Monday, February 28, 2011

What a weekend


Phew! I just slammed through a crap load of accounts. I have been working almost non stop for 5 hours straight. Woo!

My weekend was crazy, as to be expected.

Friday night, the rain came, and we made sure the bounce house was canceled. It was a real piss off when I woke up Saturday morning to the sun shinning in my window and birds chirping like some bright spring day. Fuck.

Thankfully they were able to un-cancel the bouncer and the kids had happiness in the form of a giant inflated castle.

It was a small turn out in terms of his classmates, but this was expected. Truly, I think Bobby was just happy for the few he had there. If my count is right, we had like 9 kids, which is a good number.

It was a quick party, especially since we had to run out quickly to get to the shoot. Thankfully, the traffic was light and we got there around the same time the crew did. We were worried since both boys were pooped. Dax slept on the way, and Bobby was in a daze.

Ken and the boys along with the director and the other people headed out to the field where they would film. I stayed behind to fill out paperwork. It was funny since they presented me with two work permits in the entertainment field. The lady was all apologetic since some coffee spilled on them. I didn’t care since this wasn’t like paperwork that mattered to me. They seemed confused and when I pointed out this was not something we normally a party of, they looked at me like I was from another planet. Entertainment folks are interesting.

Since it didn’t rain, the backup plan was to have them play catch. And not just catch with some big ball. They got them baseball gloves and baseballs. Mind you, these boys have never seen a baseball game. They don’t know much about it aside from the ball and being able to hit it with a bat. After that? They out. So when they started asking them questions about baseball, they were lost.

Dax kept yawning, and seemed bored, which actually amused the folks more.

The session turned into big brother Bobby showing little brother Dax how to throw a ball back and forth. They filmed about 90 minutes of footage, which they will edit down to like 3 minutes is my guess. They were pleased, even though we knew the poor darlings were so tired and not their normal perky selves.

No Heidi Klum, but that is cool. Hell, if they can just be on the show, I think it will be fun and something cool to look back at some day.

We got home from that, and we told the boys to go ahead and take advantage of the bounce house. They went and got their friend Anthony and he came down to play, too. They had a grand time.

Luna loves her some bounce house. Too bad she is so big. She ran over the boys a few times and they were done. She loves the slide.

Poor Dax over partied. While he was in the bathtub, he screamed out that he had to throw up. I managed to get to him, get him in front of the toilet and he threw up in there. It was forceful. I mean, the kid had his whole head in the bowl, yet it still squirted out the sides. Poor kid. He had two sessions of vomit, both I fielded and did so quite well if I do say so myself. I even kept it off of me and his fresh jammies. Phew!!!!

Sunday morning Bobby woke us up saying he had to puke. It was just his cough and his desire to be babied slightly since Dax had special treatment the night before. It sucked since I was so freaking tired having had little restful sleep. It was cold enough that I felt stiff and wrong.

We went out to Grammie’s house on Sunday for her birthday celebration. I like her new place. I love the fact that it was designed as a party house. No joke. I guess the peeps next door owned it at some point and they had it just as a party house. It looks like it was designed in the 70’s, so the whole time I kept laughing to myself thinking of the place as the hotbed of crazy folk. Key parties, lines of coke, hell, even porn. I am telling you, I was having way too much fun.

We got home with a very tired household. The boys watched Megamind, and we all just kind of veged out. Ken and I watched the Oscars in bed. I enjoyed the show a lot. Anne Hathaway is adorable, and James Franco seemed so stoned, it was hysterical. I am amused at the hate for the hosts and show I am seeing on the net. It seems as though people are just way to hard on shit like this.

Anyhoo, I am noting that I have work again, so off I go.

Friday, February 25, 2011

My kids could be stars!


Holy crap! Just holy fucking crap!

They want to film my boys for the show!

Holy crap!

Look, I want to be clear. I know my kids are funny. Trust me, I laugh a lot more in life thanks to them. That being said, I also pull out my hair more because of them. Just as I know not everyone sees the demons in them, I don’t think that everyone sees the same funny and cute little boys I see. So for people on this show to rave about them for 10 minutes on the phone, even before her making arrangements for filming, just seems surreal.

She told me that she loved how animated they were, not only apart, but together. She wants to film them at this park where they can stomp around in the rain and puddles and mud. She thinks they will be in their element with that. I think I agree! So after Bobby’s party, we go to the park at 2 and they are on. It will be an experience, that is for sure.

I have just emailed the bouncer people and canceled it. With the rain coming, and not wavering on the forecast, it appears that I should have done the bounce place. LOL! No worries. We only have these kids for 2 hours. We are going to put Star Wars on, dump out some Lego and let the kids just play inside. We are even considering renting the bouncer another time and have Bobby invite his friends again for an extended play date in a few weeks. These kids are only 5 and 6, so really, it won’t be too hard to entertain them.

Ken did a lot of the preliminary cleaning yesterday, despite the cold that has taken hold of him. He didn’t see the doc yesterday since she also called out sick. This sick has everyone.

When I get home today, I will do some of the cleaning of the weekly clutter. Should not be too bad, actually. Then, I will take the boys to my folks where they will get to do the birthday boxes. Then it is the crazy Costco run. I will start to stress tonight is my guess. I feel like I have not planned enough for this party.

I will feel much better Saturday night. I will be done with party madness and tv shock. I will sleep well tomorrow night. LOL! Sunday, we are heading out to Grammie’s to celebrate her birthday, which is today, and see her new place. That I suppose could be considered stressful, but I think it will be fun.

Work is supposed to be crazy today. At any minutes, approvals for these new accounts will start to flow in. I am scared. But luckily, it is Friday, and the day will fly.

We spoke to Papa Brenan last night on the video chat. He looked tired. He seemed to indicate sleep has not been great. He isn’t doing the exercises he is supposed to do. We sent him the Suduku books, and he is very excited because we made sure they were large print. The one concern her seems to have is his ability to write. I guess he is still so shaky, it is difficult. On Sunday, Andy and Ken are going to get some online card games ready since Papa Brenan did love the idea of the three of them playing online once a week and being able to chit chat.

Bobby got Nerf guns for his birthday. Holy fuck, those are fun. Bobby got one from Grandma and Grandpa and one from us. Dax got one of each, too. We shot each other out front for a while yesterday, which was a great deal of fun. The ones we got have Velcro on the darts, which makes them stick to you. SO fun!

We took Bobby to Toys R Us to get his crown and free balloon. That is always cool. We picked up an umbrella for him, too, which is perfect timing! I will take both his and Dax’s tonight, which they will love. We also picked up a couple of Power Ranger action figures, which I will bust out on Sunday at Grammie’s. I was good, too since there were like a million wonderful dinosaur toys and tiger stuff I wanted to get them. Man, I love those boys.

Ken took cupcakes to Bobby’s class yesterday. We showed up to pick him up in the afternoon and Mrs Fasheh let us in early so we could hang with the class. It is a nice set of kids. I will enjoy getting to know them more as Bobby grows up with them. They all said hello and some even knew Dax! I loved that.

I need to make a Costco list. I am going to get Lycos a new dog bed, too. She has taken to sleeping in her old basket spot. We had a comforter down, but Ken would really like to use it since he gets so cold at night. Plus, they have nice ones at Costco for $20. And it will look cool. Luna doesn’t seem to care for those, and she is still in crate training mode. I want to build a box around the pans, and then she can have nighttime privileges. But she still is in puppy mode in some of the destruction in general. Although, she has gotten gobs and gobs better. She even likes her crate, going in there just cause and using it as a nice dog house. She doesn’t like her blanket in there, seeming to prefer just crate. So we will see.

