Friday, April 29, 2011



So freaking tired! I would like to say it was because I was up all night having fun. I was up all night, but after 9, it was not fun. Insomnia hit me like a ton of bricks, and it was horrid. I don’t know how folks deal with it on a regular basis. I found myself just lying there, super tired, unable to drift off. I listened to the standard shows in the background, assuming one of them would help. I know that I did sleep a little since I don’t remember how Data ended up solving the mystery of the sick villagers aside from his suspecting the radio active material he had with him. I do remember too much of the evening. I tossed, I turned, and now I pay the price.

Before this point, I had a lovely dinner with Brandy at Kamal Palace. I not only tried Indian Food, I enjoyed Indian Food! Yay!

The only problem with coffee this morning is that the office is once again in the high 70’s and now my core temperature has increased due to the warmth of my drink. I may need to turn on the second fan.

My poor Dax was especially heart broken that I went out last night. He was fine when I said goodbye, but as I was getting situated in the car, my boys came out, Dax in tears. I opened the van door and he crawled in, saying he had not gotten a kiss goodbye (which was untrue, but I didn’t think it mattered). I hugged and kissed him several times and then returned his shouts of “I’ll miss you” and “I love you!” Thankfully, Ken said he was fine later. Although, he was up when I got home, and seemed to be suffering from the same insomnia that I was.

This may be a hide in the bathroom kind of day where I can just zone out. I even brought in my headphones so that I could listen to music in there.

In the day and age of Tivo, who in the fuck would actually stay up to watch the royal wedding. Well, and while we are questioning wack jobs, why watch at all??

I will admit that part of me would have liked to gone to the wedding if only to be able to wear one of the crazy wacky hats.

I never cared much for the song Landslide. I don’t know why. Maybe because I had heard it so much and it was almost shoved in my face in the idea that I should enjoy it. Only when I watched it sung on Glee did I truly appreciate it. The moment in the episode that the song was being played, and Santana looking at Britney, there is something incredibly touching and tender about it. I know, I am getting sappy about a show, but honestly, there is something so amazing about Glee that I am hooked for life.

On May 5th, I have an appt that I am going to hopefully have my IUD removed. I put down that the reason I wanted the appt was removal, but I don’t know what kind of prep needs to be done for this. Hopefully it is just a matter of throwing me in some stirrups and a little tug. Either way, we have decided to let nature decide, at least for one year. If I am not pregnant come my 37th birthday, Ken gets snipped.

I took some of my cough meds later than I should of last night so I am in a slightly foggy haze. It doesn’t help that I am in my long, flowy dress and I feel slightly hippie like. I realize now that the earrings I needed today were my daisies. I also have a desire for this old scarf I used to have that was purple and orange and bold. I don’t know what happened to it. I want it right now.

I hate the bathroom here. I don’t know what it is, but I hate looking in the mirror. I feel gross and ugly. I don’t feel that way at my desk. The mirror on my desk doesn’t seem to scream mean things at me here. But the one in the bathroom is not kind.

Purple eye shadow is awesome.

I have the desire to re-read Harry Potter.

I want a squishy, soft scarf. I just wish it was cold out to use it.

It has been too long since I watched Kill Bill.

I feel peaceful.

Ken and I talked about getting chickens. It would give us our own eggs, and the boys could raise chickens. The jury is still out on this.

I have recently felt a desire to have a farm. Nothing huge, just a house that has farm capabilities.

I need boy names. I already have the name for the girl. But I worry Ken’s baby seed is only filled with boy seed.

Is Sirius too obviously geeky?

I am a little insulted that Dax likes Maria’s enchiladas more than mine.

I want a top hat.

I have determined hippie dress not for work. Unless of course a couple it when a shirt under or get some kind of shrug.

Heat in office getting to me. Second fan is on.

I really do not care for Donald Trump.

I have zero work motivation today.

Pipa is a cute name. Don’t worry, it is not on the table for the daughter I would like.

I became angry at my lack of motivation. I started doing some work.

I am hungry. I don’t really have any appropriate snacky items. I suppose it will not kill me to wait till lunch. Besides, I can always heat lunch a smidge early.

I wonder if Pot would be an appropriate Father’s Day gift.

“The only thing straight about me is straight up bitch!”—Santana “Glee”

Can Lupin be a first name?

