Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kicking some ass


Hello world! It is day two of the Gena kicks ass tour. Yes, that’s right, I busted my ass yesterday and managed to get some awesome results. I came in to work, already pumped to go since I had to do a whole lot of running around in order to get in the stupid building. Nothing says wide awake like a couple of wind sprints in the morning so the building alarm doesn’t go off before you get to it.

I rocked the reports. I finished all of them, including the ever so tedious cash forecast. I forwarded all of the spreadsheets to the appropriate parties in record time. It was especially amazing since my battered computer did its best to thwart my efforts.

On top of that, I managed to set up a handful of accounts, update master files and send out new credit applications. Yes, that’s right, not only did I kill on my job, I did the same for someone else’s desk. Oh, and by the by, I also helped multiple people in the company on things I didn’t have to do.

Lastly, I got to fight with a sales rep! Going toe to toe with some moron while his boss gets to see and being right is always quite satisfying.

All of this was done before noon.

After noon was not as awesome, specifically because I heard it through the rumor mill that Jean won’t be back on the 5th as promised. Plus, as I was trying to hammer out one last vendor, power died in my little area, shutting down my machine. I left at that point. LOL!

The boys and I hung out with my folks for a bit yesterday. They decided to play with their doctor kits, with Bobby taking the lead and having us be in waiting rooms and he would call each of in for our appt.

When it was my turn on the couch, I said all dramatic, “Doctor, doctor! It hurts when I do this!” and proceeded to punch my hand a few times. He looks at me all serious and calmly says, with a huge amount of “WTF”, “Then don’t do that.”

Bobby’s second tooth is loose. We were brushing teeth and he told me his bottom tooth was wiggly. I looked, and sure enough, it was all over the place. In fact, the new tooth was already coming in behind it. It looks as though it should pop out today or tomorrow. Guess I need to bust out the tooth goblin.

My work day has been rather uneventful so far, thankfully. I have a massive headache, which is meaning I need to get myself to the optometrist. I truly believe this is eye strain. Sure, I could make the font on my screen bigger, but I like having all the data in front of me on one screen and don’t like to have to scroll if I don’t need to.

Sigh, the busy is beginning.

Monday, March 28, 2011

the lazy to productive ratio


My foot itches!! Grrrr!

It was a good weekend. The adventure to mellow ratio was perfect. I am sure I could have gotten more done, but there was a whole lot of lazy. Especially when I would consider the upcoming week for me.

Stephanie and I adventured in Del Amo on Saturday afternoon. The trip was awesome! We found her a fab dress and accessories which were all perfect. I have tagged several items that I am going back for this week once our tax return arrives. All in all, it was all kinds of good.

We then dined at Vince’s, which I have not had in forever. I like it very much and look forward to going back. It was a good choice, too, as it wasn’t crowded nor was it loud. Always a good thing when you just want good food and chit chat.

Sunday should have been more productive. LOL! Instead, we all lounged a bit. I decided to go get Barnum washed. Car wash was not open. Sigh. So the boys and I came back home. Maybe 20 minutes later, I opted to go get hair dye. Neither location was open. I was getting annoyed. The boys and I went back out to the car wash and beauty supply store again, this time after 11, and finally, I was victorious.

We also got to planting the seeds in our garden. Ken had been prepping the seeds inside in the little pots, but these were the seeds that went straight into the ground. The boys were helping until at one point, this little boy from down the street approached Dax on the sidewalk with, “Hey, kid! You wanna play some kick ball?” Dax seemed a little hesitant, but once Bobby ran over, and the boy asked Ken and I if they could go play at his house, it was on! The boys ended up playing with this kid for a while, which was fun. They came back because the boy was leaving. Perhaps we have a new friend!

Ken colored my hair. I have opted to go back to chocolate brown. It is going to take some time to get to the brown I want, but this first round did quite well. Sure it is still reddish, but there are no more gray roots with the wrong shade compared to the red. It is a dark reddish brown, which is good. I figure it will take a few. Luckily, I found a new favorite dye and a great shade.

We need to cross our fingers that this week goes well since it is the last week of covering for Jean. I can assure you, I am totally done with this shit.

It has just occurred to me the other thing I need to pick up on my shopping is some more lotion.

I had a nasty coughing fit last night that resulted in more vomit. I happened to be in bed at the time, and it took me by surprise. Thankfully I had a cough drop in my mouth. I was able to keep the vomit in my mouth without gagging and keeping it off the bed. Poor Ken tried to get me something to spit it in since I was slightly dazed and didn’t jump right up. I was aware enough, though, to not want to spit into a nice blanket that he gave me. So not fun.

Only a couple more weeks and we get Spring Break! YAY! So far, one of the outings planned is going to the Taco Bell Discovery Center. It looks like a newer Science and Industry museum. It is in Santa Ana, but it seems like a fun day. Lots of dinosaurs and some bubble exhibit. I am looking forward to it. Depending on what days off Ken has, we also may do some other local things. With gas prices rising, I don’t want to drive too far.

We watched Scott Pilgrim again yesterday. Holy crap, that movie rocks. Even the boys like it.

Our Tivo hard drive is dying, so we had a lot of movies over the weekend while Ken ran a program on it designed to keep it from flat lining. It completed early this morning, so hopefully when I return home, it will be good again.

Oh! Stephanie and I were wandering Joanne’s on Saturday when I explained that I wanted to do something crafty. It has been decided that I am going to learn to do something with yarn. I have not decided on knitting or crochet as I have now been told conflicting opinions on what is easier. LOL! Either way, I want to give it a go. The plan at this point is to go out to Natasha’s yarn shop since I have been curious about going for some time, and perhaps there will be someone there who can advise on which one I should try, plus some possible books on this for dummies. I am jazzed, but I know that it will not be easy at all. So hopefully I don’t give up too soon.

Ok, I just send out reminders for stuff, so I expect the crazy to begin any second!

Friday, March 25, 2011

While I have time


In the calm before the storm, I figure this is the best time to write a quick blog.

I am really enjoying these Thursday afternoons. Ken takes the boys and from 2 till 5, it is just me and the critters. I found myself having time to clean the playroom, make a pizza from scratch, and watched a couple hours of Glee in the background. Awesome!