Ok, I should start prepping for work.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

a nugget of blog


Oh happy birthday to my baby boy. How did you get to 6 so freaking fast????

I am having a rough morning. I had a sip of the coffee I had just prepared and it resulted in a nasty coughing fit. I spit coffee everywhere, proceeded to throw up a little, and even peed myself. I thought I was going to die. It was awful. I am ok now, but it was not pleasant.

I just called Bobby to wish him a happy birthday. He thanked me, but then was pretty much done with me as Sponge Bob was on, and we all know he is way cooler to watch than talking to mom on the phone is.

Ken is going to the parenting class this morning, and then goes to the doctor. I hope they determine it isn’t anything serious. The real sucky part of his headaches right now is that he has gotten the cold from hell (which both boys have, too), so every time he coughs, his head feels like it will explode. Not fun.

So the backup plan for the birthday party includes just showing Star Wars movies inside. Realistically, these are 6 year olds, so they won’t care. They can run, and play and have a good time. We will make it fun!!

I think I will make a cake tonight with Bobby’s help so that he can make a fun cake for today!

Cough, cough, cough. Dammit this is getting old.

And so it begins. The work stuff is hell.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spare Time


I had some extra time so I thought I would write some more.

Ken is experiencing some issues. He had a nasty headache last night and this morning. The headache last night was preceded by some vision problems. He had some random blind spots. He didn’t say that it felt like tunnel vision, just almost like a bright light in spots. It was really freaky. It would last a few minutes, then go away, then come back elsewhere.

He seems more cranky and tired lately, which leads me to believe that he isn’t sleeping enough. He also has been a little stressed about what happened with his dad, so I am wondering if just that coupled with the nightly sleep interruptions from Dax needing help with his covers to the cats wanting in and out of their bedroom have caused Ken to just be exhausted.

Ken has a doctor appt tomorrow, so hopefully that will give him some answers. We also are going to work on Dax’s bed tonight to make his covers easier for him to do himself. The other plan is to put a cat door in the boys room so that Ittles and Monarch don’t feel the need to scratch at the door when they decide it is time to go in or out.

Work stress is ramping up. I am now covering Jean’s desk. It was worse yesterday since I had my monthly reports to complete while also covering her new accounts. Thankfully I was not only able to do both, I actually did things in record time! I fucking rock!

Today, I am in a holding pattern since most of these new accounts need VP approval, and I have a feeling he is on a plane all day since a lot of management is in route to this sales meeting (the wonderful reason my boss is gone till Friday). My guess is when I get in tomorrow morning, I will have several approvals in my email which means I can start to enter these into the system.

I am still nervous about the rain. The weather reports are holding firm on there being rain, and currently I have no back up plan. I can probably improvise with games for the kids to play, but the bouncer is what I am most concerned about. I personally don’t care if my kids play in the bounce house while it is pouring. I don’t know how other parents feel.

Tonight I am going to take the boys to my folks so that Ken can have some more rest this afternoon. I can instruct him how to prep dinner so that all I have to do when I get home is a small amount of work.

Stephanie got me some Echinacea and Goldenseal. I took my first pill this morning. I will take another this afternoon. She swears by it.

I have noted the quantity of black and hot pink stars in my life. I am wondering if that should be the color of the star instead of red. I kind of like this one on my bear. Hmmm….

We are at work discussing wonderful treasures at Trader Joe’s. I don’t tend to shop there much, if at all. I got some teriyaki chicken that my parents have been telling me about for months. Holy fuck it was num! I will go back for that, for sure. I also noted some cool flat breads and other items I would like to try. I will need to go when it isn’t so crowded and maybe less Brenan in tow. I might take Bobby since he has the cooking spark. He and I can find some cool new things for dinner. I also have this desire for some veggies, which I know, is shocking, but I feel really inspired to eat some of it, so I am thinking they would have some good stuff.

I can safely say, though, I will not get milk from there. Papa Brenan used to get it when we lived at the apt and it was NASTY! LOL!! I don’t foresee Trader Joe’s becoming a staple in terms of every grocery expedition, but perhaps once every couple of weeks I can go try some things from there.

Maybe I need a rubber duckie with hot pink hair and a star on its side.

I hate it when people can’t think for themselves. Sigh.

The Bobby and Dax Show


A casting call with a bunch of kids is truly an adventure.

We took the boys out to Encino yesterday afternoon. We got there early since the traffic going that direction is such that you leave early hoping that you don’t hit any. It worked well as it allowed us to get an early dinner at Islands, which was right next to the office buildings we were going to.

Poor Bobby seemed out of it. He even partially fell asleep on the way out. In Islands, as I started to brush his hair, melted into tears. He had been coughing and looked flush. It seemed that the evil cold had claimed another victim.

Thankfully, he cheered up, and even ate despite his insistence that he was not hungry. He actually ate more than Dax, who was the one who requested food.

We got to the suite number and it was a tiny office with a small waiting room, two other small rooms that had Up and Toy Story 3 playing, and a closed off room that was where they were doing the filming.

Ken turned in the paperwork and we hung out. The boys got mug shots and then they watched movies while playing games on our iPod and phones. Man, those things have come in handy.

Most of the kids there were ones that had gone to the audition at the MB school. I remembered some of them, sort of.

The first stage was a lady took a group of us upstairs to what was LMNO’s normal office. They took 3 kids at a time, Dax going with two girls and Bobby going with 2 boys. They were asked questions like what they want to be when they grow up. Dax marched in there without even saying bye to us. Bobby was a little more apprehensive, so I told him to take Carson and his blanket. I figured it didn’t matter. And really, I think it helped him a great deal because they got to ask him about them which gave them topics.

Then they took us back down. The lady who was leading us back and forth told us she remembered our boys from the school. She said she didn’t interview them, but she kept listening to them. In fact, the 5 worker people there all told us how adorable and super funny the boys are. Neither Ken or I heard them talk so highly of the others. I know I think they are funny and awesome, but I still feel like other people may just be saying that. But it really seemed like ours made an impact.

It was finally the boys’ turn to go into the film room. Ken and I got to sit in there, but we were hidden. So we got to listen to the gold that our boys produced. They were hysterical. They said their names, talked about dinosaurs, and Dax of course then tells them he has another name. He declared himself Dino Dan. Bobby explained that Dax loves dinosaurs. It was very sweet.

The guy then asked Bobby if he was in charge since he was older. Bobby shockingly answered no. He said his mom and dad were. Ken and I were amazed. He said that we look out for them.

They were asked if they know any jokes.

Dax: Knock Knock

Bobby: Who’s there.

Dax: Banana


Dax: You have to say banana who, Bobby.

Bobby: Banana who?

Dax: Banana to eat!

I am telling you right now, it took every ounce of strength to not howl with laughter.

He also had them say the word “seriously” over and over into the camera. They did a funny one, a serious one, an angry one (which Bobby nailed with this wonderful growl) and a couple of giggle ones.

They also got to scream, make fart noises and just general sounds. Ken and I had a blast, even though we could not see them.

This all lasted maybe 10 minutes. Then our time was over and we headed out. As we were leaving, Dax also explained that his favorite dinosaur was a Compsognathus. Dude about fell over.

They said goodbye to everyone, and they all seemed quite pleased with our boys. They will be filming through March, so if they want ours for this season, they will give us a call in the next couple weeks. Should be interesting!

Monday, February 21, 2011

I want a three day weekend.


No fair! Everyone else gets today off. I feel like pouting now.

I would have loved the extra day off. I am beat. It was a productive weekend. House got cleaned to a point that although there are still a few more things to do, maintenance should be doable. We got some party supplies and reserved the bouncer. Now as long as the weather cooperates, we have us a party.