My mom once suggested I name a boy Chandler. As much as it isn’t a bad name, I think my love of Friends might be a little too apparent. LOL!

It is a shame the name Benjamin is so damn common. Then again, I could always just call him Hawkeye.

The other day I actually started mixing up Brenan ancestry with Harry Potter ancestry.

Hmmm…Crosby is a cool name.

Should I bust out Branch again? LOL!!!!

Ken is coming to lunch! YAY!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

To Baby or Not to Baby-that is the question


The unagi moment of the week happened two days ago.

I arrived home to find Ken cleaning up a bunch of items. I didn’t question it, just happy to have house being worked on. After being home for maybe 45 minutes, conversation turned to his cleaning intentions.

He said that if we were to truly consider having another child, he wanted to know what he needed to do in order to make that happen.

The salmon skin roll to this story is the fact that only earlier that day, I had been going over in my own mind the time table on what needed to be done if I truly wanted to try for Quorra.

Ken pointed out that what he would need to bring to the table, aside from the sperm of course, would be daycare. Instead of spending $600 a month on Maria’s, he would stay home with the kid in the mornings, turning it over to me once I arrived home, at which point he would go to work. But this doesn’t mean that he would be leaving me in charge of things like housework. This would be his contribution to the mix, allowing me to concentrate on the 3 kids when I arrived home.

I was much pleased and it got my gears moving. Sure, I had always been pretty set on only 2 kids. Then again, I also had been dead set on girl and a boy. I also had never anticipated loving pregnancy so dang much, and honestly, being a mom has been super rewarding.

Then yesterday happened.

Don’t worry, it was nothing bad. In fact, it was just a day, but it once again puts factors into the planned ideas. I loomed over Bobby as he worked on homework, all the while fielding questions from Ken about how to word a petition, and also entertaining Dax as he came in and out of the room.

A little later, I walked outside, while having started dinner, played catch with Bobby, still entertained Dax, and had to throw the ball for both dogs before they imploded with excitement. I came in only to continue work on dinner, giving the cats time to yell at me for random things, and oh yeah, Dax still needed some attention. LOL!

Mind you, it was awesome. There is no better feeling than the complete adoration I get from every living thing in my household. I know I am the center of that universe, even when they don’t always listen to me. So doesn’t adding one more to the mix seem like even more love?

Yes, it is, but it is also more headaches. All that needy that my house has tends to come my direction, and if you add an infant, it could fuck with the delicate balance.

While I worked with Bobby on his homework, it occurred to me if I was pregnant today, when that kid was suckling on my boob, I would not just have kindergarten homework to deal with for Dax, I would also have 1st grade homework. Yes, a lot of kinder homework tends to be coloring, but a lot is not. A lot requires attention.

Flip side of this, I don’t have to stand over him. Sitting on a chair, Boppy and baby in lap, I can still direct traffic pretty well. I have always been good at it. Plus, Dax will make kinder homework look like nothing because of his evil genius status, and Bobby is getting better and better every day at his homework, and I have two kids who don’t need me to wipe their butt, or carry or do so many other things for since they are older. Hell, I had a baby with an 18 month old. We managed just fine.

Still, I worry. I am 35. I am obese. I am a doctor’s worst nightmare when it comes to risk factors. I also have a great track record. I had no complications, I had no issues. Hell, I was actually at my most healthy when I was knocked up. Oh, the dilemma.

Another thought was my social life. How selfish, right? But no, it really isn’t. Lately, I have been managing to get out every now and again. I think even those outings might go away with a baby. Ok, not a baby, since I can go out just fine with an infant. It is when they get to walking and what not, that gets tricky.

Logistics come into play, also. Sure, the boys share a room, but where does the baby go? The playroom makes sense, but man, that is a lot of work ahead of us. Then again, it forces us to do it! That is actually quite appealing.

I will need my van back so as to have the family car in full swing. Bobby already has no problem sitting in the very back, so this is helpful. New kid will chill next to Dax.

I guess I question if I am being selfish. I want another kid. I don’t know that I have a good reason, either. Am I neglecting my fantastic, wonderful and awesome boys? Would I still have enough time for Ken? How will the dogs and cats cope? Can I still be a good mom, despite having less of me to go around?

I worry, I fret, I ponder the possibilities. I don’t know that there is a correct answer, and I do know that no matter what we choose, it will be fine. I just want to make sure that I pick the best that I can.

