Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gathering Clouds


Stocking stuff done! We each took a boy, one of us at Dollar Tree, the other at 99 cent store and let the kids pick out things for their brother. We told them anything was ok. There were plenty of toys, but there was also a plunger, a ketchup bottle and wrapping paper. Should be fun. I think we have invented a new tradition.

Big Lots finished us out, and we have lots of goodies for the boys. Yay cheap toys!

We have one last Target run today and then we are prepped for go tomorrow. Work is a lot of gathering storm clouds right now, so I am a little nervous, but worst case scenario, I am working from the Compound on Thursday. Seems reasonable.

Remy escaped yesterday. Ken had failed to latch the cage completely. Thankfully, Team Luna and Monarch spotted our wayward rat and Ken managed to capture him and put him back with Ratticus and the safety of their condo. I really want to convert a Barbie’s Dream House into a rat condo. Perhaps next year. Especially once all the Christmas toys are on clearance!

I got good sleep last night. I woke up so incredibly comfy, it was a real shame to have to crawl out of my cocoon.

I got two texts last night from some number I don’t know in New York that say “666? I knew u were evil!” Someone I know or random prank text?

Some lady in IHOP last night took the time to come up to us to tell us how well behaved the boys were. Of course, I am so bad with taking a compliment, all I could think was that she must have heard us scolding the boys for what we felt was wild behavior and she wanted to make sure we knew that we were being too hard on them.

The rain is starting from the work storm. I think I will be working late tonight.

Monday, December 20, 2010

5 more days till Christmas!


I need to wake up. I am sleepy. I went to bed later than planned. Oh well.

We have a leak in the roof. I am not shocked since the front is all kinds of tore up. We need to redo all of it.

Friday night date night was awesome. We tossed the kids out of the car as we raced off from my folks to the movie. Our seats were great, and the movie was actually pretty damn good. I was shocked, since I wasn’t impressed with the first one.

Ken loved it. This isn’t shocking, but his reaction to a scene in the end was.

Tears. That’s right. My man cried in Tron.

Ok, before you laugh at the geek crying in one of the biggest sci fi flicks in years, it wasn’t the special effects or epic storyline that got to him. It was the simple phrase, “goodbye, Kiddo” that had him all choked up.

Ken’s term of endearment towards the boys has always been kiddo. He used to call Smack that, too. It is a phrase he reserves for a select few. Through the flick, Flynn called his son kiddo. It was sweet. Especially since Jeff Bridges was simply the Dude in a light up jump suit. Ken also thought is was nice, but didn’t think much of it until the end scenes. Spoiler alert: Flynn Dies. Not shocking, I know. But Flynn says to Sam a few moments before he goes, “Goodbye, kiddo.”

Ken was reduced to tears.

I didn’t know this until the credits. I let the movie soak in as the names rolled by on the screen. Ken was silent, so I had just assumed he also was taking it all in. We were in the fancy pants 3D glasses, and it was still dimmed lighting, so I didn’t notice the moisture on his cheeks.

I broke the silence and asked what he thought, mostly assuming him excited and thrilled at it. As he removed his glasses, and I saw his tear streaked face, I wanted to laugh. I thought that he was just so impressed with the imagery of it all, that it had reduced him to tears. Instead, he explained what had done him in.

It was sweet to have him so upset at the idea of having to utter that phrase to his own boys some day. It was if this was one of those days in which fatherhood kicked him right in the crotch. He said it had just struck a chord. I told him to be thankful that he isn’t like me where al I am made up of are very sensitive chords. He was not even able to laugh too much yet.

He thankfully came back from the brink as we headed out to Universal. It was bumper to bumper traffic all the way up. I suppose the rain didn’t help. But we got there ok, and even managed good seats to see Hollywood Babble On.

The service at the comedy club wasn’t great since our food order took an hour, and my corn dog was still cold in the middle. But I didn’t care, especially once Kevin and Ralph took the stage.

It was awesome to watch. Even though the podcast is great, you miss out on glances and hand motions and all the visuals that don’t always come through on audio.

They also read my email. I had written them that morning, asking for a shout out for Ken. I know my audience, so my email mentioned that it was a Christmas present, and that my man would be rewarded in the form of oral pleasure. I can assure you, they were amused as they read the email, and even had us wave. On the way out, Ken got numerous pats on the back and thumbs up. I made him the man.

I didn’t sleep much that night. We got home and in bed by about midnight. I didn’t get my M*A*S*H because our tv in the bedroom decided to die. No biggie, since I had rain to listen to. However, it would not be enough to drown out our smoke alarm that had a failing battery at 2 am. Nor did it stop the cats from knocking shit down. It was a long night.