Papa Brenan got out of the hospital with what they are saying was only a viral infection. It seems fishy to me, but what do I know? Either way, he is home, and rather unmotivated. Andy stayed the weekend, and really had to encourage him to do anything. Not good. He and Carolie also spent a great deal of time bickering, which doesn’t help either. So the plan is to keep him engaged. Get him out of his chair often. And even if he is in his chair, make sure he is thinking, not just sleeping. We got him a bunch of Suduku books since we know he likes that. The boys also picked him out some coloring books. We will try to call nightly, and on his schedule Andy made him, he is to make sure to call his grandson on Thursday. Maybe even a video chat is in order since it means he needs to go in the other room.

When I took the boys down to the open casting call for the show “Seriously Funny Kids”, I really didn’t think much of it. It was just a good way for them to talk to people, and Bobby always needs practice with shyness. On Friday afternoon, I got a call from the people at the show. They want the boys to come back for more chit chat. I have to fill out all this paperwork for them to do it. The school even needs to sign off on it! But, what the hell, right? It is an adventure and if they make it on the show, it will be something cool for the scrapbook.

The rain didn’t come during the day, which allowed the boys to play a lot outside this weekend. It was nice, too, since they spent a couple of hours with their friend, Anthony, in the front. He is coming to the birthday party, which is very nice. He seems like a sweet kid. He is 6 and goes to a private school for some possible learning disabilities (I don’t know the exacts, except that is grandmother told us yesterday it is a school that mostly deals in autism and aspergers). She seemed very happy for her grandson to have friends so close.

I had fuckered up dreams last night in which there was a huge murder mystery I became involved in. Some 4 year old slaughtered 4 people including his parents. Not good.

As I read a story to the boys, Dax put one of his stuffed tigers on my head. Bobby looked at me, shakes his head with sorrow and says, “Oh mom, you don’t deserve that.” Man that kid cracks me up.

Of course, not to be outdone, we were watching Wipeout when this guy smacks into one of the many obstacles with quite a bit of force. I laughed and said that that particular challenge was no joke. Dax looks at me and says, “Then why are you laughing?”

I know I am tired when I am feeling this cold.

It is tough to fill out these questions for the boys. Is your child an “expert” in any field? Dude, my kids are 4 and 5. I am just excited they wipe their own ass now. Bobby did ask me this weekend if I was so glad I didn’t have to wipe his butt anymore. He has no idea.

Seriously, I am falling asleep! I blame the Nyquil since I am pretty sure it is still in my system. It is how I always am the morning after.

The dream is still messing with me. Not the slaughter, mind you, That, as much it sounds awful, wasn’t the point. It was filled with a lot of people, many of whom are fiends from past, present, and I gathered that many were future. What was cool about it was the support I had. I mean, there was so much going on, and yet I felt so supported. It fucked with me only in the sense that I felt bad for having doubted it. So many people were holding me up in a time of chaos and they were these super smiling faces that had so much love in them. It was a strange juxtaposition between this and the horror of murder and death of not only actual people, but innocence when the killer was a 4 year old child with no remorse. Haunting images of blood combined with heart warming hugs. I swear, it was all kinds of wrong and right all at the same time.

Ok, I have woken up a smidge now that people have started coming into the office. I just chatted it up with folks, one of whom got an iPhone over the weekend and has yet to download any apps. I am very disappointed in her.

As I looked over my bedroom I was amused that the ratio of ducks to skulls was pretty even. I may need to get the Skeleanimal duck to make a happy medium.

KROQ has played two Guns and Roses songs this morning. I find that to be unacceptable.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Dink


Yay! It looks like it actually supposed to be sunny now on the birthday party day. This weather keeps changing like this, I may go batty.

Papa Brenan is still in the hospital. His dizziness has turned mostly into nausea, which according to the doctors is a good thing. They have a scan ordered for today to see what the heck is going on. He is resting comfortably, though. Andy was with him most of yesterday. He has to work this morning, but will be back up there after his last patient.

Papa Brenan did manage to send the pennies he dug up before he had the issues. He sent us pennies dating back to 1902. Them are some old ass pennies! Ken made up the nice board and we rubber cemented them to the board. This will be the nice set for Mrs Fasheh to just have. We also put together his homework board, which included the pennies he had to get along with the rest going back to 1959 that I found. Yes, it is overkill to the 13th degree, but pretty standard for us.

I am feeling better in some ways, worse in others. I am not feeling like I am going to hurl, and I got some good sleep (aside from the damn leg cramp). But my congestion seems to have gotten worse again. This doesn’t feel like sick so much as almost like allergies or something.

Thank goodness for it being Friday. I have a busy cleaning weekend ahead of me, but at least I have a mellow Friday. No boss. Woo!

This rain is going to put quite a damper on keeping the boys entertained for 2 days. They have been mostly been riding their scooters/bikes for hours at a time. It is harder to do that in the rain. So part of my weekend may include making hot chocolate and hoping the boys enjoy some movies. I may need to go pick up Despicable Me and that one with Will Ferrel as a blue dude. Megamind, yeah, that’s the one.

My mood has improved since I am not nearly as sick as I have been. It is amazing what sleep and health will do for you.

I am in full dinking around mode. Should be one of those days.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Updates and random


I am dying here.

Ken spoke to his dad this morning. He sounds better, but is staying in the hospital for more tests. He is scheduled for a head scan. His own doc is also headed that way. Ken is in class right now, so I am guessing that we will not know more until 10.

I am so tired I can hardly function. My nausea is up and down, and there is not much making it better. I just made some tea, hoping that will at the very least wake me up.

I have work open to do some things, but my body is just not cooperating. Thankfully Bobby doesn’t have too much in the way of homework tonight. I will be able to let them play on their scooters/bikes while I just zone out.

Based on the most current information from Ken around 8 am, I don’t foresee Ken going up to the Compound. Since Papa Brenan is functional, it means less of the emergency status. It is still scary, though. He had injured his leg a couple weeks ago, which Andy wondered if it actually has caused some circulation issues, especially since he has been sitting more because of it. That sounds like a better option than other things.

We have been watching HIMYM these last few weeks, and the story line has been Marshall dealing with the death of his father. It seems like an eerie coincidence, especially based on the show last night. Of course, Ken’s dad has not died, but the emotions of losing a parent or dealing with a parent with an illness is something that is scary.

The house is coming along nicely with all the cleaning. Ken painted the bathroom and is going to put in the shelves. This will make things good in there. Ken also has been going through the entry way and his Lego table. He has cleaned up quite a bit.

I spent a good chunk of last night counting out baggies of Lego plates for the satellite model. We are only waiting on one more shipment of pieces and then we can ship out all the completed sets. This will be good.

The plan is to keep the party guests outside if at all possible. We will have the playroom clean, but I would like to keep children from being in there. Of course, I am guessing Bobby may want to show off his stuff.

Thank goodness. That was a burst of energy. People talking to me and phones ringing. Yay! I also got some Wheat Thins from the vending machine. They seem to be less abrasive on my nausea then other things. Plus, I needed to eat something as I was starving and that made me feel even more sick. Vicious cycle.

The good news is the day is moving at an ok pace.

FUCK. Weather reports show rain on his party day. DAMMIT! I need to come up with a plan.

10 till 11. Papa Brenan is resting. Andy is with him. He barely got there what with the storm. In fact, the Compound is snowed in, meaning their mom won’t be able to make it to the hospital. Andy said the MD is coming around noon, so we should hopefully know more after that.

Papa Brenan


I come to this with bad news.

Papa Brenan is in the hospital.

After tossing and turning for an hour, I finally fell asleep last night. I was once again feeling nauseous. I was asleep when I felt Ken push on my legs at the foot of the bed. The only words I heard were, “Dad had a stroke”.