I don’t think I can put off the decision too much longer. I truly need to decide by my birthday if I want to allow nature to decide my household size, or if I will continue to use science and medicine to preserve what I already have. It will be an interesting upcoming month for my head.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Break!


I don’t have gobs of time, so I thought the best way to preserve in journal form the spring break 2011 fun would be in list form.

Friday 4-15-11

Poor Bobby broke his Easter eggs coming out of class and broke down crying. This triggered his teacher into her own crying, which resulted in me comforting both of them at different times.

Dax would soon be next on the list of crying. While on the swing, he called out to me telling me he needed help. I inquired further, and he yelled, “there’s a snake!!!” Turned out to be a lizard, and it took all my strength to not laugh.

Went to dinner and saw Joy Luck Club with Stephanie. Stupid crying movie. Sigh, what did I expect from a flick about moms, daughters, and way too much death for me. Good movie, though.

Saturday 4-16-11

Went and signed the boys up for soccer.

Bus adventure day. We took busses from home to Spring Fest. We stopped at the mall, too. It was a lot of walking, too, when we walked from Spring Fest to check in on Matt.

Sunday 4-17-11

This day was spent relaxing while the boys played with their friend, Danny.

Monday 4-18-11

Zoo day! It was good weather, and we saw tons of animals we don’t normall see. Bobby was thrilled to see real live tigers.

Starting to wonder if Danny is a stalker since he showed up almost exactly when we arrived home.

Tuesday 4-19-11

Dentist appts for Bobby and I. Poor kid did have a fright when the fluoride hurt him. It was minor, and he picked out bubbles from the treasure chest.

Wednesday 4-20-11

Ken had a doctor appt we all tagged along to.

The boys and I met up with Stephanie and Sabrina in Pedro to go to the fountains. Way fun. Children were in undies before the day was done.

Then we hit up a park and Target. Always a good thing.

Thursday 4-21-11

Cavity filled at dentist. Not too bad as it was tiny.

Discovery Cube in Santa Ana. Gobs of fun. Nice museum and we got a season pass, so we will return. Saw Bubble Fest, which we thought was lame, but the boys enjoyed.

Friday 4-22-11

Boys played with Danny until we went with Ken to his class at Adventure Plex. Holy crap, that place rules. We will go back for sure. Thankfully, we didn’t have to pay this round.

Saturday 4-23-11

Captain overkill was on hand for coloring easter eggs. The boys and Ken lost interest while my alter ego glued on googly eyes and feathers to make lots of fun eggs.

Dog Beach fun. The dogs loved it. Luna drank too much sea water and managed to yak. It was ok, though. Boys loved going to beach.

Sunday 4-24-11

Easter! Baskets of candy, hunting for 120 eggs. Good fun.

Poor Bobby was sickly with a fever. Even Dax looked tired. I think we wore them out this last week.

Can’t wait till next year!

Friday, April 15, 2011



YAY! I am no longer dying. Ok, I know I wasn’t really, but man, I was feeling like it. The coughing was killing me. Thankfully, it seems as though my meds may be working.

Unfortunately, there is a new theory to the allergy; mold. What with the recent storms and leak in the roof, Ken had been concerned that some mold has set in. I didn’t consider this when the doc told me that I had allergies. I was still dumbfounded since the standard allergies (dander, dust, pollen) were all items I have been exposed to for years. My dad mentioned mold, and it triggered one of those sitcom moments where multiple images of recent conversations and other visions of my past tunneled past me in a strange video effect. I then looked up mold allergy symptoms this morning, and they include chronic cough, nasal issues, and most specific, random skin rash outbreaks, which is something I have been having.

I am happy if this turns out to be the culprit, only if it means I finally know what my problem is. But other than that, I am not happy since it means some work to remove whatever mold has set in.

In addition to feeling better health wise, I am positively giddy with this being my last day before vacation. I have a full week ahead of me of sleeping in and playing with the kids. Tomorrow is the busiest day what with soccer sign ups, Spring Fest and checking in on Matt and his Goonies. Beyond that, it is open. A museum trip is in the works, along with a zoo trip. However, it sounds like a crap load of time may end up being at home since the boys have their new friend, Danny, that also has next week off and seems to be a little needy in the friend department. He doesn’t have a lot of friends, and here are two willing kids that live a few houses down. It is a win win for everyone.