I refuse to talk shop today as I don’t want it to get me worked up.

One of the things happening this weekend is the changing of the cars. The Blazer has died and therefore this leaves Ken with the PT. Not that the PT is bad, but truly, it has way less room compared to the Blazer. So I offered to switch cars with Ken. He can use the van and I will use the PT. It will suck only in the idea of family outings because of its crappy gas mileage, but we will make do. I don’t mind driving the smaller car. Especially now that the boys can get into the car themselves just fine, it actually is way reasonable.

We also are going to take it down to the car dealership to see how much we could get for it. It may be time to trade in both PT and Blazer and get Ken a car that will function well for his needs.

The house has been pretty decently clean this week, so my chores are minimal this weekend. Stephanie and I have plans to go out tomorrow at some point. Overall, it will be a nice and mellow weekend.

Thank goodness the boys will tolerate and sometimes even enjoy Glee. Seriously, it is getting old watching Power Rangers and Dino Dan. I keep making up the back stories on both, which is the only thing that keeps it tolerable. I really do miss the good ole days of Blue and even the Backyardigans. I can sometimes break out a Gabba or Upside Down Show, but even Mickey Mouse has been mostly phased out.

I have become one of those people who carries their phone around in their hand. There are times in which my phone seems to bing bong a bunch and it is just easier than fishing around in my bra. This only seems to be a work thing, but I worry it will move to other parts of my life.

I can’t tell if my hair just grows this fast or if the hair dye I am using is fading out quicker than I would like. I am getting tired of my part being brown with grey while the rest is this awesome red. I may have to go back to brown soon.

Last night, I noticed that Dax’s covers were in a big pile on his bed. So while the boys were finishing up in the tub, I proceeded to cover myself up with one of the blankets and lay in wait. When they had been in there a while, and didn’t seem to notice me, I jumped up with a hearty, “Boo!” They laughed, but Dax then burst into tears. Ken was filming all of this. Now, I felt bad for making Dax cry, but the tongue lashing we got from Bobby was the best part.

“How would you guys like it if we did that to you? Why would you scare Dax like that? That was really mean!”

Turns out, you should not fuck with the little brother of Bobby.

Thursday, March 24, 2011



I may be heading for a work meltdown today.

An email sent last night indicated that because of this new tax software going live on the 1st, there would need to be testing done the night before between 8 and 11 pm. This is the same software that I am only doing minor testing on because I cover for Jean. This isn’t even software I would normally have access to. Yet Jim, my fucktard of a boss thought that perhaps I should be the one doing this testing. Oh, and by the by, he didn’t even tell me. He had someone else email the powers that be to see if I will be doing this. How about asking me first? Sheesh, I am already going above and beyond the call of duty on this covering someone bullshit. Now you are having me test software that I will not be using a mere 3 days later, but you are not tapping the folks who will? FUCK YOU.

Mind you, this is a day that I already would have had off had Jean not taken off. I have my last parenting class that morning. I have agreed to work from home when I am done with that, even though I really should not have to.

Oh, and there is word out that she is going to be out for another chunk of time this year. She is having a hysterectomy. Minimum recovery time is 6 weeks, but it could be longer. At this rate, I have already covered 35 days for her this year. 7 weeks. If there is another 6 weeks, I swear, I will not ever get to work on my own stuff. And I am not counting the 4 weeks I covered for her last year.

Hell, I don’t even know for sure if she will be back on the 5th.

I am angry. I love being useful at work, but I hate being used.

Today may leave me battered and bruised.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

pity party


I am game with being called chicken shit. I mean, I could have simply turned my head and been the bigger person. I did it because I don’t know that there is a future. I did it because honestly, I don’t know that any apology she could give would be enough. I don’t know that I am the person she needs me to be. I don’t know that she will ever be the person I need her to be. Not playing martyr here, either. I just can’t be friends with someone that mean spirited. I can’t be friends with someone who thinks it is ok to be so closed minded. I can’t be friends with someone who honestly just doesn’t seem to give two cents about anyone.

I am resisted the urge to bitch up until this point. But I needed to vent. I need to cry. I need to shout. I need to be irrational. I need to be hurt. I need to be flabbergasted.

I am just as petty. I am just as immature in this. I am not without fault. Hell, maybe it is all my fault. I know that it must have been destined to happen since it started so strangely.

Anyway, I don’t have much else to say today. I just wanted to get this off my chest. Do I want to have an open dialogue about this? I don’t know yet. I think I might say something I would regret and honestly, I think that she has wanted to distance herself from me for quite some time and instead of me holding on to the past, I may need to just remember it fondly and move forward.

I am ok. I am going to be a little melancholy for a bit. I will try to cheer up.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Some weekend nuggets


I slept very well last night. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to be back in bed. LOL!

The weekend was rather mellow what with the rain. I can tell you, the boys were pretty stir crazy come yesterday afternoon. Luckily, they were able to play outside most of Saturday.

We took them to see Rango on Saturday night. Bobby enjoyed it, but Dax had lost interest due to the slow parts. It was fun, but I do agree with Dax that it could have been a smidge less slow.

Saturday night, I had me some Morgan’s and Coke, and had a little weepy episode. Thankfully, the children were in the bath at the time, and Ken helped me out of it. I crashed out kind of early. I was so tired. We had stayed up late the night before working on birthday sets for Ken, so sleep was my friend.

Sunday morning was not fun.

I got up and was in the bathroom when Bobby comes in and asks me why his PJ’s are so dirty. He is covered in some kind of yuck, when I realize it is vomit. I asked him if he threw up. He seemed genuine in his lack of recollection of this. So I went into his room, hoping for the best, but finding the worst. Vomit EVERYWHERE. OMG, it was so nasty. I again, asked Bobby if he has possibly thrown up. After a bit, he agreed he had after a coughing fit. I don’t know if he was just tired at the time and had just fell back asleep or what. Either way, this stuff had hit everything in his bed. Cleanup was not fun.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies, or just having the boys play. They luckily found entertainment in a giant bin of Playmobile. Bobby had the toys out in the living room, and spread out a bunch of boats, indicating it was the ocean. He then put some other items down, and told me he was making it like the water on the news that had washed away all the houses. Yes, that’s right, my kid was playing “Tsunami”.