I think I asked if he was talking about his dad or my dad. I was very foggy, but I knew I had to wake up. Ken was in and out of the room, trying to call someone. I determined it was his mom, therefore making the sick dad his.

At one point, Ken asked me to dial the phone since he was shaking from cold and nerves. I spoke to his mom briefly. She didn’t sound as panicked as Ken looked. Ken got the phone from me and I heard him talking to her as he wandered out of the bedroom. I knew I was not going to go back to sleep at this point. I also knew that I needed to let him get his info and to be ready to help him when he needed it.

After 30 minutes or so I finally got the scoop.

Andy had spoken to their dad earlier, and he was fine. But in the evening, he wasn’t doing as well. Their was some difficulty in writing, and the tone of his voice was off. Ken talked to him last night, and his father though for a good chunk of the conversation that Ken was one of his coworkers. Ken also noted the change in the timber of his voice. Something was wrong.

Ken and Andy told their mom to call 911. It took a lot of convincing. She isn’t big on doctors. By the time the ambulance was taking him, she was coming around on the idea that something wasn’t right.

The Brenan sibs conference call sounded grim. Ken told me how even the normally jovial Andy was extremely serious. When Ken finally crawled back into bed, he was clearly shaken. It was tough to see.

His mom called around midnight. A stroke was ruled out. There also didn’t seem to be any issues with his heart. They were going to scan his head to see what was causing his symptoms. Andy was going to go up this morning. There is a big storm up there right now, causing even the ambulance to need chains to get to the Compound.

Sleep was not restful. Between concern and feeling sick, I am beat this morning. I am also on high alert. If something is really bad, Ken is going right up. This will mean I may need to retrieve Dax this morning. It will also mean some scheduling issues with taking the boys to school tomorrow. On the plus side, I am sure that if need be, on Monday they can hang with my folks as my mom will have that day off.

Poor Holly is dealing with this information while she is in St. Louis, caring for her best friend of 30 years who is dying. Her friend, Laura, had breast cancer that spread. The doctors have given her 3 weeks to 2 months to live. According to Holly’s updates, it doesn’t sound like she will have the 2 months. Holly is a wreck.

Papa Brenan is 76, if I remember correctly. We have now entered the part of our lives in which we start taking care of our folks more than they take care of us. It is a scary transition.

Ken has to go to Dax’s parenting class this morning. I am sure he is not up for it. I half expect him to call me to do it. I just emailed him the homework for class. I kind of hope he goes if only to get his mind off of things.

I don’t feel well. I want to sleep some more. I am worried about Papa Brenan. I hate this.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The theme today seems to be Bleah


Happy Birthday, Stephanie!!!!!

I am back with the living today. I slept a lot yesterday. I was so beat. I got to work and realized I just needed some rest. So I went home, crawled back into bed at like 6 and didn’t get up till 10. It was nice. I really needed it.

After I got up, I opted to pick up Dax for Ken since Ken was in the midst of spackle and paint in the bathroom. Dax and I then went to Target. He had indicated that although he liked the Valentine we got him (which consisted of a Thomas train and some candy), he would have preferred a singing stuffed critter, like what Bobby got in the form of an obnoxious tiger singing about Reese’s peanut butter cups. So I told him that we could go to Target and look at the clearance items to help him out.

Of course, we went through the animals and he was pretty indifferent until we found another tiger. Sigh. The kid was excited. What was I to do? Now I get to endure two of these tigers.

I got a little something for myself. I found this strange little knit doll that I fell deeply in love with. It didn’t have a tag nor any others near it. On its back was a sticky clear piece of plastic that could help it stick to something. I put it on my purse after examining it for any evidence of security tags. The doll now resides in my car (or at least until I find a good place for it), having come to me free of charge due to my shoplifting. Dax didn’t see me do it, btw. I was discreet across the board. I am so bad.

Yay rain and cold! I do hope it doesn’t stay too long as I need to have a backyard ready to accept 20 kids. Bobby handed out his invites yesterday. I hope he gets a good turn out if only so he feels good. I found these little inflatable light up light sabers I think I will get as the goody bag. I am nervous about this whole thing, but it should be ok.

I have been drinking water to the point where I now feel too full. Grrr…I hate that.

Ok, bad coughing fit. Almost threw up. Still feel nauseous. This is how I felt all last night. My stomach doesn’t hurt, I just feel like throwing up. Bleah.

Fred just tells me how it sucks being a sick mom since even though you want to hug and kiss the kids, you don’t want them getting sick. I pointed out that they are the ones who usually give it to me, so pay back is a bitch. He told me I am one tough mom. LOL!!

Stupid hair color is fading. The hair near my forehead is browning. I need to do my hair again. I actually am considering having it bleached and then colored so it stays longer. I might even bust out some Manic Panic. Hot pink, baby!

The wave of sick I just had has left me sleepy again. I would have tea or coffee, but I think that it would make me feel worse. I feel so full since I just downed a crap load of water.

Finally, something I taught the boys before Kindergarten has paid off. This week’s homework includes practicing their phone number and memorizing it. YAY! He already knows it, including area code. I fucking rule. He also knows his address. Suck it public school! Ok, that might be a bit extreme, but you understand. Bobby has been practicing dialing my number, which is fun. He really enjoys being able to do it. He also got to answer the phone a couple of times. Specifically when my brother calls my parents’ house to say he is on his way home (our cue to leave), the boys have been taking turns answering. It is really cute. It is strange, though, since that is really the only place they do it. I mean, at our house, we don’t have our house phone as much. In fact, we seem to have misplaced the actual phone and it keeps ringing, but we can’t even hear the ring or answer it. We should probably fix that. But in this day and age, really, people only call my cell. I need to teach the kid how to use that instead of the actually phone. Very strange.

Speaking of school work, Bobby colored another word stripe on his rainbow. He accomplished this on Monday, the same day I was ready to start to stress on his progress. LOL! We did practice some spelling as indicated by his teacher. He actually does quite well. I was impressed! My boy isn’t an idiot. LOL!!

I think tonight I will prep some chicken noodle soup to slow cook tomorrow so that tomorrow night I get my homemade soup. Mmmmm…..soup.

Dax is now overly excited about St. Patrick’s day. The boys were asked to wear red on Monday since it was Valentine’s Day. This was happy making for Bobby since red is his favorite color. I told Dax that in a month, there is a wear green day. He about fell over with excitement. Yes, I have an Irish son who loves green. Sweet! So every day he has asked me if St Patrick’s Day is tomorrow. I pointed out he can wear green until then, but he really wants the green day to happen soon. I picked up a tiara and cool socks for the day, so he is even more excited about it. I think green food is in order that day. If only they would eat green eggs and ham.

It is hot in this fucking office. I hate that. Especially since I am rockin my awesome knee high knit socks.

Ken posted the first “Yes” RSVP to Bobby’s party. Awesome! Welcome, Jorge!

My stress period starts a week from today. Jean will be out for 6 weeks. No one in management has offered to help me out. Thankfully, all of the collectors have been more than generous in their offers to help me out. I suppose it is good that I have always helped them. Still, it frustrates me that I have not been offered assistance from my own manager. On the plus side, he did hear me out on some changes, and they are looking into implementing them. Woo hoo!

I suppose I should do some work. I have to gather data for this meeting. Bleah.

Monday, February 14, 2011



This is really the only place I have a “voice” today. Mine is still on the fritz. It isn’t as bad as it was Saturday. That was my hell day. I even broke down sobbing in the afternoon because I was so frustrated.

Now I am just exhausted and tired and sleepy and pooped and needing to crawl back into bed.