Ken left at around 6:30, and I headed out right after to go to my folks. I was there by 7, and the boys were thrilled to see me. They told me right away that they had oatmeal for breakfast, but that it was not like mine and therefore not good. Awesome!

We made cookies, and I created the best Christmas cookie I have ever done. The head wound on the snowman included brain matter, and the tiny gun on the mad man was pretty decent. The boys loved it. I think I worried my family.

Grammie didn’t make it, but Doug did. We had El Indo for lunch, and I made the boys double decker sandwiches. They were starving, and tired. They slept, but I am guessing not as well as they would of at home. Also, being cooped up in the house due to rain was wearing on them. Presents helped, especially the ones from Doug since they could be instantly enjoyed.

They got giant inflatable balls that they will be able to get inside. The rain kept us from playing with those. They were able to use their stilts. I was impressed at how easily Bobby got around on them. Dax is normally the one who picks up that sort of skill quickly, but he struggled a bit with them.

They got Mickey Mouse and Star Wars from Doug, which allowed them to play with something small (and thankfully quiet). But even with those, the house seemed insanely loud. My mom finally turned off the radio, and it was nice still for a while.

We headed out around 2:30. I had considered going to the mall to get a couple of presents, but instead could see when it was time to throw in the towel on keeping the boys cooped up like that. We went home, and they took a bath so that they could play with Mickey since he was a bath toy, complete with a boat.

I suppose I could have cleaned house. Instead, I dinked around and scratched my poor neglected and wet dogs. They were happy mommy was home.

The boys and I ate dinner and I put them to bed. Since Ken was not home from the tournament yet, I was able to settle in and watch a movie from Netflix that I have had since September. A Single Man. Super good and sweet. Colin Firth is amazing in everything.

Sunday was a whirlwind of shopping. We took care of pretty much the rest of the presents. We have a couple more, but they should be easy enough to accomplish this evening. We still have some stocking stuffers we need to obtain from the cheap corner, which includes Dollar Tree, 99 cent store and Big Lots.

The boys were restless and cranky all day. I am sure this lack of real routine and no outside time is starting to get to them. Today, I am pretty sure they are home all day with Ken. He mentioned taking Dax to Maria’s, but I don’t know what is really the plan. Ken has laundry to do so that I can finish packing. The boys bag is ready, but I have a couple more items for my bag. Ken has to do his whole bag, but his is shockingly easy. LOL!

Ken and I watched Love Actually last night as he wrapped presents. It was a nice Christmas style evening. This is why I went to bed so late, but it was worth it.

This morning, I am at a lull in my work duties. Big time responsibility doesn’t seem to kick in for another 40 minutes. Although, I think I should get to work on a few items while I have some time. I just have to make it through today and tomorrow. I am considering leaving even earlier than noon on Wednesday. Maybe 10? Don’t know. We shall see. It all depends on how things go the next 2 days.

Ok, off I go.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Date NIght


I am all kinds of confused. I am caught up with work! I do have one report to generate, but right now I am in the calm before the storm. At least this is what I am assuming since there is no way today will be quiet.

I got to see Bobby’s singing yesterday. He was one of the 12 who got to hold the presents that were flipped for the 12 days of Christmas. Super cute. It was an extremely ambitious song for kindergarteners. They had some difficulty, but managed. Bobby was super adorable, of course.

I was actually quite moved by the other classes, as well. These kids were all so sweet, and cute and really, there is an innocence that will be lost soon enough that I was appreciating. I am such a sap.

On the bad side of the school day, Bobby had gotten in trouble for biting a kid. It wasn’t what it sounds like. He and some other boy were playing monsters. Bobby maintains that it was an accident, and the other boy even seemed to not care much. But the bite was bad enough to warrant calling parents. Mrs. Fasheh was not too concerned, though. The package of supplies my mom had gotten both teachers may have bribed her enough to keep Bobby off the naughty list.

It was a mellow evening. The boys had some difficulty getting to sleep, especially Bobby. But they finally managed to sleep. I have a feeling come Sunday, those kids are going to sleep in until noon. LOL!

Tonight is date night, and I am so excited. When I get off work, I am heading home where we will pack up the kids and head over to my folks’ to drop their butts off. Tron starts at 4 in El Segundo. We have assigned seats, so this will be cool. Then we will head up to Universal afterwards to get up to the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club. We get to see Kevin Smith and Ralph! YAY! After that, we actually have some shopping to do. I need a couple more things for tomorrow. Hell, I need to wrap some things for tomorrow.