We went to bed pretty early last night. It was rainy and cold. I had made the boys hot chocolate, which they love. I was so happy in bed. It was the right amount of cozy. I was shockingly comfortable. I woke up around 10:30, positive it must be closer to 2 am. How happy was I that I still had several hours of sleep ahead of me, and I felt already so rested!!

I am actually cold in my office, which is unusual these days. It has been so hot in here the last few weeks. I think I may need to prep some coffee.

Friday, March 18, 2011



I don’t believe in god. I am pro choice. I am anti capital punishment. I am believe that illegal immigrants should be deported. I am for gay marriage. I eat meat and drink milk. I don’t approve of spanking. I think school days should be longer and less homework should be assigned.

I also think people are too fucking sensitive.

And let me tell you, sometimes I am a big problem when it comes to that.

As I have been covering for a coworker for the last few weeks, her emails are automatically forwarded to me. In the last few days, a handful of those emails are from other colleagues that are not work related. They are prayers and inspirational messages, not really addressed to anyone in particular, but sent to clearly a set of friends.

I have to be honest-my first reaction was wrong. I was annoyed. What the heck are these people doing, using company resources to send religious material around? If I were sending some kind of Satan talk around, I am guessing it would be frowned upon. I was quick to over react. Religion, as open minded I am to people having faith, I get worked up when it gets a pass compared to someone with no faith.

But now that I have sat back, I realize I may have jumped the gun. All these people were doing was the equivalent of sending emailed jokes. Aside from the fact that most of those forwarded jokes suck, is there really any harm done? Was I scarred for life because I was emailed this?

What is my point with this email tale? Look, as much as it pains me to say this, most people are not evil. Many of them do not share all of my opinions. Even my own husband doesn’t agree with everything I believe in. Yet, Ken and I can have open dialogue about each topic and not hate each other afterwards.

Sometimes we feel stronger about certain topics. I sported the No on Prop 8 bumper sticker proudly. Many people use biblical passages on things like their email signature or Facebook status. Hopefully, though, these are people that don’t hate me because I don’t even look at them. Hopefully, they respect the fact that I although I am way happy with their ability to find support in God, that I don’t need that at this point in my life.

Unfortunately, there are people that can’t get past the idea that their belief is not the only one. The people that are preachy and have their minds so incredibly sealed shut that they refuse to have a mature conversation about the topic at hand. These are the people that start their argument with phrases like, “You mean you really can see the good in….” or “How could you ever think that this is ok?”

I can safely say that I understand, and am ok with the “other side” of each of my bold statements in the first paragraph. I respect people who believe different than me. If we all believed the same way on things, I am guessing this would be a pretty boring place.

I am just sad for the folks that pick fights when it comes to their belief. An excellent example is the Westboro Baptist Church. I don’t agree with their belief. Homosexuality is more than ok with me. But I know that they are not the only segment of the people who feel that sexual preference should never deviate from Adam and Eve. Adam and Steve is wrong because of their god, and even though I think it is crazy, it is what it is.

What I have a problem with is when this church uses its opinion in a negative fashion. When they picket a funeral, praying on people who are already fragile because of their grief, it seems as though this is rude and petty and inappropriate. I no longer can consider them rational human beings with legitimate complaints. Instead, they are religious bullies, who seem to be more hell bent on pissing people off than the actual big picture.

Shock campaigns done by everyone from politicians to PETA are counter productive. Honestly, I am at a point where I don’t want to vote for any candidates because of their smear tactics. I want to kiss a girl in front of the Westboro Baptist Church. I want to eat a steak when I see anything from PETA.

Our primitive need to fight with one another is so strong that many causes resort to playground name calling and are more proud of a good blow than a person who might become more educated about the topic. They bait people with questions that they say are only meant for their “people”, when they know damn well that someone else will respond, with their side. Those opinions given are then met with the need to destroy the person.

I remember being on sites like Café Mom. People would post something concerning Atheism, clearly designed to spark a fight with people of faith. Someone would then post a comment that was religious, an they were attacked by a swarm of atheists, ready to tear their soul apart. Did they think this hate would somehow inspire people to give up their church? Even I was offended, and I have for a long time hated using the word Atheist to describe myself because I did not want to be aligned with a group of people so ready to suck the life out of anyone who might not see their point of view.

Perhaps the old rule of not discussing religion and politics in mixed company should be reinstated, and amended to include so many other hot topics.

I love the passion people have, but sometimes they get over zealous and they end up sabotaging their whole point.

My dad is a perfect example of someone who felt inundated with a campaign that he eventually stopped caring. He was beat over the head with commercials and news reports and all this information telling him he needed to invest in reusable bags for the grocery store. He was ok with the idea. But when the stores opted to remove the handles from the paper bags that he had been using as what he thought was a better alternative to plastic, he went though the roof. Not only did my dad announce he would never use the canvas bags, he would only use plastic because at least those have handles. His complaints are incredibly valid. He is a person who isn’t some young hipster looking to save the planet. He will gladly do his part, which is what he felt he was doing by using paper bags that he diligently recycled. But if his part was not cumbersome or frustrating, why not just throw in the towel and admit, you don’t give a shit?

This is the attitude I don’t want to have. I don’t want to wake up every day and stop caring about the injustices of the world simply because the marketing group in their corner is more interested in controversial buzz they get than actually educating the masses on what can be done. We, as people looking to better our time on this planet, need to know our audience. We need to step back and think about the possibly offensive things we do that we justify as an attempt to get people on our side. Please keep in mind that we are not just talking to our own demographic that is accustomed to this. We are talking to older people set in their ways. We are talking to children who don’t yet understand all the complexities of our world. We are talking to people who are simply just trying to survive day to day, and if we are only telling them they are wrong, what incentive is there to listen to us?

A Very Schooly Day


Holly’s best friend since High School passed away yesterday. It certainly makes you stop and think. I am first off, incredibly jealous that she has been so tight with Laura for so long. That is a wonderful gift. Secondly, I admire her faith. It is always cool when you see someone who truly does believe in heaven and that they know, without a shadow of a doubt that they will some day be reunited. Laura, may you rest in peace, and my love goes out to Holly and Laura’s family for their loss.