We will see how long I last at work. I have a meeting at 1, but it could easily be rescheduled to tomorrow morning. I am using green tea for now, but I don’t know that it will make everything better.

My weekend was rough due to the sick. We did a lot of organizing and cleanup. A new flat screen tv now resides in our bedroom, which meant we cleaned out the old tv and the chest it used to sit on. While this was being done, laundry was flowing steadily and paperwork was gone through.

We actually got one of our dogs a license. Since I had all the paperwork for Luna, we thought it would be good to get her the tag. I also had read that they are cracking down on this, and since I have been walking her each day, I didn’t want to get pulled over without the proper info. We would have gotten Lycos done, but being that we didn’t have her spay paperwork handy (it was done 11 years ago), they couldn’t issue one. I am not stressing.

The boys exhibited more of their independent streak by playing up front most of the weekend. They have their new little friend, Anthony, down the street. They also have a little boy and girl across the street that they spent a good hour yesterday talking to, albeit by yelling across the street to each other (no one was allowed to cross the street due to their ages) and riding parallel to each other with their bikes/scooters.

Friday’s doctor appt went well. I love love love my new doc, who is new to the group. She was lovely and sweet and we spent a long time just talking. She was more than happy to re-prescribe my meds for 6 months, and set me up with an appt for that time with her for more meds and my pap. She also hooked me up with my tetanus shot that I was due for.

On top of the general maintenance, we discussed weight loss. I didn’t feel self conscious about it with her, which is odd. I felt down right comfy with her. I told her I was motivated and we discussed little things for me to change. She was very insistent that I don’t go overboard right out the gate. In fact, she loved the fact that I have been walking to get Bobby and that I have been doing things like that to start my exercise off. I also may have sold her on getting a par of the Shape Ups. LOL!

She suggested I get a fiber supplement as it will help me in general. She also put through some paperwork for a referral for this nutrition class which meets once a week for 6 weeks. She pointed out that it is nothing that I don’t probably already know, but it will give me support and ideas and just keep me motivated. I love the idea. It is like having a weight watchers meeting. I will feel accountable because I will have to face people each week! Love it! I also like that I get to meet with this new doc in 6 months as she will then get to see my progress.

This weekend I didn’t eat as much over the weekend. I tried to cut back some of my portions. I even made a point of eating an apple for a snack. I still have eaten some not so great stuff, but slowly I am working towards better.

When I am no longer at death’s door, I am hoping to do more exercise.

Have I mentioned I am sleepy?

I got an email from the kinder teacher that Bobby is going to start having spelling tests soon. Yie! I need to really get on him about these words. Tonight we will start spelling practice.

The boss is out until 11. Hmmm..maybe I can survive up until he would get in so I can bail before he gets in but still work a lot today.

Crap, I think I just fell asleep. Time to post this and get busy.

Friday, February 11, 2011



I am so sleepy. I didn’t sleep as good last night as the night before. I did crawl into bed before the kids did. In fact, they came into my bed to tuck me in and say good night.

My afternoon was a whir of activity. I got home and Dax, Luna and I went to get Mr. Bobby. When we arrived home, we started in on homework. We had barely scratched the surface when Ken called. He tells me that down at Pacific there was a crew that was doing interviews of kids for some new Lifetime show that was a kids say the craziest things style show. So I packed up the boys and jetted down to MB.

We got there and thankfully Ken had filled out the forms already. All I had to do was sign and turn the kids over to the people. They went in the classroom together and talked to one of the interviewers. I wasn’t allowed in, which made total sense. I just told them to have fun and they went in with smiles.

I went around to the other side of the classroom (MB classrooms have doors on both sides, with one wall being all sliding glass) and watched them through the windows. They both were quite chatty and animated. It was cute.

There was another mom there that was clearly a “stage mom”. Ken was with me a bit and I mentioned to him that Dax had been asleep on the way there. Stage mom (SM) tells me how her daughter does that on the way to auditions all the time and how she has given her candy bars sometimes to wake her up. That right, SM said auditions, plural. She was super annoying. Her daughter comes out and you could tell she was seasoned. SM didn’t seem excited to see her kid and acted all professional when she came out. It was sad, really. My boys came out and I asked them if they had fun, and they were happy as can be. To me, I didn’t care if they made it on the show. I just wanted them to be themselves. It was cool, too, as it allowed them both to not be shy.

Afterwards, we walked over to the playground where Dax amazed the shit out of me. I almost fell over I was in so much shock. He went across the monkey bars. No fucking joke. He went all the way across! Kid is crazy strong and athletic. It is amazing to me at times how much he is. Bobby seemed a little bummed he couldn’t do it, but I think he could if he tried. He is just a little nervous. Plus, I know he can climb.

I leave here early today. I have my doctor appt for my Effexor follow up. I guess it has been a year since I have been on it? It should be interesting since I have no voice. I can’t imagine that it will take too long.

My mom is meeting me at my house at 2 to walk up and get Bobby with me. I want her to see where we get the kids so that if ever there is a situation where she needs to get the boys she knows where to be. She is on the list of pre approved people to get them, and this way she can meet Mrs. Fasheh. I know my mom would also like to see the classroom stuff he has done. My hopes is to do the doctor visit, and then some quick cleaning of the house so that when she undoubtedly comes in the house it is clean. Luckily it isn’t too much to do. The playroom is the worst part, so I need to do that. This weekend we have some things to go in the attic from there.

Awww, my mom just told me I am an all around superior person. I feel all squishy now.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Minor Vent

I have just been informed that I will be doing someone else's job again. This time for 6 weeks. She is out for surgery. Sigh. As if it isn't bad enough to be doing two jobs, it is during a time in which she is normally SWAMPED. Fab. I feel a little sad right now, only because I know it will mean no more going to Dax's classes. The good news is she is back in time for Spring Break, and I am in them midst of planning our activities for that week.

Anyway, that was my vent.

Fire Mountain


For some reason it seemed sound. Sure, hit on the locals and then they will take us to Fire Mountain.

We got up early in the hotel, and the shower consisted of a tiny bathtub with an ugly purple shower curtain that was torn and tattered. I had a hard time even pulling it closed due to how poor of shape it was in. I rinsed quickly in order to at the very least to get the sleep out of my eyes and un frizz my long hair.

It was cold, so I put on my brown boots with a little bit of fuzz sticking out the top. They matched my thick jacket perfectly, and my hair up in a messy ponytail on the top of my head.

Ken suggested I use some lipstick, which was odd since he hated lipstick. I pointed this out and he explained that today was not about impressing him, but impressing the dirty old fishermen of the town.

We headed out, not really sure where to start. Ken stayed back so Stephanie and I were able to look as though it was just the two of us. We walked along the boardwalk, where there were several men who had been up for hours, getting in the early fishing before the sun broke over the hills.

A few were drinking, and Stephanie decided to be bold and grabbed one of the beers from one of them and took a swig. Instead of what I assumed would be anger, his grizzled face broke into a huge grin. She and I exchanged glances and knew we were in.

After many drinks, mostly consumed by our new friends, we got to talking and with very little convincing we got two of them to agree to escort us to Fire Mountain. They growled their goodbyes to the others, and they then walked with us towards the giant escalator.

My companion was about 2 feet taller than me, and had a large beard. He resembled Hangrid from Harry Potter, complete with the gentle demeanor that you would not expect from such a man. He was better groomed than most of the men, which I was relieved about. He leaned on me slightly, which was tough since my slight figure had trouble supporting him. I then realized that I wasn’t playing the part fully since if he was the only one leaning in, then I was being much too standoffish. I quickly put my arm around his massive stature and leaned back, which was met with a warm chuckle and I felt balance again.