Tonight, Stephanie and I are going to a screening of Joy Luck Club in San Pedro. I have not seen the movie, which is surprising since it came out in 1993, which is around the time where I saw pretty much every movie that came out. It was the Blockbuster years, and you kind of had to see it all to stay current. Plus, when you worked that much, often you got home at times when everyone was either already out of asleep, so you would bring home a movie to wind down. I also didn’t read the book. Stephanie assures me I will cry. Of course, I cry at the drop of a hat these days, so I don’t know that this prediction is very telling. LOL! Either way, it should be a fun way to spend a few hours.

Poor Lycos. She fell and hurt her booty the other day. Thankfully, it is better than it was, but I can tell she is not 100%. She isn’t the young pup she used to be. I am hoping at some point next week we can take her and Luna to the dog beach since I think she would enjoy the heck out of that.

I am rocking lots of green tea these last couple days. I know that it is super good for you. After reading a bit, I am thinking I should drink even more! I am now debating on taking my coffee pot home for the week! Although I am pretty sure I can make it just fine without it.

I am so uninspired here at work today. I know in a few hours I will be free!

Bobby, my dad and I had the strangest conversation yesterday. My dad uses those SavOn reading glasses, and he has them scattered throughout the house so he never loses them. Bobby wanted to try them on. He enjoyed doing this, and declared he wanted glasses. Explaining to your 6 year old that they don’t require prescription glasses is interesting. Bobby didn’t care that he didn’t need them. He was just enamored by how they look. Specifically, his best friend, Bensaida. She wears glasses and he thinks she looks awesome. After much discussion, it was determined Bobby didn’t so much want glasses that “made things blurry” as the reading glasses did, but just ones that had everything look the same as it did without. My dad thought this was all odd, but being an accessory junkie, I loved the idea of Bobby requesting his first fashion accessory. You can bet your bottom dollar that Bobby and I will be glasses shopping in the next few days. I asked him if I could also get him to wear a straw fedora, and he agreed. Who needs a little girl when I have fashionable boys!!!

Madelyn starts yet another round of chemo. My friend Mo gave me a link that Scott should be able to sign Jacob up for a Super Sib status. She said they give trophies and really try to make sure sibs of kids who are suffering from a horrid illness get some attention during this trying time on the family. I hope he does this since I know he said Jacob is struggling. Poor kid. All of this breaks my heart daily, and sometimes I wish I could fly out there to help. I don’t know that I would be much help, so instead, I have just made sure to reach out to Scott as much as possible and let him vent. He took full advantage of it last week, which was good. I know he knows I am here for him, which means I am doing what I can.

Bobby got his first permission slip sent home for a school field trip. That’s right, my boy is going on a school bus down to Cabrillo. I am 1 part nervous, and 3 parts excited for him. Part of me also wants to chaperone, but I am trying desperately to let him have some independent time. Ken is probably going to, anyway, so I don’t ‘need’ to.

I do get Mother’s Day tea in May, though. Dax’s class has invited mommies down for an hour of tea. I am pretty jazzed. I feel like I need a fancy hat with flowers just to fit the part.

Part of me wishes I could go to Coachella. The sane part of me knows better.

Does tea make you pee more than just straight water?

I love Emma Thompson.

I put peanut butter on Luna and Lycos’ noses last night. It was the best 10 minutes ever! Cracked me up big time.

Why is it that I get the burst of energy when I can’t do anything useful with it?

I need to start marking on a calendar when the last time I did my hair was. That was I don’t color too often. Since I am changing to brown, I am doing all over color, but I certainly don’t want to jack up my hair.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



I want to be back in bed. I was so cozy. It was nice since I went to bed with a raging headache. I am looking forward to Friday night since it is the start of 9 days of sleeping in.

I must have been under a lot of stress yesterday. Although, I would not call it stress. It was more like just busy with schedules. After work, I helped Bobby do his homework, and then not long after, we headed out to pick up Grandma Brenan from the airport. I was impressed with our timing since we got there just as she was calling!

The boys entertained until my folks arrived, at which point we headed up to the school. Ken met us there, and we went to Dax’s classroom first.

Ms. Lira had it set up in stations, and even had a number guide, having the students go through each project with their family. It was a wonderful way to do it. The projects were also all nice booklets, which are perfect for saving.