My day was crazy yesterday. I went to work for a couple hours, and then went home to help Ken get the boys ready quickly so that we could get to the parent teacher conference on time.

Ok, overall, she is happy with Bobby. He needs improvement on a number of things, though. One of those is his numbers. He recognizes his numbers up to 30, but writing them is another thing. He keeps flipping numbers. They are often backwards. He does this with a handful of letters, too. So we need to have him write 1 through 10 at least once a day, I think. It may be good practice. I may toss in the alphabet in there, too. It will give him practice on penmanship, and just get him more familiar with routine.

The other big issue, aside from him rushing through work and it being messy, is that he is hyper. He has always been rather energetic. He has a hard time just sitting still. It is funny, since when he does get involved with something, he can focus like a laser. Ken and I are going to perhaps have some practice on that, too. I am thinking of making it a game. Maybe like a musical chairs type of thing where if they sit still for a certain amount of time, they get prizes. We can include Dax since it will be good for him, too. Although, my understanding is he is excellent in sitting still on the rug in his class.

Mrs. Fasheh knows Bobby is bright. She thinks he isn’t living up to potential. For some reason, those words make me cringe, but I understand that she isn’t being cruel. It is true that when Bobby puts his mind to something, he is amazing. If he colors a picture on a placemat, it looks awesome, and he is gobs proud of it. Yet in class, or even on homework, he slacks. He seems to respond well to praise and incentive, so I am thinking that we can work towards using those.

She seems quite pleased with our involvement as a family. Ms. Lira happened through the classroom at one point, and greeted us with, “It’s my favorite family!” I am happy that our kids’ teachers know we try very hard to be involved.

After the meeting, I took Dax to class, while Ken stayed with Bobby. I then went off to the parenting class. I have not been in a few weeks. It felt good for the other parents to greet me so happily. Even the instructor hugged me! Yay!

I have to say, there are some super nice moms there. I am really fortunate to have this opportunity to spend time with them since their kids will be in classes with Dax for a while. I could actually see spending time with them.

As much as I know a lot of the material that they go over, it is kind of like a live action Parenting magazine. It is cool to get input and give thought to different concepts. We discussed the kinds of games we played back when we were kids, and our assignment for the week is to teach our kids some games we did when we were little. I then get to write a paragraph or so on how it goes. I think the best part of that was when I was telling the boys that Ken and I had school yesterday. I also said we had homework. Dax did his patented, “What?” Bobby asked what the homework was. I told him that mine was like his, in where he had to write a sentence, but I had to write 100 sentences. He was amazed and impressed. LOL!

During class, Dax’s class came in singing, looking for a leprechaun. There had been clues put around in multiple classrooms that they were going to. So cute!!!

I am always amused when I tend to gravitate towards certain people. The substitute interpreter was a lady from West Hollywood. It seemed pretty clear that she was a chick I would totally hang out with. Even though she did do amazing work interpreting, she and I chit chatted a bit and I have to admit it is always a bummer to meet cool people that you probably will not see again.

I got to sew! Ken ended up going and helping set up all of the St Patrick’s Day fun in Dax’s class, which meant I did the class mostly solo. Our activity was to sew bean bags because we did some play with our kid in the classroom. I of course made Dax a green one, and I have to say, I did a pretty damn good job! I only poked myself once, and the beans did not come out. Woo hoo!!

Of course, Ken had the bean bag activities totally setup, which allowed Ms Lira and Miss Jeanette a breather. They both told me how indebted they were to Ken and his help. I will admit jealousy in the idea that I wanted to be the cool school parent. Ken gets this glory, though, because he is the one who is more visible. He said that they always ask about me, but I still wish I could be more involved. I can at least feel good that my boys still love the shit out of me and even though I may not be JFK, I am way Jackie.

After a quick errand (getting some supplies for both teachers), we got home where I got to work. It took a while to get logged on, but after some IT assistance, I got in. I got a bunch of work done. I only worked until 1:30. I would feel bad about things that were pressing, but sheesh, I kicked ass on a day I should not of had to worry about coming in at all. I will probably not attend class next week, but you better believe that I will be there on the last day. Besides, I am making food for the pot luck!

Ken gave me my Thursday break. I used it to just kick back and watch some old Glee episodes and attempt to nap. I think I could get used to this wonderful time for me.

I made Mac and Cheese, with the intend to St Patty it up for the boys. I was smart and did not do it before I asked them. Although, I think they were amused at the idea, they were not as keen on consumption. On the plus side, they loved my baked chicken that I made and even had multiple helpings. Always look at the bright side when you can!

I took a lot of time last night prepping Dax for Maria’s today. This is one of those days where he doesn’t get the choice to stay home, and he doesn’t even have school, so Fridays are tough. He and I packed his dinosaur buddies in his backpack, and I pulled out a cool looking shirt of his, explaining it was his special Friday shirt. I then explained that these things would make Maria’s bearable. I also said that if he was brave, that when I picked him up “early” that we would use the scooters to go get Bobby from school. Ken was quite concerned with me actually scooting, so I had to assure him that I would be careful. Dax seemed ok with the helpful tools, but the real test will be this morning. I hope he is ok.

One of the big reasons he has not enjoyed Maria’s is due to Zoe. This is a little girl he has practically grown up with. Her brother is Kenny, the little boy who was always a bit of a bully. It is no surprise that his little sister would be the same way. She mostly uses her words to hurt others. She has zeroed in on the fact that Dax only comes a couple days a week now, and is only there from about 11 on. She has told him that they are not friends anymore. When Dax was crying the other day, she called him a baby. My tough cookie was crumbling at her harsh words.

Ken and I advised Dax on how to handle her. I know it would be controversial, but honestly, I wanted Dax to have power.

I told Dax that the next time Zoe is a bitch to go ahead and tell her to piss off. I told him to use those exact words. Sure, we mentioned the idea of even using the F bomb, but we agree that Piss Off has just the right amount of edge, without being too offensive. I hope he uses it. I know, having your 4 year old essentially swear at some little kid seems wrong, but really, we are going for a shock factor. I don’t think violence is a good plan, and being a tattle tale will only get more mocking. So instead, I want Dax to be assertive and bold, and I am hoping it will put this chick in her place. Either way, I am counting down the days till Dax doesn’t have to be there anymore.