Ken has his tournament in the morning. I don’t know where it is, but I know he has to be there by 7:30. This means he will be up early. Unfortunetly, Target doesn’t open until 8 am. Although starting Sunday, they are open till midnight, which is cool. I will probably head over to my folks around 7.

We are making cookies, having a lunch, and then opening presents. Very exciting! I am sure my parents got the boys fun stuff. I figure we will head home late afternoon. It is supposed to rain, so it will be mellow movie time!

I get my bonus today. Woo hoo! It is one week of pay. Not bad! Hell, I am so excited we are doing well enough again to give a bonus.

Ok, I see some work coming in.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I actually had time for a small one today


24 years ago, Panda Dog was born. I miss that dog. She was so awesome. No offense to my current pups, but Panda Dog was something else.

It is going to be a busy next week. I am hoping I don’t get too stressed. I managed to set up an account this morning, and do some other things, so hopefully I did them right.

I need to do my packing list. Man, I have a lot to do. Thank goodness Sunday is wide open and I can gather everything and get it all ready to go.

Dax’s singing was wonderful. It was so cute to watch him get all in to it, and occasionally bust out a “Hi Mom!” from the stage. The kids were adorable. Then at the end of the last son, I watched Dax walk off the stage. I freaked, since I didn’t know what he was doing as no one else was leaving yet. I was thinking of telling him to go back, but thankfully I didn’t because he was going to the microphone where he then got to tell the room, “Thank you for coming to our Christmas Program.” YAY! My baby was chosen to have this responsibility. AWESOME!!

Bobby got his first report card. He did great! It is a 4 point scale, and she told us that she hardly ever gives 4’s. So when he got all 3’s, this was great! He got one 2, in arts, which we totally expected since he colors too fast. Thankfully lately he has been doing much better. He also got a handful of 4’s on things like resolving conflict and respecting the teachers. So this was a great thing. I am uber proud mommy.

My co-worker’s mom just passed away. She was 96. Thankfully it was quick, but the suddenness of it and it being so close to the holidays, man, what a sad day for her. My thoughts go out to Ichu and I wish her safe travels to the Philippines.

Interesting debate on whether or not professional athletes who do something horrid should and when or will they be forgiven in the public’s eyes. Case and point is Michael Vic. He is apparently playing really well, and is trying to make amends for his heinous crimes. They were then comparing him to I guess this one dude who killed a guy, and his crime is forgotten. It is all an interesting debate, but not one I will get into now, as I am crazy busy with my job. But still, it was an interesting topic on K&B.

Turns out, I do not care for setting up new accounts. But I am working with a smile because I figure the worst I do is fuck it up for a week. I mean, it is all stuff that is correctible. So I am not going to fret. YAY!

We have dubbed these two creepy neighbors a couple of blocks over, Tard and Shotgun. We have not seen Shotgun in a while. We are worried.

The boys like Rush and the Scorpions.

I am working on someone else’s paperwork for some extra cash. It seems wrong, but who am I to judge since I get the money.

Ken tells me this morning that there is a present I need to open tonight so that it doesn’t go bad as it apparently does come Friday. I think I am worried.

I am obsessed with Sing a ma Jigs.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010



I am in a foul mood, which is a shame since I get to go see Dax sing in a bit. I am sure that will cheer me greatly. I leave here at 8, then come back to work. I have a Christmas party and possible meeting to attend.

Yesterday was fun. We went to Disneyland as we are about to enter the month of blackout days with our passes. Plus, I needed to get a present for my mom. What we did not know when we got there is that they closed at 6 yesterday as it was the Disneyland cast members Christmas party. LOL! Actually, it worked out well, as it allowed us to not get sucked into staying too late.

We hit up Alice in Wonderland since Bobby requested we go on it. We rounded the first corner in the ride to be hit with an amusing, and super potent smell, of pot smoke. It was great as it was right where the caterpillar was chilling on his toadstool. We were quite amused.

We did the Small World Holiday ride and Storybook Village, both rides we don’t always do. It was fun, but there was a lot of people there. As we headed out, with a crying Dax in tow as he was pissed we were leaving without allowing him to fight Darth Vader in the Jedi Training Academy, already in progress as we passed it. He has become the king of tantrums lately. Thankfully, there is less head butting involved.

We went by Build A Bear as I had $15 in gift coupons I needed to use before the end of the year. I had Ken do the purchase while I ran interference. They had a small tiger and dinosaur that I wanted for the boys’ stockings. Bobby is obsessed with tigers these days, with Dax really gravitating towards dinosaurs. And free stocking stuffers! Woo hoo!