Of course, Dax’s projects were wonderful. I let the grandmothers get a lot of reading done to them since Dax can go over a lot of the booklets with me at home.

After Dax’s room, we went to Bobby’s room. Mrs. Fasheh seemed pleased with the total family involvement. There were gobs of wonderful things that Bobby had made. They also had a lot of work in booklets they made, which was wonderful. We spent a lot of time in the classroom, just marveling at it all.

The boys then took us all to show us the infamous monkey bars. Bobby did fantastic and went all the way across several times. Dax, the daredevil, decided forward on them was too boring and promptly went backwards. Awesome!

I am filling out gobs of paperwork this morning. AYSO signups is Saturday. The boys both want to play. I am looking into maybe getting them on the same team, since it may be possible. It is yet another thing going on Saturday morning. I also have paperwork that is for take your kid to work day. I am way excited on this one. I am thinking of just taking Bobby. I think he would get more out of it.

Grandma Brenan is spending the day with Dax. She is going to hang out in his class this morning, and then hang out with him until Ken gets home from class to take her to the airport. She is super jazzed, and in fact, she said this will be the highlight of her trip. Dax is pleased, too. One on one time is one of his favorite things!

This afternoon I am picking up Bobby and then picking up candy. The fundraiser candy is there today. I think I will just go straight to the school after work and pick it up before Bobby get out so that I don’t have to deal with a crowd. I want to take the boys to work to deliver the candy.

Seriously, does today come with a nap?

People are eating hard boiled eggs. They smell icky. I have to make hard boiled eggs tonight for Bobby’s class. Thankfully they don’t smell bad until you open them up. Bleah.

Ok, I suppose I should take advantage of a day in which I can do my own job.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



OMG! I get to go to Open House as a parent of kids who have open classrooms for me to tour. I am giddy. I am almost nervous about it. The boys are not without a full entourage, either. My folks are coming and Ken’s mom is flying down just for Open House! I am so excited!!!!!!

Bobby is jazzed, too. First off, Mrs. Fasheh keeps telling the kids she will have treats in the classroom for all those who come. Plus, he wants to show me all his projects, and he wants to show everyone how well he does on the monkey bars. Hee hee!

I got to surprise Dax yesterday since I went with Ken to pick him up. He was thrilled when he saw me. It is those moments that make life worthwhile.

I went to see the doctor yesterday. He told me based on my nasal passages, it looks like I am suffering from allergies. Of course, we don’t know which ones at this point, but he gave me a prescription of this nasal spray that should open up the airways again, and hopefully keep the drip from going down my throat. He also gave me some cough syrup with codeine so that I could get some sleeps while that kicks in. I have to take the spray for a month.

I feel very twitchy today.

The boys and I went to the mall to see if the Galleria location had my vest. They did not. Ken then offered for the whole fam to go to Lakewood to see if they had it. I had settled in on not getting it and picked out an awesome shirt and skirt. I chose only one, the shirt, to get. Ken bought me both! Then he spent gobs of time with the manager tracking me down a vest. We then drove to Hawaiian Gardens and got my vest! Hee hee! When I told him he didn’t have to, he told me I was worth it. Yeah, I think I will keep him.

The net has been out since Thursday at home. There are two good things with this. One, I get more work done on things like chores. Two, I get to bed way early! We cleaned house for the arrival of Grandma Brenan this afternoon. Ken installed a ceiling fan in our room, which is awesome. It has been a lot of good stuff done.

The boys were on TV again!

Go to the 10:30 mark and you get to hear them yell, GOAL!

Oh yeah, and by the way; I AM FREE!! Jean is back!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fucking Cancer Sucks



Stupid fucking cancer. I am at a loss for words today, in a tailspin of sadness for Scott. Madelyn is looking at a 30% chance of survival at this point. That isn’t a high enough percentage. It isn’t fair. It is wrong. I hate this. Scott has been so positive since she was gaining weight and seeming to be so strong. Now this. She will have to spend 2 months in the hospital. The doc is supposed to talk to them more today. Right now, we are hoping for a stem cell transplant. Scott told me if that doesn’t happen, the cancer will win.

I hate feeling so helpless. I hate that Scott and Nicole have to go through this. I have this gut wrenching pain right now. It is one of those days I am glad I am mostly alone in my little cube so no one can see me tear up.

She is only 3. Why does her little body have to go through 8 rounds of chemo, and yet still not be healthy?