As we ascended the escalator, the clouds swirled around us, occasionally covering the town below us. It wasn’t long before you could not see where we had come from and the top seemed miles away. I was grateful that my guide was a gentleman.

As we got to the top, I saw the tables where people were dining all around the edge as they watched the baseball game. The balcony of tables surrounded the most beautiful field I had ever seen. The game was in full swing.

I looked back up to the approaching end of our ride, and there was a tiny Asian woman, in a blue blouse and skirt along with her cute little hat was leaning towards us with a giant tray along with hot tea and towels. My Hagrid declined and she backed away quickly as we stepped off the ascending stairway.

Suddenly, there was a loud, shrill beeping that rang through the stadium. I opened my eyes and realized I was in bed and it was time to get up. DAMMIT!! I really wanted to know what was at Fire Mountain!!!

Isn’t Nyquil fun?

I am on my second cup of green tea, and although it is keeping my cough at bay for now, I expect to be feeling pretty miserable much of today.

I am glad I am not going to Dax’s class today as I think that my sick would make it a crappy morning, and I would be way too inclined to not come back to work.

My treat from Target last night is a head of a Barbie doll, complete with hot pink hair. It is strangely happy making. LOL!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What's a Beiber?


I am tired. I am sleepy. I hate colds.

I was up a great deal of the night, tossing and turning. It drove me nuts. I couldn’t get comfortable. My nose and throat were battling against one another and I was the battlefield.

I know I slept at one point because I had this funky dream. I was in school. I was in some special class. There was some kind of alarm and all of the students had to race to the cafeteria. I remember running, with kids behind me, in some kind of funky bad tween chase sequence. I slid between walls and under tables. It was not realistic in any sense, but I made it there first. I was cheered for heavily, with one of my loudest supporters being Justin Beiber. He even led the school in a chant of name after he delivered this rousing speech about how I was the coolest ever and that he hoped to be like me when he grew up. I was confused at the praise since even I knew my getting there first made no sense.

There was some kind of party at this point. I know that when I left to go home, I forgot to look under my place mat and I forgot to take home my centerpiece. I lived with my folks. I got home briefly, where they congratulated me. I then told them I had to head out as my public awaited me. I remember saying it and knowing it was as if I was reading some kind of a script. It was odd.

I went outside and crawled into this modified golf cart that looked like it had wanted to be a cool Jeep but just wasn’t. Yet it was supposed to be a kick ass car, and people felt this way about it. It was all very surreal. It was if I was disenchanted at the idea of being popular.

Yesterday I was able to hunt down even more pennies for Bobby’s project. Of course, the full instructions came in and they really only need back to like 1998 or something lame like that. She will just have to deal with the fact that I now have back to the 50’s. So suck it.

I need to go to Target. I seem to have lost my sunglasses, which means I have been rockin Dax’s. Amusingly enough, his fit me just fine. I also need some shampoo and Q-Tips. Perhaps this afternoon we will head over there.

My temp bunk mate is getting a bit too chatty. She is only here today and tomorrow, so I only have to deal with her for a little while longer. I am certainly counting down the hours.

I thought I would look into this Torrance dog training that was advertised at Wilson Park. Holy fuck! It is $50 a session, with the full course being 10 weeks. Dude. $500? I could do it myself. I just thought is would be a fun thing for her and I to do together. I was even willing to over look the 7:30 start time. But $500??

It looks like I have to miss the parenting class tomorrow. I have a doc appt, a follow up for my crazy pills. I see someone new, so I will be curious if they think I still warrant the pills or what. So this means on Friday, I am leaving here at 10:30ish, and will be gone the rest of the day. It should be no problem to do that, but I don’t want to be out both days.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Wait


My calendar is quite informative. I had no idea that Del Shannon killed himself. Hmm.

Email at work is down. Super annoying since I kind of rely on it. I am not proud of this, but it is what it is.

The good news is I have a fascinating article about this guy who was high up in the Church of Scientology for 35 years, and recently bailed due to the Church’s lack of a stance against Prop 8. He is wrote a book about the Church and what it was like. It is interesting. The article is in the New Yorker, so it is crazy long, and very well written.

My temporary bunk mate is a Kevin and Bean fan. I had no idea until recently. Of course, it figures she is leaving this week. LOL! But on the plus side, she actually requests that I turn my radio up!

My Luna went with Dax and I to get Bobby. She was so happy! She also was being all squishy affectionate with me later on. Loved it!

I was sitting on the grass with Dax and Luna, waiting for Bobby and I ended up chatting it up with one of the mom’s from Dax’s class. She is super nice. She comments on how pretty Luna’s teeth are. I told her how we think the same thing about her teeth since Lycos has the yuck teeth. I then pointed out that I don’t even brush them. She said that dog groomers do quite well for themselves and I told her that I always thought that would be a fun job. She then tells me how she thinks I would be great at it. I didn’t know why she said this being that she doesn’t know me, but then it dawned on me that during the conversation, I had been absent mindedly been petting Luna into a state of complete relaxation. LOL! I guess I may in fact have a way with dogs.

Bobby has a project due next week where they were hoping to get as many sequential pennies as possible. Now, it didn’t say how far back to go, but me being queen of overkill, I spent my time while Bobby and Dax worked on homework, I sat with them and found pennies. I had my list, I had cards to tape them on, I was crazy. I got us back to 1971. I need 1970. I also need I think it is 1967, and 1964 back. I was pretty proud! Who knew we had so many pennies!

I feel hot. I don’t like that. I think it is still part of this cold. Although I do feel a little better, this may be the last parts of it.

I was supposed to leave early today because Ken was going to be working on a set this Tuesday and next. As of right now, it is on hiatus. Probably for the best for me this week what with me covering 2 people. Maryann is out all week, and Vicki’s computer is broken.

I hate waiting. I am horrible with keeping a surprise a surprise. You should see me at Christmas. It took all of my strength to not tell Ken about the surger I got him. I remember when I first had email, back in the days of Cyberverse. Holy crap, it drove me nuts when I would email someone and it took them forever to respond. LOL! I would email Ken, hoping to get a response. He was still married at the time. Hee hee! It was my drug of choice at the time. But I was horrible about checking my mail every two seconds. Man, with this having the net on my phone, too, I am crazy about checking things. But thankfully, I think I have gotten a smidge better. Ok, who am I kidding. LOL!!

Right now, I am waiting on the email systems to be restored. It is driving me nuts!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I hate the sniffles


Stupid cold. Seriously, if it wasn’t for these sniffles, I would feel pretty good this morning.

My weekend was fantastic aside from the sleeping factor. But we will get to that.

Friday evening was super pleasant. We went to dinner at TGIFridays. I really enjoy their food and it is one of those places where the kids can have a good time as well. I was most impressed with Bobby at dinner. He decided to be all brazen and make sure the waitress took care of him.

He started with the demand for her to send the balloon guy over to our table. Mind you, we didn’t tell him to ask her. He took it upon himself. Then, once we got our food, he made a comment to us that the fries tasted funny. When the waitress came over, he actually told her. It was awesome! He told her something else at some point, too. It was cool. I was so impressed.

The boys were so tired. Dax even fell asleep on the way home. Yet they didn’t sleep great. Dax woke himself and Bobby up with a crazy coughing fit. It actually scared Bobby. He was cool about it, but I felt so bad for him. He was up late. Thankfully we didn’t have to be anywhere in the morning, so he got to sleep in till about 9, which was great.

I spent a lot of time Saturday prepping Valentines for the boys’ classmates. I made goody bags and addressed ones to Dax’s class (Bobby is going to do his own). I also filled them out for family for us to mail this week. With only about 5 to go, I ran out of one of the items needed for the bags, which meant we needed to head back to the Dollar Tree.