Our intent was to hit up Pick Up Stix for dinner in order to help out Sabrina’s school since it was fundraiser night. But silly me, I didn’t really read the flyer because I was just gung ho on helping out. We got to Pick Up Stix when it was discovered that we needed to be at the one in San Pedro, and have the flyer in hand. LOL! Oh well, maybe next time.

The boys ate when we got home, and we had told them it was bed right after because it was a little late. Dax wandered off from the table, and I had assumed he was in the bathroom. Next thing you know, I hear him yell out, “Mom, are you going to tuck me in?” Awesome! The kid put himself to bed!!

Holly Jolly Christmas was on the radio and where they say, “Oh by golly, Have a holly jolly Christmas” Bobby was sure they were singing Oh Bobby, have a holly jolly Christmas. He rules.

I am rocking the Santa socks and hat this morning. Does this make me spirited or crazy?

I need my own theme song.

I am seriously considering not work on Thursday. I think I could then go to Dax’s Christmas party, and then also go to Bobby’s performance. We will see how it goes. I may need to work my half day as planned. Besides, I get to work only till noon on the 22nd, and not go back for a week and a half!! YAY!!

Several times now, we have been at Disneyland and seen the pin trading business. We are thinking of doing this. Get the boys and us the little pin necklaces and start collecting. Could be fun for a family tradition. Some day we can pass these on. Sure, it is trivial, but I think the boys would get a kick out of it.

Amazon delivered my 3 packages last night. 1 is a present for Andy, and the other two are for Ken. I am excited since I really don’t think he knows what it is. Of course, he could just be saying that so that I am not bummed that I didn’t surprise him. I hope it is a surprise, and I hope he likes it.

There is a huge part of me that wishes I could have taken this year off. School year, I mean. I would have loved to have been a volunteer in the classrooms for the boys. I would have loved walking them to school along with picking them up. Plus, a year off would be heaven. I could organize the house and really get work done there. I really need to start playing the lottery. Despite my complaints, I do love my job, but I would give it up in a heart beat if I could. I would like the idea of being the mom at home, maybe taking time to work on the house, then write some epic novel. Ahhh…dreams.

Ok, time to get ready to head out. YAY!

Monday, December 13, 2010

getting back to normal


What a weekend!

After a crazy work week, it was nice to be busy with home stuff. On Friday I managed to get in some Christmas shopping, which was way good. I ordered some things on line, and then the boys, Ken and I headed out to various locations in search of presents. We got quite a few done. I still have to go out this week for a couple more for Bowlby Christmas on Saturday, but it shouldn’t be too hard.

Saturday morning was spent wrapping presents and getting the tree looking more Christmasy with them under it. The boys had each picked out a present for their brother the night before, which was very exciting. I liked how much they really were excited about what they got the other.

Saturday evening we went out to the Christmas lights in Torrance with my parents, my brother and his friends. It was a lot of fun. The lights there are always amazing, and the boys are getting to an age in which they really appreciate them more.

But boy, is that a lot of walking! LOL!

Sunday morning I went into work. It was actually pretty cool. The 3 hours I was working flew by, and I got a lot done. Plus, the man in charge of training called me to pick up donuts, so I felt all important. Of course, it meant that when I came in this morning that I had already done most of the morning work for today. LOL! But that’s ok, as now I get to work on stuff I have neglected the last week or so.

When I got home, we tried to force the boys to nap since we had been out past their bedtime both Friday and Saturday night. Plus, we were going to head down to Manhattan Beach to let them play in the snow. Yes, that’s right, snow! They got to ride a sled down a little run they had made, throw snowballs at Ken, and the highlight I think of their time was the free Sketchers bag they got. They are obsessed with Sketchers.

I am tired and not wanting to be here. I would like to go back to bed.

Tomorrow I am taking an early lunch to go watch Dax sing. Woo hoo! On Thursday I get to watch Bobby sing. I am a proud mommy this week.

Friday night I get date night. We have tickets to see Tron at 4 at the archlight. The boys will be staying the night at my parents’ house so we drop them off right before the movie, and then go do grown up stuff. My understanding is that there is booze at the archlight. I think perhaps I need a cocktail. Or I should just breakdown and buy a flask so I always have it on hand. LOL!

After movie magic, we have discussed going to dinner. Not sure if that will be Cozy’s, or just Taco Bell where we can go home and vege out, sans kids. Either way, it will be a nice evening.