Tonight we are Lego hunting. Ken has two giant parties this weekend, which means I will be setting up kits tonight. Thank goodness we have gobs of tv to watch! LOL!

Oh! Side note to anyone looking for positively adorable little stuffed animals. JoAnne’s has some of the cutest I have seen in ages. Bobby’s favorite, Carson, came from there. As did Charles Emerson Pachyderm the 3rd. Yesterday, I got some positively adorable dinosaurs for Dax there. They were only $5 each. I may need to go back. LOL! Plus, I seem to be getting the crafting bug. Such a shame I am not so good at most of it. LOL!!!

Ok, my day should probably begin. Have a good weekend, folks!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

just a taste


I hate anxiety attacks.

Last night, after getting all worked up in a conversation with Ken (mind you, this wasn’t Ken related. It was about something else that just by my talking about it, I got all upset), I wound up taking a Xanax. I have not taken one in some time. I hated it. I hated the feeling of no control. I am better this morning. Tired, but less worked up. Still frustrated, but what can you do, right?

I am still debating on coming in to the office in the morning. I would just need to leave here around 7. I could then work from home afterwards. It would probably be easier in a lot of ways to get work done. I also got uber caught up yesterday. I don’t have a lot pending right now, so anything new will not be lost in the mix. I figure I can work for two hours, go to the school for like 3 hours, come home and check in with work, and then have the rest of the day off. Woo hoo!

I just love it so much when everyone wants something done like 5 minutes ago, yet no one can seem to manage to be on the same page on how to make it happen. Sigh.

I just downloaded Anne Heche’s butthole from i-Tunes. Man that is a catchy little tune.

I honestly cannot wrap my head around the idea that in one town, 10, 000 people were washed away. It is just so heartbreaking.

I put a stuffed rat on Bobby’s head and told him it was Remy. He promptly started moving his arms around like Linguini in Ratatouille. Awesome!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

just a handful of items


Phew! I just spent the last 3 hours being awesome! That’s right, I am good. I did a crap load of new accounts and harassed the manager who has to approve them all to get me like 8 of them. Woo hoo!

15 years ago I finally convinced Ken to go out with me. I feel like a viewing of Rumble in the Bronx or Muppets Tonight is in order.

I made pie last night for Pi day. I was just proud to make pie. Not like it was hard, but still!

I am really looking forward to working from home on Thursday.

Bobby got another rainbow stripe colored! Woo!

Luna’s new corrective collar works amazing! I am so happy with it. She doesn’t pull. In fact, she has stopped pulling enough to allow the boys to walk her with no issues! YAY!

I need a new radio for work.

I wonder if Ken has a party this weekend.

I am starving! I meant to bring some kind of snack today. I made a small burrito this morning, and I don’t get to eat again until 11. There is cake at 10, but I want to save that.

I want a carrot.

Actually, I really want a salad made with my nummy dressing.


Stupid radio is keeping me from hearing K&B! Grrr!!

Ok, I am too busy to write anything interesting. So I will post.

Monday, March 14, 2011


This is one of those times in which honestly, I wish I believed in God.

It makes my cries harder to be heard.

Please, do not take Madelyn away from Scott and Nicole. That little girl has gone through so much in her short little life for her not to make it. I know that if something took away one of my boys, I would be crushed. I don't want them, or anyone for that matter, to go through this.

This morning, as I looked at the picture of her in her grandmother's arms, waiting to go into yet another surgery, I burst into tears. It truly hurt to see her like this.

So please, be it a god, a miracle, science, or some kind of voodoo. I need this little girl to survive. Scott and Nicole need to have their little girl grow into a woman. Jacob needs his little sister to pick on.

Garden time!


I want to go back to bed. I am sore and tired.

Saturday was tough. It was awesome because we got the garden ready. Tough, though.

We started the day with a trip to Del Amo for this dinosaur Kidgits event. Really, we go long enough to get the freebies. Dino goodie bag complete with mask and dino grabber. They also got some other goodies and made some crafts, which was nice.

I dropped Ken off at the U-Haul so he could rent a pick up in order to go get the mulch. We then set to work on the front. While Ken tilled the soil, Bobby and I shoveled mulch into the area so it could all be mixed together. It was hard work! Dax helped a little, but he mostly just wanted to ride his scooter.

We got way too much mulch, but it was good because we filled the other flower beds and put some around our tree.

Ken took the tiller and truck back, while I started in on smoothing out the area. And in a shocking moment of parental sanity, I allowed the boys to stay home while Anthony’s grandmother watched them for a few minutes while I drove up to U-Haul to pick up Ken. Mind you, this was only like a few blocks away, but for me to be ok with leaving them, and for them to be ok with me leaving, well, this was monumental.

Ken did the rest of the garden shaping and I hosed down the mulch and cleaned the driveway and sidewalk. Although the front was slightly fragrant, it looked good.

I should have probably gone to bed early that night, but instead, we caught up on Glee. It was quite happy making.

Sunday was much more mellow. We had considered going to the kite festival, but opted against it. Instead, we worked on laundry, did some light cleaning, and dinked around the house. Sabrina came over for a bit while Stephanie and Dave went over to visit a friend in the hospital. I got some awesome pictures of all the kids. Sabrina was even more chatty with me, which rocked. I like that she feels comfortable with me.

We went to bed sort of early, but the best part of all of that was curling up with Ken to watch a couple of episodes of M*A*S*H. Total heaven.

The boys get their Spring pictures today. I picked out outfits for them. My plan is to just scan then in when we get the pictures back, and then return them without purchasing them. Hopefully they are not covered in those things that say sample and crap like that. Although, it sounds like if we like them, we just keep and pay, so that sounds like real pictures to me. But seriously, I don’t need to buy pictures for my kids. First off, I take plenty of awesome pictures of them. Secondly, why spend more money on things that are not as needed. Thirdly, I can just scan them! YAY!

I am excited about this article I read on CNN where this guy recorded 3 years worth of video and audio of his son’s speech development. I find it fascinating and brilliant what this will provide to the world in terms of learning about how a child learns simple sounds and how they develop them into full blown sentences. I have been amazed at just how my own kids talk, and I have not been privy to every second. I look forward to him releasing the footage that they are putting together like a time lapse video.

