanie had the truck, which is ginormous. As we entered the structure, the bar noting the maximum height of 7 feet dangled ominously in front of us. Stephanie didn’t know if we would clear it, but there were idiots behind us, which didn’t allow us to turn around. So we decided to wing it.

As much as there is part of me that would have enjoyed the Daily Breeze having the front page story of us in a truck wedged in the Torrance Memorial parking structure, I am glad that truly the only thing that was going on was the antenna scraping the ceiling as we drove along, attempting to find a parking spot not labeled “compact”. It actually reminded me of high school, driving around in the Spirit or Beasley with the CB antenna’s dragging along every structure we drove through.

I have not mentioned the funniest part, though. Stephanie, as she was driving, was ducking under every low beam. It was hysterical. It was kind of like watching someone playing video games moves their body thinking it will somehow move their character out of harm’s way. She knew it didn’t make any difference, and she even laughed at the comedy of it. Of course, I snapped a photo of her in full duck as we continued our drive. Based on our vehicle adventures, some might advise us to look into public transportation. I on the other hand feel that these outings are sometimes half the fun!

We got back to the house where Ken showed us how he made a giant lantern inspired from Tangled so the kids could laugh. They were very amused. I married Mr. Wizard!

My afternoon sounds busy! My walk will include a stop at the school to see who Dax gets to spend Kindergarten with. Afterwards, we shall get ready for Bobby’s soccer practice, which is at 4:30. Before practice, though, we are running over to the shelter to visit my babies; the two I raised and the orange who stole my heart.

I have to entertain Dax at Bobby’s practice. I think we will bring his ball and practice off to the side. Maybe we can practice dribbling and he and I can both go around the large fields. Will be good exercise for me, also.

Even though I didn’t get to do my standard workouts yesterday, I did use the stairs at the hospital where I could! I do what I can.

I hate customers. Just a little vent. This bitch just called me. First off, she has been a thorn in my side for some time now. She doesn’t even have an account with us. She returned something she purchased from us on her credit card. No one processed her refund, so of course, she starts off bitching my ass out, when in reality, I didn’t know she needed a fucking refund. It took forever to get her card number and the refund done because everyone was being retarded. It processes on the 25th. MasterCard claims that we never ran it, despite us sending her a fucking receipt! She then goes on to start lecturing me on how the system works. Mind you, I don’t run the fucking card. I don’t give one flying fuck about her refund. It is out of my hands since I don’t have authorization to process the damn thing. So I tell her I will look into it. She says this isn’t good enough. I explain I have no way of knowing what the fuck happened. So she asks for a number of who to call. I don’t even have that. She is still ranting on, which does me no fucking good. I know what the issue is. She now needs to shut the fuck up and let me help her instead of being her fucking punching bag. Look, if I was customer service, I would not mind as much. I know customers need to vent. But dammit all, I am not the one to vent at. FUCK! I know, I am getting way over worked up over this, but her arrogance and shrill voice just irritated the shit out of me this morning. I am better now. Sigh.