Ken had noted that there was a McDonald’s with a bigger playground out near the Fox Hills Mall, so we decided to take the boys there for lunch and then we could do a couple of more errands, including the Dollar Tree run. It was good, except Dax did have a little meltdown in Target when I told him he couldn’t have an Icee.

On the way back, we drove the coastal route. It was beautiful out. Bobby really wanted to go play on the beach. So we stopped near where they do hang gliding lessons. We walked down to the water, and played down there for a while. Dax fell in at one point, but shockingly, it did not keep him from enjoying himself the rest of the time. It was a good visit. But man, walking in sand is no easy feat!

That night would be rough.

Between leg cramps, Dax being up, things that go bump in the night, and everything else that could go wrong, we were up a lot. Then, at 5 am, the house went black.

Power outage once again in our little quadrant because of what appeared to be a blown transformer (we went looking for it later) knocked out power. This meant our house was dark, and loud. All of the UPS’s beeped and yelled and hollered at us. It was awful. Especially since I had just fallen asleep. I had to be up at 5:30 anyway, but still.

We were going bowling yesterday, which is why I was going to be getting up early, anyway. It meant we all got dressed by lantern light. Man, those LED lanterns that we picked up a couple of years ago have totally paid for themselves.

Bowling was fun. I didn’t bowl. I prefer to watch these days, and I was tired and sickly so I had an excuse. The bowling crowd was excited to see the triumphant return of the brothers Brenan. My mom had planned out a thing for them, too. They had these cute little bowling trophies and arranged for the guy at the front to announce the “winners of the tournament” which was just on our lane. He said their names and they were so excited. My dad took them up to get their trophies, and as they walked back to our lanes, they got applause from the rest of the bowling peeps. It was cool. They even took a bow and held the trophies up high for everyone to see. Mf folks took them to the other side on the way out, and they showed them off to the people there, too. I have not seen kids so proud!

After bowling, we went to Wilson Park where we got to bowl the kids. My parents had not seen the giant balls they had got them for Christmas in action so this was a good time. The boys really do love those things, which is cool. It is a tiring adventure, though, and with all of us on limited reserves, we didn’t stay too long.

When we were driving home, we noted a yard sale outside this house at the end of our block. There was this gorgeous bed in front. So we parked at our house and walked down. Turned out there was a new family moving in, and there was a crap load of stuff that was left behind, including the bed. There was another bedroom set, also beautiful. We assumed it would be like $200, but when she said $50, I couldn’t resist.

Thank goodness I have Ken. This bed had to be transported home (another prior purchase of our wagon proved to be a great investment) and built. Not only did it need to be put together, but it needed to be modified since our mattress was not as big as this frame. Yes, we had a bed frame before that was not only too big for our mattress but our room as well, and I opted to trade it out for one 3 inches longer? Sheesh. I am complicated.

Ken made new internal framework and got it all set up so that it would function. It will be an even better bed once we move at some point and get a room that is bigger.

One of the other interesting things about it how much taller it is. When I am in the bed, I no longer can see the floor unless I sit up. It means a bit of a jump to get in, and a little more tricky of a dismount when getting out of bed. At first I couldn’t do it, but thankfully I figured out a good technique and it worked ok this morning.

The other thing that is different is we no longer have the railings around it. This isn’t a big deal in terms of aesthetics, but it is where we tend to put our hangers when we are doing laundry. I will need to get one of those rods for the door to be able to hang stuff, but on the plus side, it means I will be more inclined to not leave stuff there. This is a good thing.

Getting a new bed also inspired a lot of cleaning in our bedroom since even though 3 inches doesn’t sound like much, when it comes to spacing issues, it is huge. We needed to make sure all aspects of our room were not cluttered as much so that we had room. There is still some work to be done, but we are getting there.

This weekend is my last run of cleaning for Bobby’s party in 2 weeks. It means I will be uber cleaning the playroom (probably not having the boys help with that one) and getting things in the house to a point where getting to the bathroom isn’t offensive to anyone. Thankfully most of the festivities are outside, so it won’t be too bad. I need to reserve the bouncer, get out invites and clean. Then next week will be shopping trips to Costco to get buns, the cake, etc. I also will need to keep up with the house being good. I also need to make sure the yard is prepped. I think poor Lycos will need to stay inside, but I think Luna will be fine. It is a lot of kids, so I don’t know the plan just yet. I know Bobby will want to bring kids into the house to show them his room and stuff. Let’s face it, these are his new friends, and he will want them to see all the stuff. Hopefully some parents will also feel comfy with our house and maybe Bobby can have some friends over from time to time. As much as it is a lot of work to be grand central station to my kids’ playdates, I would much rather have them at home then to send my kids out into the world.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Miss Luna and Dax's class


I continue to be worried about my pup. She seems perky at times, but her normal self has changed. She might just be in pain, I don’t know. The vet tech seemed to think this is just her still recovering from surgery and that she should be ok soon.

Her cough has lessened. If she runs around a bunch, then she coughs more. It sounds more and more like she has a bad cold. Last night we put a sweater on her, hoping that perhaps it was just that she was colder than normal since they did have to shave her normally fuzzy belly. She eats and drinks ok, but she goes back and forth between looking depressed and looking restless. She normally likes to sit with us while we read to the boys. We really had to coax her in last night.

While we were finishing up reading, she ran out of the room, snagged her giant fluffy bone pillow out of her crate, and brought it into the bedroom. She then took it under the bed with her. She loves sitting under the bed. We assumed it meant she wanted to sleep in there. The boys were thrilled, so we bid the 4 of them goodnight (Ittles usually sleeps the first half of the night in there). After about 20 minutes, Dax got up and let Luna out. He didn’t even come out. This meant that she apparently was not a good roommate.

She sits in her crate, looking defeated. Not sure what that is about. I can’t tell if she is just bummed at the lack of play or if she hurts. I don’t want her to run and play too much since we were told to keep her quiet for the most part for a bit, and she seems to cough more when she runs. Hell, I considered taking her with me to get Bobby, but she started a coughing fit, so I opted against it.

I am hoping it is nothing more than maybe just some kind of minor infection just from maybe being around some other sick pups. Hopefully they can just give me some meds and she will get better. I hate seeing her so sad. She is normally such a happy dog.

Aside from that, my day was good. I got to go to my parenting class, which I actually really enjoy. I like being the cool mom. It is selfish of me, I know, and kind of cocky, but you know what, it is great for my self esteem. We have a lot of discussions about ways to help instill good habits and emotional growth into our kids, and I love it when even the instructor enjoys my examples of things I have done.

I got to tell the Bubba story in class yesterday. I also explained how I pull the sad out of Dax’s ear when he gets upset. I could feel the respect in the room.

My favorite part of the day, though, was getting to work with Dax in the classroom for like 45 minutes. We sat on the rug together, sang some songs, and got to trace Dax on a giant sheet of paper, where Dax and I then proceeded to color and personalize it. So much fun! As a working mom, I don’t always get to do in class activities with the boys. Don’t get me wrong, I am super involved, but it is still wonderful when I get to do more.

By the time I got back from class, got Dax to daycare, and talked to the vet tech, it was after 11. If I went back to work then, I would only be there a couple hours. Sure, I should have gone, but I figured I would take some me time. I settled in on my chair and watched 2 episodes of Parenthood and 2 of 90210. I was happy.

Bobby and I made a chicken pot pie, following this recipe that Brandy had sent to me. It was very easy, and Bobby was amazing help. I had even crockpotted the chicken for a few hours so that the chicken in the pie would be nummy. Bobby helped me season it. He seemed to have a real gift for this. I may be showing him even more recipes.