I was not impressed with the article I saw on CNN about making your dog vegan. I understand the appeal to be vegan. You don’t like the idea of animals suffering and you feel that it is barbaric to not use meat substitutes in this day and age. But truly, I find it disturbing to project your lifestyle choice on your pet. Dogs, if given the chance, would still love to eat a good ham bone. I know that Luna’s happiest moments are when she is chomping away at her bone at my feet as I watch tv. Sure, there are bones made out of some other synthetic material, but being that my dog didn’t choose to be anything but a dog who likes bones. I would never deny her something like a real bone. I come from a family that allowed me to read whatever books I wanted when I was little. I could have been any religion, eaten any foods (to a point) and really been any person I wanted to be .Projecting your views on other people is kind of rude in so many ways. Sure, have your belief system, but don’t require me to have the same. And dogs, who are not people, who are even more basic, which is so freaking amazing and awesome, should not have to have our beliefs either. If it is for health reasons like a food allergy, fine, but please don’t think that your dog gives two cents about how you live your life.

I was terrified at some of the footage of tsunami footage. I showed some of it to the boys, as they wanted to see what I was watching. It was tough trying to explain to them that these people have nothing now. Bobby was in shock. He kept listing things, and it was just unreal for him. I hated that this might have scared him a little, but at the same time, I was impressed with his curiosity. Who knows, maybe some day it will inspire him to help people in need. Or just make him want more stuff so he never is without things.

I am all kinds of proud. Maryann told me that Esther has been singing my praises for how great I have been covering for Jean. Yay me! I know I am efficient, but it is always nice to hear that other people think so, too!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the scoop


The doctor appt went well. Thankfully, Bobby is officially out of the shots phase of life. In fact, it sounds like he doesn’t get anymore until he is 9 (aside from flu shots, which aren’t even shots anymore). Woo hoo!

The doc said he looked good. He is a good weight, he doesn’t have any issues, and everything is working well. I really like this new doc. She was really good with the boys.

Bobby had a hearing test, but he was just so bored and distracted, it didn’t register well. I know he can hear just fine, so I am not too concerned, nor is the doctor. His vision test only made me a little worried. The doctor said it was fine, but I would have liked him to get more lines. I can read them, so I guess I assume he can.

After the doctor, we drove down to King Harbor to see the crazy fish situation. The storm on Tuesday caused an unusual event. All of these sardines (and by all of, I mean like a million, no joke) got confused and turned into the harbor. They then depleted all of the oxygen since there were so many, and they all suffocated. The waters were practically replaced with dead fish. The video and pictures were incredible. But being down there, man, it was insane. So surreal. They had already cleaned up a great deal, but it was just so odd to think you were seeing maybe grass on the bottom of the water, only to realize it was actually hundreds of fish. I took pictures, but I am telling you, even seeing it, it just looks like some fake thing. Quite sad, really.

I need to go get a body pillow tonight. I keep sleeping on the edge of the bed, and in turn, fucking up my back. I don’t know how to stop myself aside from giving myself some kind of a bumper.

The doctor gave Ken and I samples of Nasonex. It was hopefully something that will clear up our congestion, that will in turn help lessen this stupid cough. I have noticed a bit of clearing in my nose. This morning it is less compacted up in there than it has been. I feel a bit like a leaky faucet. I am supposed to use it for like a week. Cross your fingers!

The plan is to try and get tickets for April Foolishness. The tickets go on sale at 10 am this morning so I am armed and ready with passwords and funds. Woo! It would be a fun night for anniversary entertainment.

I don’t think today has any real plans, so I am hoping to maybe start on some gardening tonight. We have to go get compost and a tiller. I don’t think that will happen until Saturday, but we can prep some more. We also need to start on the seeds. We have starter pots, so hopefully that is something we can get going, too.

Bobby read to us last night. His homework was this little booklet that he has to read to us, and we judge him. I was very happy that I didn’t feel like I had to put the highest grade on it. We even told him he needed to do it again. Turns out, I am distracting with my random comments about the “story”. I kept pointing out inconsistencies with sizing. This one dude has a rat that is like the size of Luna. But that is nothing compared to the giant cat! The boys were in hysterics, which seriously, is like the best sound ever. I wish I could bottle it.

I am so proud! I have taught Luna “How do you do?” Took long enough! She didn’t seem to be one of those dogs that just offered up her paw just cause. Of course, she does do the man shake. It is the hand shake into a hug. Oh well. At least you can’t say she doesn’t love me.

Dax was worried about taking out the green in his hair because he is convinced people will pinch him now. It took a lot of explaining to get him to understand that the green power is only needed in a week.

Sigh, I need to work.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nothing exciting


Seriously, not having a computer sucks. My machine at work crashed on Monday. It was down most of yesterday. It came up about an hour before I went home. Of course, in the midst of a spreadsheet I was cramming to get done before I left, the power went out. Sigh.

I am back up and running for now. I don’t want to assume it will be ok until it has been working for a few years. LOL!

The boys are decked out in bright green and red hair for Wacky Wednesday. They look great! Ken said not nearly as many kids looked like they participated as we would like. Of course, this was just a sampling from the younger set, so perhaps the older kids were participating more.

My folks have volunteered to watch the boys over night on our anniversary. This came up when I mentioned the desire to leave them for part of the weekend while Ken and I went wine testing. But with gas prices rising as they have, I think travel is not what we will be doing anytime soon (including Spring Break Jelly Belly tour). Instead, I am considering the idea of just being able to go out with Ken will be cool. Maybe go to Houstons since we never go. Not sure yet, but it is going to be fun to plan.

On St. Patrick’s Day, we have our parent/teacher conference with Mrs. Fasheh. I don’t feel as nervous as I did last time. Since she has been pretty open with us on everything, it is pretty much just touching base. I love the fact that I am going to be decked out in full green. My plan is to work from home that day since I think it will be easiest.

My work load is crazy. I get stacks of stuff all at once, then nothing for hours. I wish it was more even. I have been told that I set up accounts faster than Jean, and even just do the job quicker in general. Yay me!

Heading to the doctor this afternoon for Bobby’s checkup. I am planning on asking her if I should be worried about this cough. It keeps fucking with me. Ken, too. Not that I expect her to be able to do much, but I just want to make sure I don’t have something worse than just the cold.