This is all just screaming and venting and I am sorry for it. I just hurt.

I told Bobby that he gets a prize for picking up the dog poo last night. He was so cool about it. In addition to that, he has been so polite and good about not whining as much when we tell he cannot do something. Ken and I were so impressed, we told him this and said that he needed something special for it. So tonight I think something is in order. Not sure the plan yet.

My last day of dealing with Jean’s shit. I am counting down the hours. It is 9 right now. Only about 4 hours left. Woo hoo!

Grandma Brenan made arrangements to come for the boys’ Open House next week. I know they will be quite thrilled to have this whole entourage to show around the school.

I don’t have much to say this morning. Like I said, I am out of sorts due to the evil that is cancer. Hopefully next week I will be better.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the short blog


Good morning, world!

I don’t really know why I feel chipper. I think the countdown of Jean getting back and Spring Break on the horizon is starting to really sink in.

Bobby brought home his Spring photo yesterday. Instead of purchasing it, I opted to just scan it in. It is a cute pic. His hair looks kind of mullet like, though. I am guessing the folks there combed it down, which is not what he normally wears. I will hopefully get Dax’s today.

Since I had the scanner out, I snagged a box of photos and scanned a handful. Yes, I need to do the whole box, but I just thought I would do a few. It makes me realize how many freaking photos I have to be organized and scanned. I need to take a week off to just do those! Maybe over Spring Break I will take some time when the boys are out playing to do lots of scanning.

Dangit. The busy has started early this morning.

Why must people talk to me when Kevin Smith is talking on the radio? Dammit people. You don’t talk to me any other time, and now you feel the need to talk to me?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

a minor clip of them


My boys were on the show! Ok, it is for like no joke, 2 seconds, but it is still 2 seconds! They are doing what they do best. They are screaming! LOL! Hopefully they air the stuff they did in the park. Crossing fingers here!

Miss Luna and I worked on some training last night. It truly helps to train once you play some vigorous fetch first. She was pooped, which allowed her a bit more focus. Plus, when I would have her sit and stay while I tossed the toy, she was less inclined to go after it until I released her. I also am more and more pleased with her new training collar every day. I highly recommend it. Of course, I know it would not work on all dogs, but my pup seems to really respond.

Ok, I had a random craving for coffee this morning. Two cups later, along with no joke, a half a gallon of water right after, I feel wired! Hopefully this will make the day go by quickly.

I am anxiously awaiting news from Ken that our tax return has been received. The following items will be going home with me (Ok, not all of them, but the first one for sure):

Have I mentioned how much I hate the calm before the storm?

Bobby is getting to be so freaking funny. He delivers these random lines that are just a crack up. We were playing catch when I pretended to throw it and hid the ball in my pocket. He tells me I must have it, but I show him my empty hands and he looks at me with this fantastic, skeptical look, and says, “Odd.” I don’t know how to explain it, but it was awesome.

I think the most recent bout of coughing I had has permanently affected my voice. It sounds different to me. Not bad or anything, just different. I don’t know if it is something where since I still cough from time to time and so I am not healed completely, or if something like a bad cold can actually do something to your vocal chords. Of course, I don’t know that anyone else had noticed a difference, so it may be just me.

My Bobby is doing much better with his reading. His booklet he has to read each day this week had some words he did not know, yet he was doing well sounding them out. He also has been really taking his time on his homework and making things so much nicer. He has also taken to quizzing Dax on the wall words we still have up, which is great since it is good practice for Bobby, and it gives Dax a nice head start. I need to talk to Mrs. Fasheh to get the 1st grade wall words so I can put them up, too. I figure he can practice over the summer. I also want to talk to the office to see if they know yet what teacher he will have so I can maybe get some curriculum for next year so I can practice with him over the summer. I figure if I can have them each do homework over the summer, it gives them an hour or so each night of work. I will only do it Monday through Thursday, which is how they do it in school, that way it is just habit with them. I will have to talk to Ken and maybe next week at Open House we can go to the 1st grade classroom and get this info.

It is getting close to soccer sign up time. I don’t know if we will do the soccer thing or not. Both boys want to, so it sounds like we will. The plan is to have them play in the region closest to our house this season. Hopefully they get to then play with some kids they go to school with.

The whirlwind of busy is upon me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Date weekend with some comedy


Yay date night!

We dropped off the boys with my parents around 1, which gave Ken and I lots of kid free time.