Saturday, Ken has a tournament, so I will hang with the boys, my parents, Grammie and Matt at the house for Christmas with them since we are at the Compound for actual Christmas. We are making cookies and opening presents and having lots of merriment. I am jazzed.

Sigh. One of the screens I use is different due to the upgrade, and I have been explaining this for the past 2 weeks, and now, and only now, once it is all done, a fucktard in this dept gets all uppity about it. Sigh.

I should get some work done.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010



Despite my plan to revamp my blog and possibly do a little less in terms of posting overall, I did feel the need to write something this morning.

I want to apologize.

In the last couple weeks I have been a level of swamped at work that hasn’t happened in ages. Most of the time I have so much time I am bored. I can write, I can keep up on Wikipedia, I keep up with emails and catch up with folks I don’t seem much. I am on top of it all.

Then came the new system at work.

Don’t get me wrong. I am levels of flattered I have not felt at work in a while. I feel important, useful, awesome, smart, hard working, etc etc. I love it. Look, you know I am feeling good about a project when not only do I put in OT, but agree to work on a Sunday.

That being said, I didn’t factor in the other uber important task I was assigned at the same time.

One of my coworkers is going out of town for a few weeks. The only person they can have cover her desk in her absence is me. No joke. So this means, I had to take a crash course in her responsibilities and get access to the system with her authorizations. Needless to say, it wasn’t easy. It meant that my full time job was her desk.

Oh, yeah, and I still have my own job to cover.

So for the last week, for all of this week, and all of next week, I will be functioning as 3 people. Testing should come to an end mostly next week, but finding bugs or fielding questions on training the staff will take its place.

Another headache which I was just reminded of in the form of my boss doing his best impersonation of the boss from Office Space. He got some email from my super annoying customer that I didn’t respond to her email that I got an hour ago yet. FUCK HER. Fuck him, too, since he clearly doesn’t believe me in what I am doing. So this being said, I now have to drop other things to yell at this bitch. It is no wonder I have a headache.

So what I am trying to say is that if I don’t communicate as regularly as I used to, it isn’t from lack of love. It is because I have been going home at night and trying not to just drink myself into a stupor. Mind you, I still have home responsibilities when I get there, and truly my only stress free breaks have consisted of various Zynga games on Facebook and my nightly viewings of M*A*S*H. Yay!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Random Question

Does there need to be a god for people to have a soul? Can we have a soul if we don't believe in a god? Do you have a soul if you don't believe in souls?

Just questioning some things right now. Don't mind me. But if you have input, please fill me in!

Did you miss me?


What is this? Do my eyes deceive me? Why, it’s a blog!

I actually have another busy day in front of me. I have training on the desk I have to cover for a month. I also have to fix some issues that were jacked up do to some other process. On top of all of this, I am sleepy tired as I didn’t get to sleep until about midnight. It is time for a dose of caffeine.

There is some kind of strange dot of pain residing on my left hand. I of course attempted to dig it out with a needle, which I think may have only made it worse. It feels like a splinter, which would be odd being that I don’t know how I managed to get a splinter between bedtime and getting up this morning. All I do know is that as I type, it is not comfortable on that hand to rest on the wrist pillow.

My late night was due to an outing to the Disney Concert Hall where I went with Stephanie to the Messiah Sing a Long. It was great fun, despite knowing maybe only one song. Turns out, I don’t know how to read music. LOL! I actually did ok on some of the singing, but I got lost often. Not that it matter as it allowed me to people watch, which was way cool, too.

After the Messiah songs, we went over to a different hall in which a number of folks who stayed sang Christmas carols. Thank goodness they handed out lyrics to those, too! Although, I knew these songs, so singing them with lyrics in hand was not too hard. Yay!

There was a little commotion during the carols in which it almost sounded like some crazy dude was not allowed to sing with us. He was shouting from nearby, and we never found out what the deal was, but it made me smile.

The rest of the weekend was productive. The boys and I went with my parents to see Grammie on Saturday. And that evening along with Sunday morning, I managed to get some Christmas presents for the boys, even buying some in front of them and explaining they were for someone else. I don’t anticipate that lie working for much longer.

The week ahead of me looks busy. This Saturday, I am hoping to get the rest of my shopping done so that I don’t have to deal with it any further. On Sunday, I will be working for a couple of hours, which is actually cool as it is 4 hours of OT. Not too bad!

Dax has been out of sorts the last few days. He is more argumentative and pissy and prone to melt downs over small things. He has also been sneezing and congested, so I am hoping this is just a cold that is putting him on edge and not some phase we have to deal with for some time.

Ok, I am going to get my ass to work. Hopefully I will have time this week to write some more.