I love the fact that people here still seem to think that just because you have multiple degrees that it means you are brilliant.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Better and Busy


This weekend went by so fast, yet seemed packed!

Friday evening, we went to Fantastic Sams where I had my hair trimmed. I got the long layers touched up, took off about an inch and made my bangs better. It certainly looks better and is fuller. I really liked that even without styling it, it looked good.

After we left the Fantastic Sams, Ken got a call from a former student’s mom saying that since he was now going into high school, he thought that he would donate his old Lego to Ken and his classes. Very cool! They said we could come pick it up, but that they would not be home for another 30 minutes. With time to kill, and since he lived right next to Costa, we opted to drive up there to show the kids where we went to school. The intent was to drive by, but when I noticed the gates were open, I new that I needed to go in.

It was surreal and awesome to be there. I found that even in real life, I didn’t remember most of the classrooms, which was funny since that is my dream fear.

We wandered the campus, and I took lots of pictures. It was really cool to wander around. It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years since I was there.

After the trip down memory lane, we all went out to dinner at Islands. Man, their food is yummy.

Saturday’s adventures began with a trip out to Pasadena. We had been tipped off to this dinosaur shop out there. Since Dax has become this crazed dinosaur enthusiast, we wanted to go check it out.

It was a super cute little shop, with gobs of dinosaur toys. It was cool since Dax was able to find models of three of his favorites. They had other items, too, including a cute little Siberian tiger figure along with a baby one, too. Bobby was thrilled.

Unfortunately, they also had a giant table of tracks and Thomas trains. As Ken and I looked around, the boys played with Thomas. They were happy until we decided it was time to head out. I am sure we should have done it better. Like maybe given them a time warning. Either way, Dax was not keen on leaving.

He followed me for a few steps, but then stopped dead in his tracks. I grabbed his hand and was pretty calm about the whole thing. He tried to resist, but didn’t pull as much as he has in past incidents. He did get louder, though.

I drug him down the sidewalk towards the car, the whole time he screamed about wanting to play with Thomas. It was clearly a huge power struggle. He wanted his way, and did not know how to deal with not getting it. He hollered the whole way home.

It didn’t stop with Thomas, either. He was angry. He would calm down for a bit, but then something else would set him off. At one point, I finally had to make him go lie down for a bit. It was insane how crazed he felt.

I finally managed to calm him down. I don’t know what I did, but he stopped screaming every few minutes.

I freaked a little when he got bopped in the eye with one of the Nerf bullets, but thankfully I seemed to still be ok with him since he trusted me enough to put in some eye drops. I was pretty proud.

As much as this probably sounds bad, I was happy when it was their bed time.

Sunday morning was a Disneyland morning!

We headed out when the park first opened and managed to get in several rides before the park filled up to 90% capacity. It seemed to be a busy day. It normally doesn’t get that crowded until closer to noon. It was 10:30 and it was crazy.

One of the things we did for the first time was go to ToonTown before it was open. Apparently they open an hour after the park opens. We, along with others, anxiously awaited the opening of the gates at 9 am. What we did not realize was that when the gates open, Mickey, Minnie and Goofy all come down to greet the guests. They hugged all the kids and gave them high fives. They also took the hands of a couple of them and led them along with the crowd into Toon Town. It was awesome!

Our main objective of Toon Town was for Dax to talk to Mickey. He was thrilled! We went to his house and got pictures with the mouse. It was like Dax meeting some kind of rock star.

We went on the roller coaster, got pics with Goofy and Pluto, and even went on the Roger Rabbit ride. Toon Town is so much more fun when you have kids.

I lucked out since one of the rides Bobby wanted to go on was Splash Mountain, and it was closed for renovation. Phew!

Bobby wore a Happy Birthday button, which got him lots of well wishes. I think he might have been a little embarrassed by it. LOL!

We spent much of the rest of the day at home. We watched Toy Story 3, played with Nerf guns, and I tired out the dogs with some fetch. We also started poking at the garden site. Next weekend we are going to hopefully have the ground breaking. Ken thinks we should go get some mulch and possibly rent a tiller so that we get the best possible soil. The boys are quite excited at garden activities.

My sick seems to be way better. I am tired this morning, though, since poor Ken was up much of the night coughing. He seems to be worse. I think he may need to call the doc to make sure it isn’t more serious.

My boss is out all week. I am thrilled! I will still be busy much of the week what with covering while Jean is out, but at least I don’t also have to contend with his crap.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I will be better soon, dammit!


I am feeling much better. Still tired and coughing a bit, but I don’t feel like I am at death’s door anymore. Ken picked up both boys and took them to class yesterday, which allowed me from 2 to 5:30 to just relax. I hung out and watched my “stories” and worked on getting better.

Lycos did try to derail this a few times. I heard Luna bark in the back, which was followed by Lycos barking. The difference was that Lycos seemed much closer. In fact, she was sitting on my porch. I figured the gate had been left open. I was super impressed that Luna didn’t join her on the porch. She was a good girl and stayed in the back. I put Lycos back out, only to be barked at again a few minutes later, with her once again on the porch, quite pleased with herself. This time, the gate was closed. I was so confused.

Ken got home and we watched Lycos nudge the gate enough to open it for her. The wind would then blow the gate closed behind her. She is too smart for her own good.

Ken and the boys picked up dinner so that I didn’t have to do anything. It was cool! And as if this wasn’t enough, in the parenting class yesterday, they discussed stress. One of their exercises was to make bath salts. So Ken made green, vanilla scented bath salts for me. Our homework was for me to take a bath and to relax. So I took a bath! The boys love it when I take a bath. They find it fascinating when a grownup is in the tub.

Dax seemed a little out of sorts last night, but it was funny how quickly he would snap out of it when we cater to his need. I don’t think he is that good of an actor, but his chipper attitude seconds after tantrum levels when he wanted milk was a bad coincidence on his part.

I can’t wait till work is over since it means I have 2 days of rest. Tonight I think after we visit with my folks I will meet Ken over at Fantastic Sam’s where I can get my hair cut. Perhaps then we can go to dinner. I am mostly looking forward to climbing back into my bed and sleeping in.