After a couple of errands, we went home and got ready for our evening. Since there was plenty of time, it allowed us to stop on the way to Universal at Target to return some items. We stopped at the Target in West Hollywood, which has the most magnificent looking Target ever. It was like a church! I was thoroughly amused.

We got to City Walk around 5 and decided on the Mexican food restaurant. The food was fine, but nothing fab. It was funny to be there, still glancing at the kids menu just in case. We then got back to date night status and started looking at the drink menu.

With a nice buzz going, we headed out to browse the shops. The show didn’t start until 8:15, so we had time to kill. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough interesting stuff to kill that much time. LOL! We ended up down at the Saddle Ranch for drinks.

Ken managed to get a free beer from a guy since we didn’t fight too hard to take these two open seats. I didn’t care if I sat or not as I had a carafe of Long Island Iced Tea. Woo hoo!

The show was great! Not surprisingly, Ken and I mostly enjoyed the acts that had humor that hit closer to home. Ray Ramano and Patton Oswald both talked about their kids, which was funny. The jokes comics did on the single lifestyle were not as funny to us.

I highly recommend checking out the Axis of Awesome on YouTube.

The night was certainly not over in terms of adventure. We headed out with the gobs of traffic and found ourselves in a random sampling for the sober checkpoint. Not a big deal since it had been close to 6 hours since we had both drank. However, the cop who shined the light into Ken’s face saw something not right and had him get out to do a field sobriety test.

I ended up having to hang out on the bus stop bench while I watched from afar. Ken had to do the walking a straight line, which looked difficult. No, it wasn’t because he was drunk. Earlier that day, he had just purchased a new pair of shoes that are Shape Up equivalents. Balancing in those takes practice, and he had not even worn them a full day and was being expected to master several balancing tasks to prove his sobriety.

During this time, I was also privy to watching the other cars being stopped. One car even contained one of the comics we had just seen. I was amused since he had declared his 6 months of sobriety on stage, so he didn’t have to be stopped for long. Part of me hoped for him to be popped for DUI.

The police did not seem to have much of a sense of humor aside from making fun of the people who would start of by insisting they had not had a drink, but then when the second cop would ask him, the drink count would come out.

Ken’s test took probably 20 minutes, even though it seemed like an eternity. I was nervous when they took him for the breathalyzer. I don’t know why, but it just seemed like the one test that could fuck you, even if you were not drunk. Ken blew a zero. Yup, dude had no traces. Nicely done, sir. LOL!

When they walked us over to the car, there was finally a more relaxed attitude. Ken told me the officer was super nice to him, but yes, he was extremely professional even though it was becoming quite clear that Ken was not intoxicated.

I should of slept in more on Sunday, but you know how it is when you have to pee right around the time you would normally get up. I was quite annoyed. But since I was up, I went ahead and got dressed and headed out to retrieve my boys.

Dax was a little weepy when we dropped him off, but he cheered up. We had been gone for no more than 3 minutes when he called me on my phone and said he had not said goodbye to me. We turned around for a full round of more hugs and kisses.

We got home and had a pretty mellow day. Ken played some baseball with the boys and their friend, Danny. I spent a lot of time cleaning, which was very satisfying. We even got a lot of the laundry done, while still being able to play with the boys and dogs.

Last night, Bobby came out not long after going to bed to ask my help with something. As I walked him back to bed, he turned to me and thanked me again for the little toy hamster we had gotten them. I was pleased with his thanks and memory to thank me without prompting.

Bobby lost his tooth last night, too. And when I say lost, I mean, we don’t know where it went. It had been loose, but our best guess is that it got stuck in the French Toast we had for dinner and it is somewhere in his intestines at this point. He seemed a little concerned about the tooth fairy not coming. Ken remembered something we had, which was one of Luna’s baby teeth. I then wrote a letter on Bobby’s behalf asking the tooth fairy to accept our replacement tooth in the lost tooth’s place. We put the letter in with the Tooth Goblin so that he could deliver it to Ms Fairy. Bobby seemed confident about this. Phew!

Jean is now due back on the 11th, which means I only have this week to deal with. Of course, this morning when I came in, I found out that I no longer have access to cover for her. My guess is there was an expiration date on the temporary access I had, and since she was due back today, I will have to be given it again. I am only annoyed since it puts me behind schedule.