The only problem with it was that the crust just wasn’t right. Both he and I tried it after it cooked. We loved the chicken. But the crust wasn’t great. It was a real shame. So I told him next time we would work on improving it, which he was quite pleased about.

So instead of pot pie for dinner, the boys got sandwiches, which they were thrilled with, and I had myself a yummy salad. Super green, lot of lettuce that looked more like I picked it from my trees outside. Seriously. I don’t know what it all was, but there were actual leaves in there. I had also grilled up some chicken and used my nummy ginger/sesame light dressing. Holy fuck it was good. Plus, probably one of the more healthy meals I have had in some time. Yay me!

I feel oddly happy right now. Maybe it is because I have yet another freeish weekend ahead of me. Sure, I need to get my ass in gear for Bobby’s birthday party (I think I will work on invites today!), but aside from bowling and going to the park to bowl the boys, we don’t have any real plans. YAY! I think tonight I will drink a bottle of wine and watch a movie with Ken since I can sleep in. YAY!

It was very sweet. We were watching AI last night and we were discussing the bad singers. There were some that we pointed out although it wasn’t like they sucked, it was just that they probably sound better when singing with a recorded song or like when you sing along to the radio. I told Ken that this is when I sound ok. He told me that really, if I got some training, I could be good. He has also told me that I could be one of those background singers. How cool is that????

Have I mentioned how much I adore Kevin Smith?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I wonder


I often wonder what will be the thing I will never understand about my kids. I say this because as I was visiting with my dad yesterday, we started talking about the Tiger Mom articles and different aspects of it. I mentioned the fact that I had written an essay regarding the topic. He just sat there and shook his head. He just didn’t understand the fact that I tend to write out epic tales of mundane topics just for fun. I felt a little sad that this was one of those things that means a lot to me that will never really intrigue my dad.

Sure, I have my random death obsession and like rubber duckies. Both of these things he doesn’t get, but those don’t bother me. I mean, I don’t quite understand his taste in movies or how much he enjoys bowling. These tidbits don’t detract from the relationship.

My mom seems to get it, but honestly I don’t know if she just humors me or if she really does like what I have written. I tend to just assume that she doesn’t like it. It just makes it easier in my head to feel this way.

One day, my boys are likely to come to me and tell me some passion that they have. I wonder if I will get it. I wonder if I can fake it if I don’t. I wonder if I should. I wonder if I should instead just try to understand it better.

My mom gave me a couple of articles to read regarding Tiger mom stuff. I told her I would send her my essay. I don’t know that I will. For whatever reason I can post my essay up in front of the 200 some people that are my friends on Facebook, yet sending it to my mother is a daunting task.

On a lighter note, I just won! Kevin and Bean had a giveaway of some old promotional crap and other things. I called and got right through. I won a piggy bank. Apparently it is some pig on skis that a Miss Double December gave them at some point. I don’t care since I am always just excited when I win. LOL!

I know this seems mean, but when the boys throw a tantrum I have taken to laughing at them. Sometimes it goes well and they laugh back. Often, they scream more. Of course this means me laughing more. Bobby will then cover his face. Not sure if he is trying to not laugh or what. Either way, I think it has been mostly positive. It is an easier one to pull off at home. I am hoping that this doesn’t occur in a store, but for now, I think the chuckle is the way to go.

I slept wonderfully last night, but I am zoned this morning. I think it is a lack of motivation on my part. Sure, I have things I could be doing, but I feel lazy. I was so comfy in bed, I really didn’t want to leave!

Tomorrow I get to go to class number two for Dax. I am going to work in the morning, go to class, and then my plan is to come back to work. This is my plan, but I make no promises.

There is actually a problem with having soft hair. Headbands are not your friend. They slip too much. Oh well.

While watching HIMYM last night, the topic on the show was the idea of how much it bugs guys that girls talk in great detail to other girls about their sex lives. This includes stats about their guys’ junk. I asked Ken if this would bug him or if let’s say I told him that my girlfriend told me that her boyfriend had a small penis if he wouldn’t be able to look at him the same way again. He said it would actually mess with him a smidge. I find this all interesting. I wonder how much women actually do discuss those details. I don’t know that I do too much of that. I don’t know that my friends do much. Then again, I wonder if it is just second nature at this point so I don’t notice. Hmmm…

I would say I need a project today, but I just want to zone out. I have been back in the land of Wikipedia. I may need to just find some articles to read.

Ok, I found some work instead of articles, so my lack of motivation had mostly diminished. This is probably a good thing. Plus, the day is moving at an ok pace, which is good.

I apparently have more copies to make for Dax’s class. This works out well since I can do them tomorrow morning and bring them with me to the parenting class.

I am going to try to make a chicken pot pie tonight. That should be interesting.

I am starting to hate this headband since it keeps sliding all over the place. Grrrr….

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the actual blog


I am feeling pretty good today. Less exhaustion than normal, which must mean I slept good.

My poor Luna. She hates being all grounded. She managed to break her cone of shame, so Ken had to tape it back together. We also put a t-shirt on her, which was a suggestion from the ladies at the shelter. Thankfully, Luna wears it in stride. You can tell she wants to play, but when she does even a little, she falls asleep hard afterwards.

Her incision looks great, and aside from a tiny bit of swelling, she looks great! I am thinking by Saturday we can remove the cone. I may even remove it during the evenings when she is just hanging with us. The shirt covered the spot enough that she should be ok.

I have missed her on my walks to get Bobby.

I cleaned house yesterday after Bobby homework. I swept the living room and cleaned the kitchen. I even changed out some laundry. A little at a time keeps it all good for the week.

My friend, Vyerah, is having a rough time. Her nephew, who is in South Africa, is sick. He has always been a sick guy. He wasn’t supposed to survive infancy, yet today he is 34 years old. He has tuberous sclerosis. He has mental retardation as a result, and he suffers seizures daily and other issues with his health.

He is currently in the hospital with a bowel obstruction. They removed some of his intestines, yet his body is pushing out the waste in the only way it can, which is through his mouth for now. Vyerah is a wreck.

She was 12 when he was born. She calls him a miracle child, and her belief in God was cemented the day he was born. She feels that she needs him to survive because she is questioning his suffering and his life. I feel so bad for her.

I told her that even though I am an atheist, I still understand the power of faith. I told her not to turn away, but to turn to. I even kicked her out of the office for a bit so she could have a conversation with her god. I know that she appreciated it. She gave me a hug, something she never does. I hope that she gains her strength again. I really do.

I find it to be an odd position to be in as a non believer. I find myself encouraging people to stick with their faith rather than question it. This of course makes no sense being that I really don’t have a god aside from Kevin Smith. And he is much easier to believe in since not only is he someone I have met, dude this man is everywhere. God has nothing on Kevin when it comes to seeming to be everywhere. LOL!

No, but seriously, I do take faith seriously. I will mock it from time to time. I mean, seriously, who thanks god when you win the freaking Superbowl? Like anyone really can pin that on him? Does god have some kind of wager in Vegas? Does he care about the spread? Not freaking likely.

Yet, I think thanking your god when he ends suffering, or reaching out for strength does seem ok. There are people that believe heavily in superstition. There are people that have a totem that represents things. There are people that talk to the deceased. There are so many different ways we all look for not only strength, but inner peace. Just because one person gets that from prayer doesn’t make it wrong. And recognizing that people need that, it is important to me to respect it.

There are some idiots out there. Sure, they fight in the name of their faith. They judge based on their faith. They preach based on their faith. Wouldn’t it just make more sense to worry about yourself, and your own things rather than be an asshole about it?

I didn’t plan on writing a whole religion thing. I am mostly spouting out crap, so forgive me.

I also blame my tummy. I am starving!