This weekend I want to go find some temporary hair color for the boys for their wacky Wednesday next week. Red and Green Mohawks are the request. There also is a dinosaur shop in South Pasadena I would like to check out.

I would really like to take the boys to see Rango. I am thinking I will wait another weekend, though. I am guessing with it being opening today it will be super packed all weekend. It is projected to be number one for the weekend. Maybe next weekend or something like that. A nice early showing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cause I had more to say


So far so good! I have not broken out into a gnarly coughing fit yet today. Don’t worry, I just knocked on some wood. Oh yeah, and I downed some meds. LOL! I am guessing the latter works better, but it seems like a good plan to roll with both.

The tingly in my hand is getting annoying.

I still need some sleep, but since I seem to still be kicking ass at work, I will tough it out until the end of the day.

I really want pudding.

OMG, I want to be in Bobby’s school. This whole month is Wacky Wednesdays. Yesterday was dress like a character in a book. Next Wednesday is wacky hair day. One day is wacky sock day (which is lame since every day for them is wacky sock day). Another day is come in Jammies. I think he will get a kick out of a bright red Mohawk for next week. I think it is all kinds of fun. I am considering making copies of the flyer and having our department do the same thing. I have been eyeing this awesome afro wig at Party City.

I am starving. I had my carrot snack, but I am counting down till lunch. I suppose I can always eat early, but I am trying to be good.

I feel pretty happy today. Yes, it probably helps that none of my internal organs are threatening to come out my throat, but overall, I just feel, good. I am trying to change up some things at work. I really like that they seem to be open to suggestion.

The plan is to go to Disneyland Sunday morning. We have not been in a bit, and this seems wrong. Sunday mornings are perfect since it is pretty dead early. I am thinking is if we play our cards right, we can head out, get some breakfast out that way, and then hit up the park for a couple hours, and then head home.

I think I can get my hair cut tomorrow night. I will be out near Fantastic Sams. I need to also go to KROQ to pick up my prize. I would say today, but I don’t know Ken’s hours.

I really would like it to go ahead and he all cold and rainy now since I don’t have any outdoor activities I need to keep dry. LOL!

Still sick


I am not coughing right now.

This is noteworthy due to how much I was coughing yesterday. I medicated the fuck out of myself last night (even taking something I had not meant to) and fell asleep. I felt like I was in this little box all night. It was cozy. I want to be back there. I think I feel better, but then again, I am still doped up and have not used my voice much this morning.

Yesterday, on top of being miserable with the sick, I was over stressed with work. I kept up with all of it, which rules, but was probably over doing it. My computer even tried to slow me down by crashing at noon. It only made me feistier.

While going to get Bobby’s homework packet yesterday in the playroom, I managed to trip over something, slamming me into the ground with great force. I screamed out some profanities and burst into tears. That’s what happens when you are tired, hormonal and clumsy. My first rescuer was Miss Luna, with a great deal of dog kisses on my face. My knee was sore, and I have been discovering more injuries as I go on.

But with all of this, I still keep laughing. LOL!

Stephanie got me hooked on Words With Friends, a Scrabble like game on my phone. She and I have had games going back and forth. I have also discovered that Aubry and Nate play, too, so I have 3 games going right now. So much fun! It is super addictive. I got all excited this morning when I did a 100 point word. YAY!

This weekend I am going to get my hair cut. Adding the long bangs and fixing up my layers. I am not going short yet. It is too early in the season. I may do a short cut around my birthday. Not sure yet.

Depending on the work load today, I may try to duck out early. I should have yesterday, but being as swamped as I was, it just wasn’t going to happen. If I am in fact getting better, I would like to help it along. My head hurt so much yesterday with each cough it felt like someone was hitting me with a hammer with each cough. Ouch.

Anthony, the boys’ little friend from down the street, has been coming over like daily now. It is really cool since they are all getting along so well. His grandparents are super nice, too. I feel lucky for this interaction.

Bobby dressed up like Bea in Bea and Mr. Jones for yesterday’s costume project. It was way last minute since Bobby only mentioned it to us the night before, and it was lacking in a lot of details. Thank goodness we have costumes for just about everything. He looked positively adorable.

I am in a foggy haze. I do not enjoy this aspect of sick. I need to wake up. No, really I need to go back to bed. LOL!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lather, Rinse, Repeat


Yawn, cough, yawn, cough, yawn, cough. It is a vicious cycle. I had numerous sneezing fits last night, which made me assume I had gotten into something, I took some Benedryl, but it didn’t work. My coughing got worse, so I downed the last of the Nyquil straight from the bottle. I am paying for that today. Even though I took it at 7 last night, it is now 8:30 and only now am I waking up.

My cough sucks. It hurts. It isn’t in my lungs, it is all throat. Low throat, and I even feel like the voice is wavering again. Lovely. I have had 3 cups of hot tea, and 2 cough drops since I have been here. I think I have the nasty that is Dayquil in my desk, so that is the next step.

Yesterday’s work load left me fried. It was a nice surprise to have Dax come up behind me at my desk and present me with a bag full of Valentine goodness. He and Ken had gone to Vons, where I am assuming things were on clearance. Dax picked out gobs of things for me, including a cute bear and a flower. The funniest thing was that he drug Ken next door to the beauty supply place and insisted on getting hair dye for me as well. My kids know me.

I made yummy chicken and gravy last night. My gravy turned out quite good. I have some for lunch today. I requested that the boys try it with their potatoes, and you would have thought I was making them eat bugs. Dax was even so dramatic that before it even barely hit his tongue, he spat it out. I was pissed. I sent them to bed. They freaked. I explained that it wasn’t like I was making them eat buckets of this stuff. Bobby actually got ready for bed and made the request to eat it. He was granted permission and he ate the whopping two bites I had requested of them. Dax tried every excuse in the book. He said he was tired. He said he wasn’t hungry. Finally, I mentioned that Bobby was watching Power Rangers and this made him cooperate. I did have to practically push the food down his throat for him, but he ate it. Sigh. I had to go out side to chill. Thank goodness for fetching dogs.

Ken is fixing my brakes today, so I am in Barnum again. It is so nice to have a good backup car. I am wondering if he will let Dax help him.

The work keeps coming in at an alarming rate. Hopefully I will make it today.